Internet of Things Procedure for Faculty/Staff

Version 3.0

For Faculty, Staff


This procedure outlines how Faculty/Staff must request a connection of an Internet of Things (IoT) device to the University’s network.


This IT document and all policies referenced herein shall apply to University faculty and staff (the “User(s)” or “you”) who use, access, or otherwise employ, locally or remotely, the University’s IT Resources, whether individually controlled, shared, stand-alone, or networked.

Procedure Statement

  1. Request an IoT device connection by submitting a service ticket through ServiceNow for each IoT device to be connected, adhering to the Internet of Things Policy.
  2. Complete the IoT Request form by providing the necessary information for each device.
  3. Information Security and Assurance (ISA) and DevOps Infrastructure Services review, approve, or deny the service request based on policy compliance and security considerations.
  4. DevOps Infrastructure Services coordinates with relevant parties to connect the device to the appropriate IoT network if approved.
  5. Budget code allocation is necessary. The requester's department is responsible for providing budget code(s) to cover costs associated with installing necessary network equipment (e.g., data jacks or access point installations) for device connectivity.
  6. DevOps Infrastructure Services maintains an inventory log of all connected IoT devices and associated network information for tracking and management purposes.


IT Resources include computing, networking, communications, application, and telecommunications systems, infrastructure, hardware, software, data, databases, personnel, procedures, physical facilities, cloud-based vendors, Software as a Service (SaaS) vendors, and related materials and services.

The Internet of Things are physical objects (e.g., vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators) that communicate, sense, or interact with their internal states or the external environment via network connectivity.

Related Policies and Procedures

Implementation Information

Review Frequency Annual
Responsible Person Senior Director of IT Security and Assurance
Approved By CISO
Approval Date 09/12/2018

Revision History

Version Date Description
1.0 09/12/2018 Initial document
1.1 10/05/2020 Updated procedure statement
1.2 10/13/2021 Updated procedure statement
1.3 10/31/2022 Updated links, procedure statement, Director's title
2.0 02/09/2023 Replaced EasyVista with ServiceNow
2.1 12/01/2023 Updated procedure, removed link to Tech Help, and department name
3.0 03/04/2024 Updated the ServiceNow procedure and link

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