Duffy Fellows

Mollie Clark (FCRH 2026)

Mollie Clark is a junior at Fordham College at Rose Hill studying Theology with a concentration in American Catholic Studies. In light of the ongoing Synod on Synodality, Clark and her research partner AnnaMarie Pacione will investigate creative implementations of synodality in numerous Catholic parishes across the United States. Utilizing their journalistic research, Clark and Pacione will uplift the witnesses of the communities they visit by creating an accessible digital platform. This project will actualize their dreams of cultivating a culture of accompaniment and encounter amidst the Catholic Church’s present conversion into becoming a more synodal institution.

Raemae Kok (FCLC 2024)

Raemae Kok graduated from Fordham College at Lincoln Center in May 2024 and majored in Computer Science. As a playwright, she tries to condense her own questions about the world into her writing. As a Duffy Fellow, her site-specific radio play, location location location, hopes to dissect religion, class, and the fragility of faith and love in the modern world.

AnnaMarie Pacione (FCRH 2026)

AnnaMarie Pacione is a junior at Fordham College at Rose Hill studying Humanitarian Studies and Theology with a concentration in American Catholic Studies. In light of the ongoing Synod on Synodality, Pacione and her research partner Mollie Clark will investigate creative implementations of synodality in numerous Catholic parishes across the United States. Utilizing their journalistic research, Pacione and Clark will uplift the witnesses of the communities they visit by creating an accessible digital platform. This project will actualize their dreams of cultivating a culture of accompaniment and encounter amidst the Catholic Church’s present conversion into becoming a more synodal institution.

Misha Sanda (FCLC 2025)

Misha Sanda is a second-year Economics student at Fordham College at Lincoln Center and she has interned at non-profits focused on LGBTQ+ and migrant justice. Her interest in the intersection of religion and contemporary society arises from the ongoing culture war between tradition and progress—which she believes is ultimately reconcilable. As part of her Duffy Fellowship, Sanda will write a comprehensive thesis on a framework for transgender people within Catholicism and create a performance art piece inspired by Antonin Artaud’s theories on the theater.

Kari White (FCRH 2024)

Kari White graduated from Fordham College at Rose Hill in 2024 and she majored in English with a concentration in Creative Writing and minored in Environmental Studies. Having grown up in the Episcopal tradition and during a time of rising Christian nationalism, she is deeply passionate about critically engaging with the role religion plays in contemporary society. White will explore this theme through the writing of a speculative fiction novel, which will follow a young girl’s struggle to fight a rising tide of religious and political violence.