Joseph Perricone
Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature
Lowenstein 426
[email protected]
SPRING 2025 office hours: TBA
B.A., University of Connecticut-Storrs
Ph.D., University of Connecticut-Storrs -
Comparative Literature
Joseph Perricone writes and teaches about modern Italian poetry, narrative, theater, and film. He is the author of Vittorio Bodini: saggio critico (Schena, 1986). Most recently, he has edited Maria Cirignano's poetry collection, Schegge di vita (Tracce, 2008). His publications also include a translation of Grazia Deledda's novel La danza della collana (The Pearl Necklace, Epos International, 2007), book chapters on Ardengo Soffici and Vittorio Bodini for the Dictionary of Literary Biography (Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1993), and several articles which have appeared in Forum Italicum, Literature/Film Quarterly and Italian Poetry Review, among other journals. A member of the American Literary Translators Association, he is also associate editor of Journal of Italian Translation and a member of the Advisory Board of Italian Poetry Review.