HIV and Drug Abuse Research Ethics Presentations
Trainees' Mentored Research Project (MRP) Presentations on HIV and Drug Abuse Research Ethics
Abadie, R. (September 14, 2017). “Establishing and Maintaining Trust in Research Among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).” BSA Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference. York, UK.
Abadie, R. (February 7, 2017). “The Role of the Broker in Mixed Methods Collaboration: The Case of Social Networks and Risk Practices among PWID in Rural Puerto Rico.” Third International Symposium in Qualitative Health Research. University College London.
Basta, T. (2015). Applying the health belief model to understand college students' intention to vaccinate against the seasonal influenza: Opportunities for health promotion. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Basta, T. (2013, November). Factors influencing HIV testing among individuals living in rural Appalachia. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Basta, T. & Stambaugh, T. (2013). Resulting of an intervention to increase HIV testing in Athens County, Ohio. Presented at the annual Health Educator’s Institute at Salk Fork Lodge, Ohio.
Bonar EE, Cunningham RM, Davis AK, Fernandez AC, Goldstick JE, Ilgen MA, & Walton MA. (06/2017). Blackouts among risky drinking adolescents: Associations with sexual assault, peer influences, and substance use. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.
Bonar EE, Cunningham RM, Arterberry BJ, Davis AK, Collins RL, Blow FC, & Walton MA. (03/2017). Motivations for drugged driving among urban emerging adults. Poster presented at the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Bonar, E. (2015, November). Emerging Adults’ Risk-Benefit Experiences with Using mHealth Technologies for Research on Drug Use and Sexual Behaviors. Presented in panel entitled “Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of Adolescent Health Research through Empirical Studies on Research Ethics.” PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Broaddus, M (2015). “She makes me feel that I'm not alone”: Linkage to Care Specialists provide social support to people living with HIV. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Broaddus, M. (2015, April). Linkage to Care Specialists: Lessons learned during implementation of an intensive patient navigation program in Wisconsin, Paper Presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Broaddus, M. (2015). African American women's risky sexual behavior within main and non-main partnerships: Individual and partnership characteristics. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting. Chicago, IL.
Broaddus, M. & Marsch L. (2014, December). Comparing risks and benefits of mobile phone text message-delivered and small group-delivered sexual health interventions among African American young women in the Midwestern U.S. Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) Conference, Special Session “Enhancing Protections for Vulnerable Populations through Research on Research Ethics” (Empirical Research Ethics Track), Oral symposium.
Broaddus, M. (2014, April). Perceived risks and benefits of participating in text message-based sexual health interventions. Poster presented at the national conference of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
Broaddus, M., & Marsch, L. (2013, March). Young African-American women’s perceptions of the risks and benefits of participating in a text message-delivered sexual communication intervention. Paper presented at the national conference of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Brown, B. (2016) Examining Participant Perspectives on Social andStructural Constraints on Research Involving Vulnerable Populations. Annual meeting Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, November 14, Boston.
Brown, B. (2015). Stigma of having a sexually transmitted infection: Perceptions of human papillomavirus infection and the needs for counseling. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting. Chicago, IL.
Brown, B. (2015). Evaluation of Fotonovela to Increase Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Hispanic Community, Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting. Chicago, IL.
Brown, B. (2014, November). Peruvian FSW Perspectives on Ethics-Relevant Experiences of Participating in an HPV Vaccine Clinical Trial. Paper to be presented at American Public Health Association’s annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Brown, B. (2013, November). On the job student training in human subjects research. Poster presented at PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research conference, Boston, MA.
Cain, D., Rendina, H. J., Gurung, S., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, April). Pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among transgender women in New York City. Paper presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL.
Cunto- Amesty, S., Fuller-Lewis, C., & Rudolph, A. Impact of an educational video on knowledge of non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among a high-risk New York City. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cunto-Amesty, S., Fuller-Lewis, C., & Rudolph, A. Impact of a pharmacy-based intervention to increase access to use non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among a marginalized population in New York City: The iPEP care study. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting. Chicago, IL.
Curtis, B. (December 7, 2017)/ “The Use of Mobile Communication Technologies & Social Media in The Treatment Of Substance Use Disorders.” Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Philadelphia, PA.
Curtis, B. (October 17, 2017). “Studying Addiction: Using Social Media As a Tool.” Division on Substance Use Disorders, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, MD.
Curtis, B. (August 17, 2017). “Predicting AOD Use and Treatment Outcomes from Social Media Language.” Division on Substance Use Disorders, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY.
Curtis, B. (July 18, 2017). “Ethical Opportunities and Challenges Using Digital Media for HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research.” HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute, New York, NY.
Curtis, B. (April 28, 2017). “Use of Mobile Apps in Substance Use and HIV Research.” Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB) Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada.
Curtis, B. (April 17, 2017). “Digital Platforms in Substance Use Research.” 2017 Behavioral Health Solutions Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.
Curtis, B., & Rudolph, A. (November 2015). The Internet and the IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Issues in Technology-Based Research. Presented at the PRIM&R Conference, Boston, MA.
Curtis, B. & Rudolph, A. (2015). The Internet and the IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Issues in Technology-Based Research. Presented at the PRIM&R Conference, Boston, MA.
Curtis, B. (November 2015) Recruitment and Consent Challenges and Opportunities in Internet Research. Presented at the PRIM&R Conference, Boston, MA.
Curtis, B. (2014, September). Using Marketing Techniques to Recruit and Retain Research Participants. Center for Study of Addiction Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania, PA.
Curtis, B. (2014, October). Online Recruiting for HIV and Substance Use Research: Emerging Considerations for IRBs. Research Ethics in the 2.0 Era Symposium, University of Pittsburgh, PA.
Curtis, B. (2014, December). Recruitment and Consent Challenges and Opportunities in Internet Research. PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Curtis, B. (2014, December). The Internet and the IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Issues in Facebook, Twitter, mTurk, and Survey Tools. PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research Conference, Baltimore, MD
Curtis, B. (2013, November). Conducting a workshop using data obtained from this research project. Poster presented at PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research conference, Boston, MA.
Curtis, B. (2013, November). Ethical Challenges for Evaluating Research Using Internet-Based Social Media. Poster presented at PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research conference, Boston, MA.
Davidson, P. (2014, July). Disjuncts in understanding: An exploration of differences in the ways drug users, researchers, and federal code understand research participation. International AIDS Conference, Melbourne Australia.
Davidson, P. J. (2012, November). Differences between the ways researchers and people who inject drugs think about research participation, and the ethical consequences of these differences. Paper presented at the National Harm Reduction conference, Portland, OR.
Davis AK, Bonar EE, Goldstick JE, Walton MA, Winters J, & Chermack ST. (06/2017). Binge drinking and non-partner violence are associated with gambling among veterans with recent substance use in VA outpatient treatment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.
Fisher, C. B., Bonar, A., & Fletcher, F. (November 2015). Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research through Empirical Studies on Research Ethics. Presented at the PRIM&R Conference, Boston, MA.
Fletcher, F. (2015, November). Perceptions of Barriers and Benefits to Adolescent Participation in Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinical Trials among African American Women and Their Adolescent Daughters. Presented in panel entitled “Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of Adolescent Health Research through Empirical Studies on Research Ethics.” PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Fletcher, F. (2015). Is There An App For That?: Understanding Cancer Communication Preferences Among Men Living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Fletcher, F. (2015). HIV Comes First: Perspectives on Cancer Screening Utilization among Men Living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Fuller-Lewis, C.M., & Rudolph, A. (2015). Drug use discrimination predicts formation of high-risk social ties. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Goldenberg, S. (November 29, 2017). “Health Inequities among Marginalized Women: Intersecting Contexts of Substance Use, Sex Work, and Structural Inequities”. Cultural Perceptions about Health and Disease (FPM 270), University of California, San Diego, CA.
Goldenberg, S. (October 10, 2017). “Assessing Substance Use and Related Health and Social Inequities among Marginalized Women”. Global Approaches to Substance Use Prevention and Treatment (SW 801), San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.
Goldenberg, S. (April 26, 2017). “Migration-related Determinants of HIV and Sexual Health among Marginalized Women: Barriers, Challenges and Implications for Health Service Delivery.” Invited Speaker, Women’s Health Research Day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Goldenberg, S., Mindt, M. R., Jiminenz, R., Brouwer, K., Miranda S. M. & Fisher, C. B. (2014, December). Structural and Interpersonal Benefits and Risks of Participation in HIV Research: Perspectives of Female Sex Workers in Guatemala. Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) Conference, Special Session “Enhancing Protections for Vulnerable Populations through Research on Research Ethics” (Empirical Research Ethics Track), Oral symposium, Baltimore, MD.
Goldenberg, S., Rocha Jimenez T. (2014, May). Community Workshop on Ethics in HIV Research with Sex Workers: Definitions, Perceived Risks and Benefits, and Recommendations for Researchers.” Asociacion para la educación para la vida (EDUCAVIDA), Tecun Uman, Guatemala.
Goldenberg, S. (2014, January). La perspectiva de las trabajadoras sexuales sobre la participación en estudios de investigación sobre VIH: Evidencia empírica para informar futuros estudios de investigación. [Female sex workers’ perspectives on participation in HIV-related research: Empirical evidence to inform future research]. Asociacion para la educación para la vida (EDUCAVIDA), Tecun Uman, Guatemala.
Goldenberg, S. (2014, January). La perspectiva de las trabajadoras sexuales sobre la participación en estudios de investigación sobre VIH: Evidencia empírica para informar futuros estudios de investigación. [Female sex workers’ perspectives on participation in HIV-related research: Empirical evidence to inform future research]. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Grov, C., Kelvin, E., Patel, V., Anastos, K., Rendina, H. J., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, Nov). Biomed Matching: Combining HIV serosorting with biomedical prevention strategies (PrEP, TasP), but are MSM actually doing it? Results from a U.S. national survey. Poster to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA.
Grov, C., Rendina, H. J., John, S., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, June). Determining the roles that illicit drugs, marijuana, and heavy drinking play in PrEP medication adherence among gay and bisexual men: Implications for treatment. Paper presented at the Annual Adherence Conference of the International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, Miami, FL.
Guadamuz, TE. (2015). Ethical considerations of adolescents engaging in sexuality-themed research in Vietnam: Perceptions of parents with teenage children. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Guadamuz TE, Goldsamt LA, Boonmongkon P. (2014, November). Consent challenges for minors participation in HIV and related risk research in Thailand. American Public Health Association 142th Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA.
Gunn, A. (2017, July). Intra-group Stigma: Examining Peer Relationships Among Women in Recovery. Oral presentation given during the Prisoner Release II: Health and Prisoner Reentry Panel at the XXXVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health Conference in Prague Czech Republic.
Gunn, A. (2017, January). Multiple Sources of Stigmatization in the Lives of Immigrant Young Adults from the Former Soviet Union with Opioid Use Problems. Poster presentation given at the Society for Social Work Research. New Orleans, LA.
Hettema, J. E., Russo, J. M., & Fisher, C. B. (2013, November). Disparities in prescribing behavior towards injection drug users living with HIV. Oral presentation as part of the symposium titled Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of HIV Treatment and Prevention in Community Contexts. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Hettema, J. E., Russo, J. M., & Fisher, C. B. (2013, August). Disparities in prescribing behavior towards injection drug users. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association annual convention, Honolulu, HI.
Hettema, J. E., Russo, J., Fisher, C. B., & Cockrell, S. (2013, April). Disparities in prescribing behavior towards injection drug users living with HIV. Poster presented at the New Mexico Public Health Association Disparity to Equity conference. Albuquerque, NM
John, S. A., Cain, D., Rendina, H. J., Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, Nov). Experiences of gay and bisexual men using at-home HIV and bacterial STI (rectal and urethral) self-testing kits. Paper to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA.
John, S.A., Parsons, J. T., Rendina, H. J., & Grov, C. (2017, Nov). Club drug use as an indicator of higher risk for bacterial sexually transmitted infections among gay and bisexual men using preexposure prophylaxis. Poster to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA.
John, S., Rendina, H. J., Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, June). Home-based PrEP services for gay and bisexual men: An opportunity to address structural barriers to PrEP uptake and persistence. Poster presented at the Annual Adherence Conference of the International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, Miami, FL.
John, S., Whitfield, T. H. F., Rendina, H. J., Parsons, J. T., & Grov, C. (2017, June). Preferences for and concerns about using long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay and bisexual men. Paper presented at the Annual Adherence Conference of the International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, Miami, FL
John, S. A., Starks, T. J., Rendina, H. J., Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, April). Should I convince my partner to go on pre-exposure prophylaxis? The role of personal and relationship factors on PrEP-related social control among gay and bisexual men. Paper presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL.
Kostick, K. (2013, March). Participant and Staff Experiences in a Peer-Delivered HIV Intervention with Injection Drug Users. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting, Denver, CO.
Madhivanan, P. (2015). Effect of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy on Risky Sexual Behaviors Among HIV Positive Individuals: A Systematic Review. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Madhivanan, P., Krupp, K., Shaheen, R., Suvarna, H. C., Philpott, S. & Fisher, C. B. (2012, December). Ethical issues in the delivery of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV interventions in Mysore, South India. Paper presented at the Fourth National Bioethics conference, Hyderabad, India.
Madhivanan, P., Krupp, K., Philpott, S. & Fisher, C. B. (2012, November). Ethical Implications of Policy Change for HIV testing among pregnant women in Public Hospitals in India. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Millar, B. M., Parsons, J. T., & Rendina, H. J. (2017, March). Sleep health and HIV: Day-level associations with negative affect, emotion dysregulation, and cortisol in HIV-positive gay and bisexual men. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Seville, Spain.
Millar, B. M., Parsons, J. T., & Rendina, H. J. (2017, March). Sleep quality influences next-day affect and emotion regulation: A daily diary study of HIV-positive gay and bisexual men. Paper submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.
Moody, R. L., Parsons, J. T., & Rendina, H. J. (2017, April). Emotion dysregulation mediates the association between HIV-related stress and drug-related problems among HIV-positive gay and bisexual men. Paper presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL.
Okuyan, M. & Overstreet, N.M. (June 2017). Intersectionality and research ethics: Voices of HIV + African American women. Talk to be presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Albuquerque, NM.
Overstreet, N., & Fisher, C.B. (2015, December). HIV stigma and study experience predict HIV-positive African American women’s reactions to HIV research. National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Pearson, C., (November 2015). It Takes a Village: Community Members as Research Partners in Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR)
Pearson, C. (2015). Psychological wellbeing in the face of adversity among American Indians: Preliminary Evidence of a New Health Paradox? Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Pearson, C. (2015). Virtual worlds: Reducing HIV transmission and acquisition for Young American Indian and Alaska Native Male-Bodied MSM. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Pearson, C. R. (2013, November). Enhancing the Responsible Conduct of HIV Prevention Research across Culturally and Globally Diverse Populations. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Pearson, C. R. & Parker, M. (2013, November). Are the CITI Certification Modules Adequate to Ensure Human Subjects Protections in Community Based Participatory Research? A Case Example from Indian Country. Paper presented at PRIM&R’s Advancing Ethical Research conference, Boston, MA.
Pearson, C.R. (2013, October). Partnering with Communities: Implication for Responsible Conduct in HIV/AIDS Research. (BH 460 Reflections on Responsibility, Research, & Society).
Pearson, C.R., (2012, July). Research Ethics in HIV Prevention: Indigenous HIV Summer Research Institute. International AIDS Conference Preconference, Washington DC.
Reed, E., Salazar, M., Silverman, J.G., Behar, A., Rusch, M.L., Agah, N., & Raj, A. (September 2017). Electronic Sexual Coercion: Prevalence and Association with Substance Use, STI, and Poor Mental Health Outcomes among Adolescent Girls in San Diego. Sexual Violence Research Initiative Conference. Rio, Brazil.
Reed, E., Khoshnood, K., Blankenship, K., & Fisher, C.B. (2013, November). Confidentiality, Privacy, & Respect: Perspectives of Female Sex Workers Participating in HIV Prevention Research in Andhra Pradesh, India. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Reed, E. (2013, November). Confidentiality, Privacy, & Respect: Perspectives of Female Sex Workers Participating in HIV Prevention Research in Andhra Pradesh, India. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Reed, E. (2013, September). Informed Consent and Motivations to Participate in HIV Research among Female Sex Workers in Andhra Pradesh, India: The Myth of Voluntariness. Paper presented at the Northeastern University’s Frontiers of Informed Consent Third Annual Workshop in Applied Ethics, Boston, MA.
Reed, E., Khoshnood, K., Blankenship, K., & Fisher, C.B. (2012, July). Perceptions of HIV Prevention Research Participation among Women Working as Sex Workers in Andhra Pradesh, India. Nineteenth International AIDS conference, Washington, DC.
Rendina, H. J., Millar, B. M., Gurung, S., Starks, T. J., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, June). Psychosocial wellbeing and immune health among HIV-positive older adults: Further evidence for the critical influence of HIV stigma. Poster presented at the Annual Adherence Conference of the International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, Miami, FL.
Rendina, H. J., Millar, B. M., Gurung, S., Starks, T. J., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, March). Psychosocial wellbeing and immune health among HIV-positive older adults: The critical role of HIV stigma. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Seville, Spain.
Rendina, H. J., Gurung, S., Mirzayi, C., Lopez Matos, J., Keeler, D., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, March). The critical influence of daily experiences of internalized HIV stigma on substance use among HIVpositive gay and bisexual men. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.
Roth, A. (2015). Innovations C: Innovations in Subject Perspectives: Risks, Benefits, and Incidental Findings: Persons Who Inject Drugs’ Perspectives on the Risks and Benefits of Participation in a Mobile Health (mHealth) Study of Polydrug Use. Presented at the PRIM&R Conference, Boston, MA.
Roth, A. (November 2015). Poster Presentation: Persons Who Inject Drugs’ Perspectives on the Risks and Benefits of Participation in a Mobile Health (mHealth) Study of Polydrug Use. Presented at the PRIM&R Conference, Boston, MA.
Rudolph AE, Young AM, Havens J. (2017) A rural/urban comparison of privacy and confidentiality concerns associated with providing sensitive location information in epidemiologic research involving persons who use drugs. [Abstract: 9887; Poster Presentation] GEOMED 2017 – International Conference on Spatial Statistics, Spatial Epidemiology & Spatial Aspects of Public Health, Porto, Portugal.
Rudolph AE, Young AM, Havens J. (2017) Rationale for a network-based overdose prevention program in rural Appalachia. [Abstract: XXX; Oral Presentation] ARS’17 workshop, Naples, Italy.
Rudolph, A. (2015, November). The Internet and the IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Issues in Technology-Based Research (Innovations Track). PRIM&R’s Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research Conference, Boston, MA.
Sachdev, D. (2014, October). Bioethical and Biostatistical Considerations of Innovative HIV Prevention Trial Designs. HIV Research for Prevention 2014: AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-based Prevention Science, Cape Town, South Africa.
Simmons, J., & Urada (2015). Pilot testing of a Human Rights-Focused HIV Intervention for Sex Workers in Manila, Philippines. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Talukdar, A. (2015). Prevalence of peripheral arterial disease among anti-retroviral therapy naïve HIV positive people in India. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Talukdar, A. Fisher, C.B., Goldsamt, L., Ghosh, P., & Roy, K. (2016). Assessment of the voluntariness of consent for HIV clinical trials among women in India. APHA 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo Oct. 29 - Nov. 2 Denver.
Talukdar, A. Fisher, C.B., Goldsamt, L. & Ghosh, P. (2016). Adaptation and validation of voluntariness to consent for research tool in Bengali Language. Denver, APHA 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, Denver.
Tzilos Wernette G, Bonar EE, Blow FC, & Walton MA. (08/2017). Psychosocial correlates of marijuana use among pregnant and non-pregnant adolescent girls. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Underhill, K. (2015) Putting PrEP into practice: PrEP providers' first-hand experiences, challenges, and solutions. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Underhill K, Boegeman S, Fisher C (2014, December). Righting Research Wrongs: How U.S. IRBs Respond to Participant Complaints, Concerns, and Injuries. PRIM&R Advancing Ethical Research Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Underhill, K. Preventing HIV among juveniles with criminal justice involvement: Evidence from randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Urada, L.A. (2017). Sex trade, violence, and vulnerability of persons living with or at risk for HIV in the US and US-Mexico border region. SASH lecture, SDSU Center for Research on Sexuality and Sexual Health, Institute for Behavioral and Community Health.
Urada, L.A. (2017). Community mobilization of women and men involved in the sex trade, human trafficking, and affected by HIV/AIDS, substance use, and violence. Presentation to Doctors of the World, Madrid, Spain.
Urada, L.A. (2017). Sex trade, violence, & vulnerability of persons living with HIV in the U.S. & their service utilization. HEAL, Boston.
Urada, L.A. (2017). Sex trade, violence, & vulnerability of persons living with HIV in the U.S. & their service utilization. HT-RADAR 2017 Human Trafficking Research Conference, San Diego.
Urada, L. (2016) Examining Participant Perspectives on Social and Structural Constraints on Research Involving Vulnerable Populations. Annual meeting Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, November 14, Boston.
Urada, L. A. (2013, February). Disempowerment and engagement: Sex workers and female bar/spa workers in the Philippines. Paper presented at the University of California Global Health Institute’s Global Health Day, Riverside, CA.
Urada, L. A. & Simmons, J. (2013, November). Social and structural constraints on disclosure and informed consent with female sex workers and their managers in the Philippines. Paper presented at the 141st American Public Health Association annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Whitfield, T. H. F., Cain, D., Rendina, H. J., Gurung, S., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, June). Transgender Women and Engagement in the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Continuum. Poster presented at the Annual Adherence Conference of the International Association of Providers in AIDS Care, Miami, FL
Whitfield, T. H. F., John, S. A., Rendina, H. J., Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, April). Why I quit PrEP? A mixed-method study exploring reasons for PrEP discontinuation and potential re-initiation among a sample of gay and bisexual men. Paper presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL.
Whitfield, T. H. F., Millar, B. M., Rendina, H. J., Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, March). To take or not take PrEP: Gay and bisexual men who meet eligibility criteria but don’t view themselves as candidates. Poster to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.
Whitfield, T. H. F., Rendina, H. J., Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2017, March). Sexual satisfaction, anxiety, and esteem while prescribed pre-exposure prophlyaxis (PrEP) among a large U.S. national sample of gay and bisexual men. Poster to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA.
Yamanis, N. (2017). District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research, Washington, DC, January, “Social and Structural Factors Associated with HIV‐Related Behavior among Black and Latino Young MSM in DC.
Yamanis, N. (2017). National Centers for AIDS Research Adelante exit meeting, San Francisco, October, “A pilot legal intervention to increase HIV service use among immigrant Latino MSM.”
Yamanis, N. (2017). “Structural network position and performance of popular opinion health leaders within an HIV prevention trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania", oral presentation at the Sunbelt conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Beijing, (co-author).
Yamanis, N. (2017). “Engaging transgender women of color in HIV prevention: findings from mixed methods community-based research”, oral poster presentation at the 2017 International AIDS Society meeting, Paris, July (co-author).
Yamanis, N. (2017). “Fear of deportation as a risk factor for HIV among young Latino MSM immigrants to the United States”, poster presentation at the 2017 International AIDS Society meeting satellite session on “Emerging International Leaders in Global HIV/AIDS research”, Paris, (presenter and first author).
Yamanis, N. (2017). “HIV prevalence and acceptability of biomedical prevention interventions among transgender women of color (TWOC) in Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC", oral presentation at the 2017 American Public Health Association meeting, Atlanta, (co-author).
Yamanis, N. (2017). "A qualitative explanation of social network influence on men's HIV testing behavior in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: implications for increasing HIV testing and promoting HIV self-testing among men”, poster presentation at the 19th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2017), (co-author).
Yamanis, N. (2017). “Longitudinal assessment of factors that can promote couples’ HIV testing and counseling among men in Tanzania”, poster presentation at the 19th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2017), (co-author).
Yamanis, N. (2015). Feasibility of recruiting peer health leaders for an HIV and gender-based violence prevention intervention with networks of young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Yamanis, N (2015). Implementation of a microfinance program for networks of young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Yamanis, N. (2015). Using systematic monitoring to respond to implementation challenges during a microfinance and health intervention with young men in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Yamanis, N. (2015) Social networks influence on HIV testing among young men in Tanzania. Paper presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association meeting, Chicago, IL.
Young AM, Rudolph AE, Havens J. (2017) Assessing recall bias in network ties reported by people who use drugs. [Abstract: XXX; Oral Presentation] ARS’17 workshop, Naples, Italy.