Theology Scholarship Spotlights

Within the gifted and lively community of inquiry that is Fordham Theology, we are proud to include faculty with a rich diversity of academic interests and expertises. This page introduces some of the scholarship of our faculty members, and highlights the questions that they are most excited about today.

Scholarship Spotlight -- Dr. Rufus Burnett

Professor Burnett's research interests include Liberation Theologies, Decolonial Theologies, the theory of coloniality, Sound Studies, the Blues, and African American Studies. His current research projects explore the sonic and spatial dimensions of theological reflection. Burnett is particularly interested in how the Blues, hip-hop, spirituals, gospel, and jazz reimagine, God's self-disclosure in history, and the implications that these reimagined perspectives have for life and living in ecclesial, political, and social spaces. To read Dr. Burnett's full bio, click here.

Scholarship Spotlight -- Dr. Sarah Eltantawi

Dr. Eltantawi's research focuses on Contemporary Islam, Islamic law, gender, political Islam, Egypt and MENA region, West Africa, interplay of theology and politics, religion and individual subjectivity/psychology of religion. She is currently at work on two projects: one that examines the political theology of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and another, a book of essays that looks at several issues in Contemporary Islam, especially in the United States, most of which concentrate on problems attending the question of Islamic reform.To read Dr. Eltantawi's full bio, click here.

Scholarship Spotlight -- Dr. Leo Guardado

Prof. Leo Guardado research is focused on providing a theological and an embodied ecclesial response to the transnational mechanisms of violence that continue to displace persons from Latin America to the US, and which persecute such persons within this country's boundaries. Informed by Liberation Theology, the lived experience of Latina/o communities, and Gandhian nonviolence, he is interested in continuing to reconcile the socially-transformative wisdom of these traditions. To read Dr. Guardado's full bio, click here.

Scholarship Spotlight - Dr. Cristina Traina

Professor Traina’s research focuses on critical and constructive Christian feminist ethics, with a specialty in Catholic ethics.  Areas of special expertise include sexuality, ethics of relationship, methodological questions, and moral agency, in particular children’s moral agency.  She has additional interests in bioethics, migration, intersectionality, and economic and political justice. To read Dr. Traina's full bio, click here.