Faith and Religious Traditions

group of students standing in group for picture after MSA event
Fordham’s Campus Ministry welcomes students of many different faith traditions as well as students of no faith tradition. We collaborate with students of the many faith-based student clubs, such as the Fordham Christian Fellowship, the Jewish Student Organization, the Muslim Student Association, and the Orthodox Christian Fellowship. Without question, one’s faith is a great gift of God that must be respected and nourished.
We warmly welcome Rabbi Katja Vehlow and Imam Ammar Abdul Rahman to the Campus Ministry staff. Stop by to introduce yourselves and get to know them!
We encourage students to learn more about their own faith tradition by examining its teachings and values in an academic yet very personal way. We work with individuals and student groups to offer Interfaith programming that help students learn from one another about their various traditions. 

Fordham is a University in the Catholic and Jesuit tradition and we abide by the principles of religious freedom that protect the rights of individuals to practice their own religion. We welcome all of our students and hope that the richness of spiritual and religious traditions is a blessing to all of us!


    1. Muslim Students Association at Rose Hill
      1. Contact Info:
        1. [email protected]
      2. Group Description:
        1. The Muslim Students' Association (MSA) at Fordham University offers a welcoming and supportive environment for Muslim students to come together. Our mission extends beyond fostering community among Muslim students; we also strive to educate the broader Fordham community about Islam. We warmly invite all students and community members to participate in our activities and events. Understanding that individuals are at different stages of their faith journey, we embrace and support everyone, regardless of their level of religious knowledge or practice.
      3. Social Media: 
        1. Instagram @msa.fordham
      4. Dedicated Prayer Rooms:
        1. Prayer Room Location: G1 (Male) and G2 (Female) at the ground floor of Faber Hall
      5. 2024-25 E-Board:
        1. President: Aadam Alli [email protected]
        2. VP of Operations: Haania Imran [email protected]
        3. VP of Finances: MD Rafi [email protected] 
        4. Secretary: Tasfia Ferdousi [email protected] 
        5. Co-Treasurer: Nishat Islam [email protected] 
        6. Co-Treasurer: Rabia Mahisha [email protected] 
        7. Logistics Analyst: Naba Syed [email protected]
        8. Events Coordinator: Mehak Imran [email protected] 
        9. Marketing Director: Sana Ziad [email protected] 
        10. Outreach Director: Yasmine Aldasooky [email protected]
        11. Liaison: Mariam Nurudeen [email protected]

      6. Photos:

        MSA Event

        Muslim students Praying Together

    2. Muslim Students Association at Lincoln Center

    1. Contact Info:
      1. [email protected]
    2. Social Media:
      1. Instagram: @fordham.lcmsa
      2. Facebook:
    3. Dedicated Prayer Rooms:
      1. Prayer Rooms located on Street Level SL18A
    4. 2023 E-Board
      1. President: Nusaiba Chaklada, [email protected]
      2. Vice President: Madina Noorzai, [email protected]
      3. Secretary: Fatmaelzahraa Abdekrazek, [email protected]
      4. Treasurer: Maryam Ali, [email protected]
      5. Vice President of Marketing: Rami Almehdawi, [email protected]
      6. Event Coordinator: Nour Idris, [email protected]
    1. Jewish Student Organization at Rose Hill
      1. Contact Info:
        1. [email protected]
      2. Social Media:
        1. Twitter: @JSO_Rosehill
        2. Facebook:
      3. 2023 Fall Eboard
        1. Mo Saltzer (President) [email protected]
        2. Elijah Yerington (Vice President) [email protected]
        3. Matthew Entin (Treasurer) [email protected]
        4. Lila Herzig (Secretary) [email protected]
    2. Jewish Student Organization at Lincoln Center
      1. Contact Info:
        1. [email protected]
      2. Social Media:
        1. Instagram: @fordhamjews
        2. Facebook:
      3. 2023 E-Board
        1. Presient: Jacobo Filman, [email protected]
        2. Vice President: Reyna Stovall, [email protected]
        3. Treasurer: Rachel Cohen, [email protected]

    Students in a group with masks

    Students with masks




  • Fordham Catholic Relief Services

    1. Contact Info:
      1. [email protected]
    2. Group Description:
      1. Catholic Relief Service is a humanitarian aid organization that works across the globe to help the poor and vulnerable. We as ambassadors at Fordham focus on four major issues: global hunger, migration, human trafficking, and climate change. We aim to spread awareness of these issues and create change on or off our campus. Some of the ways we do this is through on campus advocacy, meetings with our local representatives, and outreach in our community.
    3. Social Media:
      1. Instagram: @fordhamcrs
      2. Twitter: @CRSfordham
    4. Photos:



    1. Contact Info:
      1. [email protected]
    2. Group Description:
      1. JesNet is a volunteer network that connects students with members of the retired Jesuit community living in Murray Weigel. We host and co-host events throughout the academic year, including for Saint Patrick's Day, Saint Valentine's Day, and Halloween. Students are invited to share technology skills or musical talents with the men, or just to engage in conversation. Some of our events have included trips to Botanical Gardens or the University Church for the Christmas concert.
        Volunteering with JesNet is a rewarding and joyous opportunity for students and Jesuits to share about their lives and enjoy each other's company.
    3. Social Media:
      1. Instagram: @fordhamjesnet
    4. Photos:jesuits

    Thomistic Institute Chapter at Fordham University

    1. Contact Info:
      1. [email protected]
      2. President: David Pham, [email protected] 
    2. Group Description:
      1. The mission of The Thomistic Institute is to promote Catholic truth in our contemporary world by strengthening the intellectual formation of Christians at universities, in the Church, and in the wider public square. The thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, is our touchstone. Fordham's new chapter of the national organization regularly meets to discuss sections of the Summa Theologiae and hosts some of our nation's leading intellectuals.

    Catholic Student Fellowship at Lincoln Center

    1.  Contact Info:
      1. Diego Lopez [email protected]
    2. Group Description:
      1. Our Catholic Student Fellowship gatherings are centered around community and prayer. During a "normal" year, we will plan fun outings in NYC and explore our faith through different settings. We will share meals together and reflect on our personal spiritual journey together. This year, we have gotten creative, gathering both in the Chapel after mass and virtually through Zoom. Each meeting consists of group check-ins, prayer, reflection, and faithful activities. We are always open to trying new things and exploring ways to practice our faith creatively! Some days we will do meditations, different versions of the Examen, art/craft activities, listen to music, journal, or watch videos together. All are welcome!
    3. Social Media:
      1. Instagram: @fordhamlc_csf
    4. 2024-25 E-Board:
      1. President: Diego Lopez [email protected] 
      2. Vice President: Nicolas Velasquez [email protected] 
      3. Treasurer: Isabella Knapik [email protected] 
      4. Social Media Coordinator: Elizabeth Grobmyer [email protected] 
      5. Secretary: Luisa Ferreira [email protected]
    5. Photos:

    Christian Students TablingChristian Students Gathering


    Respect for Life at Rose Hill

    1. Contact Info:
      1. [email protected]
    2. Group Description:
      1. Fordham Respect for Life aims to promote the dignity of life from conception to natural death. The club does so through service, advocacy, prayer, and educational opportunities. Each year the club attends the March for Life in Washington D.C. There are also opportunities to promote a culture of life in the local area, through volunteering, attending prayer vigils, and more. The club hosts educational opportunities for individuals to learn about life issues, such as speakers on abortion and the death penalty. On campus, the club also sponsors Stations of the Cross, Respect for Life masses, and pro-life rosaries. We have other community focused events such as Respect for Life socials, knitting bibs for underprivileged children , and card writing for the elderly, moms, and prisoners.
    3. Social Media:
      1. Instagram: @fordhamrespectforlife
      2. Twitter: @FordhamRFL
    4. 2024-25 E-Board:
      1. President: Abigail Adams [email protected] 
      2. Vice-President: Lillian Mercado [email protected] 
      3. Secretary: Elizabeth Rengifo-Vega [email protected] 
      4. Social Media: Kathryn Rothkamn [email protected]
      5. Treasurer: Gabby Chinnici [email protected]
      6. Advisor: Fr. Jonathan Castelblanco [email protected] 
    5. Photos:

    Students, Catholic, Respect for lifeCatholic students respect for life group meeting

  • Orthodox Christian Fellowship at Fordham University Rose Hill


    OCF: Who We Are

    The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is a faith-based club meant to serve and educate the Orthodox Christian and non-Orthodox student population at Fordham University. 


    OCF calls Orthodox Christian students, faculty, and staff to foster an on-campus community that lives out the Orthodox Christian Faith by deepening our faith in Christ and invites the entire Fordham community to learn about the Orthodox Church. 


    OCF is the official, national collegiate Orthodox Christian campus ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America with hundreds of OCF chapters throughout the United States of which OCF at Fordham is one. A link to the national OCF website can be found here


    OCF’s Mission

    OCF aims to fulfill its mission through (1) worship, (2) fellowship, (3) education, and (4) service. 


    OCF organizes a variety of opportunities to celebrate and learn about the liturgical, artistic, theological, and spiritual traditions of the Orthodox Church. Some of these opportunities include monthly Orthodox worship services led by our OCF Chaplain, Fr. Sotirios Michalatos, our bi-weekly Bible Study, our bi-annual Open Discussion Dinners with our faculty advisors, and a number of educational/fellowship events. OCF works in close collaboration with the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University (OCSC) in order to support and foster Orthodox Christian life on campus and campus-wide engagement with Orthodox Christianity. 


    Executive Board 2023-24
    President: Harry Parks
    Vice President: Julia Parsenios
    Treasurer: Maria Skevas
    Social Media Coordinator: Markianna Lekkas


    OCF Chaplain

    Fr. Sotirios Michalatos

    Presiding Priest, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church New York, NY

    [email protected]


    Faculty Advisers

    Dr. George E. Demacopoulos [email protected]
    Dr. Aristotle (Telly) Papanikolaou [email protected] 


    Graduate Student Advisor

    Rachel Contos [email protected] 


    Contact Us!

    For more information about participating in OCF, email [email protected]

    For all pastoral matters, email Fr. Sotiri at [email protected].

    For updates on our activities, follow us on Instagram @ocf.fordham.rh and sign up for our mailing list here

    1. Fordham Christian Fellowship at Rose Hill
      1. Contact Info:
        1. [email protected]
      2. Social Media:
        1. Instagram: @fordham_cf
      3. Meeting Information:
        1. Weekly Meeting: Monday at 7 PM
        2. Women's Bible Study: Thursday in Duane 352
        3. Bible Study: Friday in Keating 214 at 4:30 PM
      4. Fall 2023 E-Board:
        1. President: Esther Yang  [email protected] 
        2. Vice President: Seth Rosado [email protected]
        3. Treasurer: Noel Roy [email protected]
        4. Event Director: Hayley Gregoire  [email protected] 
    2. Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Lincoln Center
      1. Contact Info:
        1. [email protected]
      2. Social Media:
        1. Instagram: @lighthouselc_
      3. 2023 E-Board:
        1. President: Robert Betancourt, [email protected]
        2. Vice President: Luis Castellanos Perez, [email protected]
        3. Secretary: Lauren Moon, [email protected]
        4. Treasurer: Alan Ajit, [email protected]
        5. Social Media Manager: Gabriel Stonor Saunders, [email protected]
    3. Episcopalian Ministry
      1. Contact Info:
        1. The Rev. Ryan Kuratko, PhD
        2. Episcopal Campus Chaplain for Harlem, Uptown, and the Bronx 
        3. 914-575-2518
        4. Email: [email protected]
        5. Website: 
    • Hindu Student Council at Rose Hill
      • Hindu Student Council is a national organization with a chapter at Fordham University. Our goals are to provide a community for students to come together, join a community, and learn more about the Hindu faith. We are inclusive of everyone, no matter their religion or background, and would love to welcome all members of the Fordham community! We have celebrated many different holidays, have open discussion evenings, and have fun events all year round.  
      • Contact Info:
        1. [email protected] 
        2. Instagram: @hscfordham
      • 2024-25 E-Board: 
        1. President: Nyla Patel [email protected] 
        2. Vice President: Om Bhosale [email protected]
        3. Junior President: Anagha Nair [email protected]
        4. Junior Vice President: Vidhi Khamesra [email protected]  
        5. Treasurer: Garv Baid [email protected]
        6. Co-Treasurer: Krish Dantwala [email protected] 
        7. Secretary: Ojaswi Pradhan [email protected] 
        8. Event Coordinator: Rucha Saurabh Kulkarni [email protected]
        9. Logistics Coordinator: Shyna Shah [email protected] 
      • Photos:

    Hindu Student council event for Holi WeekStudents gather to celebrate Hindu Holdiay

    • Fordham Sikh Student Association (FSSA)
      • The Sikh Students Association at Fordham University is an organization based on Sikh values that works to create a community amongst the Sikh students on campus, to educate both Sikhs and non-Sikhs about the Sikh religion, to promote dialogue about significant interfaith and youth issues, and to create a community and fellowship for students of the Sikh faith and those interested in Sikh values.
      • Contact Info: 
        1. [email protected] 
        2. Instagram: @fssa_fordham
      • 2024-25 E-Board: