The Academic Integrity Committee

To foster a trusting environment that is essential for learning, it is the responsibility of both students and faculty to maintain and to promote the intellectual community. To ensure that all members of that community are represented in the process, a committee comprised of three faculty members, three students, and one academic administrator will be established for each college. This committee will oversee the procedures and appeals associated with courses taught in that college.

The responsibilities of the Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) are as follows:

a. to record and verify receipt of Violation Reports signed by the instructor and student;

b. to further investigate the incident if the student challenges the decision of the instructor, and schedule a case review;

c. to report the violation to the appropriate dean(s);

d. to provide annual reports of the academic integrity violations and final sanctions to the dean of the college;

d. to review periodically the functioning of the committee, including Standards of Academic Integrity and Procedures and Appeals, to determine if changes are needed. This oversight review shall be communicated to the dean of the college;

e. to work with relevant student groups to develop workshops to promote and maintain academic integrity.

The dean of the college/school will solicit nominations for membership, including faculty and students. The committee will be chaired by one member selected by the dean of the college/school from among the faculty and administrator members. Agreement to serve on the committee is a serious commitment. Faculty members will serve a term of three years, and student members will serve a term of two years with an initial staggering of terms to ensure continuity. The chair of the committee will serve in that capacity for a one-year period with the possibility of yearly renewal.   The committee membership is posted on the University web site in the section on Academic Integrity Policy.

Case Reviews
Case reviews are to be conducted by a quorum comprised of the AIC chair, two (additional) members of the faculty/administrator group, and two student members. The chair will verify members’ attendance. A member of the AIC may be excused from a particular case review when a conflict of interest is disclosed to the chair. In the event that an academic integrity violation is filed against a senior just prior to graduation and the student challenges the instructor’s claim, the chair of the AIC is empowered to convene an emergency ad hoc committee during senior week. This ad hoc committee will consist of two faculty and two students. Initially the AIC membership will be contacted, but if they are not available, then any faculty member and any student in the college may be asked to participate to ensure that two faculty and two students are present. The ad hoc members will be asked to sign the confidentiality statement.

Faculty, administrators, and students engaged in academic integrity procedures involving academic integrity violations shall treat as confidential all information disclosed during such procedures, as well as the fact of occurrence of the case review. Persons nominated to the Academic Integrity Committee as members will be permitted to serve only after they sign a nondisclosure agreement that limits the discussion of cases to committee members and the college deans on a need-toknow- basis only.