Residential Life Working Group


  • Update and Re-Launch Procedure for Move-Out, Boxing, Shipping, and Storage of Belongings in Residence Halls

  • Develop Projections and Housing Scenarios that Reduce Housing Density, including Triples in first-year halls appropriate to the changing level of emergency

  • Develop an array of prudent new health and wellness-related policies, procedures, programs, and public health campaigns for residential communities flexible and appropriate to the changing level of emergency

  • Update policies and procedures in preparation for possible increase in medical/disability-related accommodation requests

  • Other identified issues


Alex Fischer (Residential Life RH)
Jenifer Campbell (Residential Life LC)

John McDonagh (Facilities)
Ed Palermo (Facilities)
Tyler Martins (Residential Life LC)
Robert Fitzer (Public Safety)

Michael Baur (FAC)

Steering Committee Oversight

Jeffrey Gray, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs