Leah Feuerstahler
![Dr. Leah Feuerstahler portrait](/media/review/content-assets/migrated/images/feuerstahler240.jpg)
Associate Professor of Psychology
Director, Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology Program
Curriculum Vitae
Email: [email protected]
Rose Hill Campus: Dealy Hall, Room 218
Phone: 718-817-3788
- 2011 BS in Psychology
- 2015 MS in Statistics
- 2016 PhD in Quantitative/Psychometric Methods
- Item Response Theory
- Psychometric Model Specification, Fit, and Interpretation
- Nonparametric Methods
- Bayesian Statistics
- PSYC 2000 Statistics
- PSYC 5100 Psychometric Theory
- PSYC 6802 Introduction to Psychological Statistics
- PSYC 7920 Item Response Theory
- PSYC 7940 Bayesian Statistics
Feuerstahler, L. M., Ahn, J. R.*, Chen, X.*, Lorenzi, D.*, & Plourde, J.* (in press). On the monotonicity of the residual heteroscedasticity item response model. Behaviormetrika.
Liu, S., Chen, Y., Kuiper, J., Ho, E., Buckley, J., & Feuerstahler, L. M. (in press). Applying latent variable models to estimate exposure burden to chemical mixtures and identify exposure subgroups: A critical review and future directions. Statistics in Biosciences.
Liu, S., Feuerstahler, L. M., Chen, Y., Braun, J., & Buckley, J. P. (2023). Towards advancing prevision environmental health: Developing a customized exposure burden score to PFAS mixtures to enable equitable comparisons across population subgroups, using mixture item response theory. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 18104-18115.
Chen, Y., Feuerstahler, L. M., Martinez Steele, E., Buckley, J., & Liu, S. (in press). Phthalate mixtures and insulin resistance: An item response theory approach to quantify exposure burden to phthalate mixtures. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
Feuerstahler, L. M. (2023). Applications and extensions of metric stability analysis. Psych, 5(2), 376-385.
Feuerstahler, L. M. (2023). Scale type revisited: Some misconceptions, misinterpretations, and recommendations. Psych, 5(2), 234-248.
Flynn, P. M., Ingleshwar, A., Chen, X.*, Feuerstahler, L. M., Reibel, Y., & John, M. (2023). Validation of the HeLD-14 functional oral health literacy instrument in a general population. PeerJ, 11.
Walsh, L. E., Rosenfeld, B., Feuerstahler, L. M., Pessin, H., & Breitbart, W. (2023). Measuring hopelessness in advanced cancer: A secondary analysis of the Hopelessness Assessment in Illness questionnaire (HAI), Psychology & Health, 38(7), 847-861.
Karvay, Y., Stadterman, J. Feuerstahler, L. M., & Burke, N. (2022). Development and validation of the food availability and related eating behaviors questionnaire (FAREB-Q): A stage 1 registered report. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 55(10), 1404- 1410.
Liu, S. H., Kuiper, J. R., Chen, Y. Feuerstahler, L. M., Teresi, J., & Buckley, J. P. (2022). Developing an exposure burden score for chemical mixtures using item response theory with applications to PFAS mixtures. Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(11), 117001.
* indicates student co-author
Aytürk, E.*, & Feuerstahler, L. M. (2020, September). Fitting propensities of item response theory models. Virtual conference: National Council on Measurement in Education.
Ahn, J. R.*, & Feuerstahler, L. M. (2020, July). Diagnostic classification using a polytomous measure of Korean organizational commitment. Annual International Meeting of the Psychometric Society. https://www.psychometricsociety.org/imps-2020
Silverman, M. R.,* Bennett, R., Davis, K., Feuerstahler, L. M., & Roy, A. (2019, September). Assessing pediatric emotion regulation: A factor analysis of the Emotion Regulation Checklist. Burlington, VT: Congress on Pediatric Irritability and Dysregulation.Leon, M.,* Feuerstahler, L. M., Romero, S., & Rasmussen, A. (2019, June). Susto, PTSD, and Cultural Identity in Mexico and the U.S. In T. Brannon (Chair), Intersections between Social Identity and Psychological Distress. Symposium conducted at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, San Diego, California.
Falk, C. F., & Feuerstahler, L. M. (2019, May). On the Performance of Semi- and Non-Parametric Item Response Functions in Computer Adaptive Tests. Calgary, Canada: Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada.
Feuerstahler, L. M. (2018, July). Metric Recovery in IRT Simulation Studies. New York, NY: International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.
Sussman, J., Freund, R., & Feuerstahler, L. M. (2018, April). High Quality Score Reports from a Multidimensional Assessment of Early Childhood Development. New York: Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education.
Draney, K., Feuerstahler, L. M., Kriener-Althen, K., Wihardini, D., & Xia, T. (2017, July). Issues in Applying Multidimensional Item Response Models. Zurich, Switzerland: International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.
Feuerstahler, L. M., & Wilson, M. (2017, July). Scale Alignment in Multidimensional Item Response Models. Zurich, Switzerland: International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.* indicates student co-author
- Psychometric Society
- National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)