Sanctions for Violations of Academic Integrity

If a student is found in violation of academic integrity standards while an undergraduate at Fordham University, the following sanctions shall be imposed:

A. First Offense

i. The student shall receive an F on the assignment/examination. The student may in addition receive an F in the course at the discretion of the instructor. In the event that the student receives an F in the course and subsequently elects to withdraw from the course prior to the withdrawal deadline, the student shall receive the grade of WF, a grade that is equivalent to an earned F in the cumulative quality point index.

ii. The case shall be documented in the student’s file, where it will remain until the time of the student’s graduation from the college, at which time the material will be removed from their file. Any records kept for the purpose of analysis and program evaluation by the AIC and not destroyed will have all personal identifying information removed.

B. Second Offense

i. The student shall receive an F for the course and shall be subject to suspension or expulsion from the college, at the discretion of the dean. In the event that the student receives an F in the course and subsequently elects to withdraw from the course prior to the withdrawal deadline, the student shall receive the grade of WF, a grade that is equivalent to an earned F in the cumulative quality point index. If the student is expelled, the notation—Withdrawn by the University—will appear on their transcript.

ii. The case shall be documented in the student’s file, where it will remain until the time of the student’s graduation from the college, at which time the material will be removed from their file. Any records kept for the purpose of analysis and program evaluation by the AIC and not destroyed will have all personal identifying information removed.

C. Third Offense

If a student is found guilty of a third violation of academic integrity, the student will receive an F for the course and will be expelled from the University, at the discretion of the dean. In the event that the student receives an F in the course and subsequently elects to withdraw from the course prior to the withdrawal deadline, the student shall receive the grade of WF, a grade that is equivalent to an earned F in the cumulative quality point index. If the student is expelled, the notation—Withdrawn by the University—will appear on their transcript.