Joshua L. Brown

Professor of Psychology
Curriculum Vitae
Email: [email protected]
Rose Hill Campus: Dealy Hall, Room 226F
Phone: 718-817-4069
Keywords: school-based intervention, classroom settings, teacher-student interactions, promoting social-emotional and academic development of children from diverse backgrounds in under-resourced urban schools through the rigorous design and evaluation of school-based intervention programs targeting schools, teachers, and classrooms settings.
Currently accepting students.
- 1988 BGS, University of Michigan
- 2003 PhD in Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Contextual influences on the social, emotional and academic development of diverse, urban youth during middle childhood and adolescence
- Influence of continuity/discontinuity in quality of instructional and non-instructional settings on youth development
- School-based interventions to promote positive teacher/classroom and youth development
- PSYC 6530 - Developmental Psychopathology
- PSYC 7122 - Developmental and Prevention Science
- PSYC 8350 - Applied Developmental Psychology Practicum
- PSYC 1000 - Introductory Psychology
- PSYC 2700 - Infant and Child Development (Community Engaged Learning course)
- "Testing the Integration of an Empirically-supported Teacher Consultation Model and a Social-emotional Learning and Literacy Intervention in Urban Elementary Schools" (PI, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education)
- "Improving Classroom Learning Environments by Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE): A Cluster Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial" (Co-I, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education)
- "The Impact of School and Classroom Environments on Youth Mental Health: Moderation by Genetic Polymorphisms" (PI, funded by the William T. Grant Foundation)
- "Health Risk Behavior in Late Childhood: Impact of a Longitudinal Randomized Trial" (Co-PI, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health)
- Dr. Jason Downer, University of Virginia
- Dr. Patricia Jennings, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Dr. Mark Greenberg, Pennsylvania University Park, PA
- Dr. J. Lawrence Aber New York University, New York, NY
- Dr. Stephanie M. Jones, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Brown, J.L., Jennings, P.A., Rasheed, D.S., Cham, H., Doyle, S., Frank, J., Davis, R.T., & Greenberg, M.T. (2023). Direct and moderating impacts of the CARE mindfulness-based professional learning program for teachers on children’s academic and social-emotional outcomes. Applied Developmental Science.
Doyle, N.B., *Gomez Varon, J., Downer, J.T. & Brown, J.L. (2023). Testing the integration of a teacher coaching model and a social-emotional learning and literacy intervention in urban elementary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 123.
Sutton, E., Brown, J.L., Lowenstein, A.E., & Downer, J.T. (2021). Children’s academic and social-emotional competencies and the quality of classroom interactions in high-needs urban elementary schools. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 66.
Gomez, J.A., Brown, J.L., & Spier, E. (2020). Factor structure, measurement invariance, and construct validity of MELQO Measure of Child Development and Early Learning in Laos. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology.
Corbin, C.M., Downer, J.T., Ruzek, E., Lowenstein, A.E., & Brown, J.L. (2020). Correlates of change in elementary students’ perceptions of interactions with their teacher. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 69, 1-11.
Smith, N.A., Brown, J.L., Tran, T., & Suarez-Orozco, C. (2020). Parents, friends and immigrant youths’ academic engagement: A mediation analysis. International Journal of Psychology, 55(5), 743-753.
Rasheed, D., Brown, J.L., Doyle, S., & Jennings, P.A. (2020). The effect of teacher-child race/ethnicity matching and classroom diversity on children’s socioemotional and academic skills. Child Development, 91(3), e597-e618.
Doyle, S., Brown, J.L., Rasheed, D., Jones, D., & Jennings, P.A. (2019). Cost analysis of a mindfulness-based professional development program for teachers. Mindfulness, 10, 122-130.
Corbin, C.M., Alamos, P., Lowenstein, A.E., Downer, J.T., & Brown, J.L. (2019). The role of teacher-student relationships in predicting teachers' personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion. Journal of School Psychology, 77, 1-12.
Jennings, P.A., Doyle, S., Oh, Y., Rasheed, D., Frank, J.L., & Brown, J.L. (2019). Long-term impacts of the CARE program on teachers' social and emotional competence and well-being. Journal of School Psychology, 76, 186-202.
Rucinski, C.L., *Sutton, E., *Carlton, R., Downer, J., & Brown, J.L. (2019). Classroom racial/ethnic diversity and upper elementary children’s social-emotional development. Applied Developmental Science, 25(2), 183-199.
Rucinski, C.L., Brown, J.L., & Downer, J.T. (2018). Teacher–child relationships, classroom climate, and children’s social-emotional and academic development. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(7), 992-1004.
Fisher, J.H. & Brown, J.L. (2018). A prospective, longitudinal examination of the influence of childhood home and school contexts on psychopathic characteristics in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(10), 2041-2059. doi: 10.1007/s10964-018-0861-2
Brown, J.L. (2019, October). The Direct and Moderated Impacts of the CARE program on Student Behavioral and Academic Development. Paper presented at the Inaugural 2019 Social and Emotional Learning Exchange Conference, Chicago, IL.
Brown, J.L., Lowenstein, A.E., Sutton, E., Carlton, R., & Downer, J.T. (2019, March). Experimental Impacts of the 4Rs+MTP Program on Teachers’ Well-being, Classroom Interactions, and Children’s Social-emotional and Academic Development. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Spring 2019 conference, Washington, DC.