CJEC Opportunities for Student Involvement

Launched in 2019, the CJEC has a dual mandate: judicial engagement and clerkship support. Its creation represents the law school’s increased commitment to strengthening our relationship with the judiciary. Through innovative partnerships, programs and events the CJEC seeks to build bridges between our students, faculty, clerks and judges to provide for meaningful opportunities to learn from one another. Equally central to the mission is developing a space to foster community and build engagement among our cohort of alumni clerks, judges and students to promote a clerkship-oriented culture. The CJEC benefits from the involvement of a Judicial Advisory Council, Alumni Clerk Advisory Council, a Student Peer Council and our colleagues on the Faculty Clerkship Committee.

Career Support

The CJEC, working with members of the Faculty Clerkship Committee, provides unparalleled support to students and alumni who choose to pursue post-graduate judicial clerkships at the federal and state levels. Our alumni clerk cohort continues to benefit from enhanced post-clerkship career support.

Opportunities for Student Involvement

Fordham Law students can participate in public lectures, roundtable discussions, and clerkship-focused events organized and sponsored by the CJEC. Our Jurist in Residence, Courts in Residence and View from Chambers events invite members of the judiciary to engage directly with students to educate them on substantive areas of the law, co-teach classes and provide insight into types of courts/judges and their role in the judicial system. The CJEC welcomes inquiries from, and collaboration with, other law school centers and student organizations that are interested in presenting programs on topics relating to the judiciary and/or welcoming judges to the school. Beginning with the 2020-2021 academic year, the CJEC created a Peer Council composed of 3LD/4LE students who worked closely with the Center to secure their clerkships.


[email protected]; James J. Brudney (Joseph Crowley Chair in Labor and Employment Law & CJEC Faculty Director); Suzanne M. Endrizzi ’96 (Assistant Dean, CJEC)