Kristopher Venezia

Executive Producer

Kris is a native of Phoenix, Arizona, now living in Brooklyn, New York. He attended college at Fordham University at the Rose Hill campus from 2011 - 2015.

Kris works as a financial advisor for a boutique firm, Eckman Wealth Management. He manages clients’ portfolios, crafts strategic plans, and assists in meeting desired financial goals.

Before working as an advisor, Kris spent several years in radio. He wore a variety of hats while working at WNYC, iHeartMedia, CBS Sports Radio, and ABC News Radio. The audio bug has stayed with Kris, and when not presenting cash flow charts to clients, he produces the Humanitarian Fault Lines podcast from Fordham University’s Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs.

In his spare time, Kris enjoys watching sports, golfing, and bar trivia. Since he’s from Phoenix, he roots for the Arizona professional teams, but at the college level, he’s a supporter of the Fordham Rams. The highlight of his bar trivia career (so far) is finishing second to Jeopardy! superstar Mattea Roach at Commonwealth trivia in Park Slope.

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