Summer Session at GRE

Summer 2024 at GRE will feature on-campus one-week intensive classes and two 8-week online sessions. Registration opens in April for courses that begin in May, June, or July. Financial aid and scholarships are available for Summer. Follow us on social media for regular updates.
Registration begins April 22nd
To register for a summer course as a non-GRE student contact GRE Admissions at [email protected]
On-Campus Course Offerings
June Intensives
Pastoral Counseling Skills
PCGR 6440 / CRN:
Kirk Bingaman
June 10-14 Monday-Friday
10 am - 4:30 pm
This course provides an introduction to the basic skills of effective helping. A focus on presence, empathy, compassion, and self-awareness forms the foundation for learning specific skills directed toward fostering exploration, insight, and action in the helping relationship. The course includes both discussion and small-group live practice, and is suitable for any student who works closely with people in a helping capacity.
Faith and Community: Catechesis in the Real World
REGR 6688
Dr. Valerie Torres
June 17-21 M-F
10:00AM-4:30 PM
This course will engage with local and global communities to help students critically reflect, analyze and articulate how to embody catechesis in diverse faith communities today. We will study what helps and hinders religious development within faith communities, and the ways that church and society can help foster growth. Our learning will be experientially based in faith communities' use of the pastoral circle (immersion, social analysis, theological reflection and pastoral planning). Through this process, the course will encourage expanding and deepening our roles as religious educators in practical ways.
History of the Jesuits
RLGR 6872 / CRN:
Colt Anderson
June 24-28 Monday-Friday
10 am - 4:30 pm
This course offers an intensive look at the founding and progress of the society of Jesus. Starting with the founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola the course will progress through key documents and missionary activity up to the 21st century.
This course offers an intensive look at the founding and progress of the society of Jesus. Starting with the founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola, the course will progress through key documents and missionary activity up to the 21st century.
The course will involve classroom sessions and visits to Jesuit ministries and organizations in New York City.
We will delve more deeply into the careers of influential Jesuits from history. The course will consider how the Society’s history continues to influence their activities positively and negatively. Along the way, we will encounter key figures in Jesuit history. Part of the on-campus period will be devoted to exploring aspects of Jesuit history and current efforts to implement its Universal Apostolic Preferences at various sites in New York City.
Online Offerings
Online courses at the GRE are 8 weeks in duration. Students are not permitted to take two online courses in the same 8-week term without approval from their academic advisor and the assistant dean. Students are also reminded to discuss the workload required in taking traditional and online courses at the same time with their academic advisor. Online courses may not be audited.
Please note: Students are REQUIRED to log in and take part in every week of online courses. Failure to complete activities during the first days of class can lead to your getting dropped from the whole course.
Online A Courses 5/21 - 7/9
Old Testament
RLGR 6010 / CRN:
Giovanna Czander
An in-depth examination of the first five books of the Bible. This course will examine the historical origins of these texts in ancient Israel and the continuing significance of their central theological themes of promise, law, creation, election, redemption, and liberation. This course is an introduction to the exegetical methods of modern biblical study.
Human Growth and Development
PCGR 6310 / CRN:
Elizabeth Geiling
This course will explore the development from birth and adolescence through the tasks and crisis of middle and later life. Stage theories, cognitive, social and emotional development will be the focus of this course. Special consideration will be given to spiritual life issues throughout the development process.
Online B Courses 6/24 - 8/14
Pastoral Counseling Theory
PCGR 6386 / CRN:
Mary Toler
The purpose of this course is to provide a preliminary exposure to various counseling theories and approaches when working with diverse populations and their complex problems. The course will nurture your beginning development of a specific set of treatment values and strategies that reflect your unique personality style and will differentially address specific types of problems with theoretically sound interventions.
New Testament
RLGR 6011 / CRN:
Giovanna Czander
This course will engage questions about the development of the Christian canon while reading parts of the New Testament in the context of first century Judaism.
Discernment in the Christian Tradition
SPGR 6830/7830 (7830 is for doctoral students only and requires a 20-page research paper) CRNs:
This course offers a two-fold introduction to Christian traditions for the discernment of spirits. During the first half of the course, we pursue a historical review of the various articulations of spiritual discernment from New Testament foundations through the 16th century. During the second half of the course, we concentrate on the theory and practice of Christian discernment and decision-making grounded in the writings of St. Ignatius Loyola. We engage in a critical, close reading of Ignatius' "Rules for the Discernment of Spirits" (weeks 1 and 2) and "The Election," both texts from "The Spiritual Exercises," as well as selected letters and other writings by Ignatius. This course also emphasizes each student's personal appropriation of this material through the discussion of discernment case studies. SPGR 7830 is for doctoral students only and requires a 20-page research paper.
Online C Courses 5/21 - 8/24
Trauma and Society
PCGR 6620 / CRN:
Tuesdays 5 pm-8 pm Remote Synchronous
Adjunct TBA
While trauma is experienced individually, it often has a collective or communal dimension, particularly in situations of war, political/social oppression, poverty, terrorism, or natural disaster. Recent work around the intergenerational transmission of trauma recognizes that the effects of individual or communal trauma can reverberate for generations. Experiences of war, genocide, slavery, racism, colonialism, systemic oppression, and deprivation in the U.S. and around the world have exacted a toll on the bodies and minds not only of the immediate victims, but also on those of subsequent generations. This class explores the dynamics and effects of historical, communal, and intergenerational trauma from multiple perspectives, with particular attention to the legacies of the Holocaust, American slavery, and colonialism.
Certificate in Supervision Summer 2024 Courses
Introduction to Supervision
SPGR 6910 / CRN:
Maria Tattu-Bowen
June 5, 2024 - July 3, 2024, with two synchronous meetings per week (to be scheduled after registration is complete)
The first course in Fordham GRE’s Advanced Certificate in Supervision, Introduction to Supervision offers participants intensive immersion in supervision basics, including case preparation, supervision theory, spirituality, and ethics. Students will have repeated practice offering supervision to others and giving feedback to classmates as they do the same. Only open to students admitted to the Certificate in Supervision.
Supervision Capstone Intensive
SPGR 6920 / CRN:
Maria Tattu-Bowen
July 10th - August 7th, with synchronous meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00-9:00 PM Eastern time.
The final course in Fordham GRE’s Advanced Certificate in Supervision, the Supervision Capstone Intensive offers participants an opportunity to present original research and a demonstration project on a supervision-related topic of their choice; to engage in collaboration with their peers and instructors; to offer constructive, compassionate feedback to their peers; and to integrate the skills they have honed in their yearlong practice of supervision.
Prerequisite: SPGR 6916.
Other Course Offerings
Students must have permission from their faculty mentor to register for Field Placement, Format Review, a Qualifying paper, and Clinical Pastoral Education in writing.
Students who have completed MA coursework and are completing research must register for maintenance of matriculation.
Students in the DMin or Ph.D. programs who have completed coursework must register for DMin or Ph.D. Mentoring Seminar every fall or spring until they graduate.
Maintenance of Matriculation
ZZGR MTNC / CRN: 15230
Patrick Holt
Summer Semester 2024 Academic Calendar
Please Note:
Summer housing is available, information on rates will be available by April, and room reservations are due by May.
The last day to drop any Summer 2024 GRE course is the first day the course meets.
May 21 |
Tuesday |
Summer Online Session A begins |
May 27 |
Monday |
University closed - Memorial Day |
May 28 |
Tuesday |
Last day to drop Summer Online Session A |
June 10 |
Monday |
First day of on-campus Course (10:00 am-4:30 pm x 5 days) Last day to add/drop on-campus course |
June 28 |
Friday |
Last day of on-campus course |
June 24 |
Monday |
Summer Online Session B begins |
July 4 |
Thursday |
Independence Day - University closed |
July 1 |
Thursday |
Last day to drop Online Session B |
July 9 |
Tuesday |
Summer Online Session A ends |
July 18 |
Last day for Summer 2024 final submission theses for September 2024 graduation |
August 14 |
Wednesday |
Summer Online Session B ends |
September 13 |
Friday |
Deadline for removal of INC, NGR, ABS grades from Summer 2024 |