Undergraduate Activities
Minorities and Philosophy Group
Fordham's MAP Chapter (Minorities and Philosophy) is open to graduate students, faculty, and undergraduate students in Fordham's Philosophy Department. Fordham's MAP Chapter advances the same aims as MAP international. These aims include addressing:
- minority issues in the profession;
- theoretical issues regarding philosophy of gender, race, sexual orientation, class, disability, native language, etc.; and
- philosophy done from minority perspectives.
Meeting formats include: external or internal speakers, reading groups, film screenings, mentorship events for undergraduates or graduates, panel discussions, practical workshops (for example, on communication techniques, navigating stereotype threat or implicit bias).
Specifically, the Fordham MAP Chapter aims at establishing an inclusive and supportive philosophical community for all students of philosophy and all graduate and faculty members of the Fordham Philosophy Department. The Fordham MAP Chapter seeks to organize events that especially cater to the needs of philosophy students and educators, and does so with the intention of helping establish professional connections between all members of the community in a way that facilitates the personal and academic success of all community members.
The Fordham MAP Chapter seeks to provide opportunities in terms of space and time for having open discussions (in the form of conference talks, panels, informal gatherings, workshops, etc.) regarding practical and theoretical issues that pertain to diversity in philosophy, as a matter to be addressed within professional philosophy (and from the perspective of teachers and anyone involved in the profession) and in the broader social community. Further, the Fordham MAP Chapter aims to help establish a bridge between undergraduate-level philosophy students and those who are working at the graduate level as a way of offering support to undergraduates who are looking to pursue philosophy at the graduate level. MAP encourages undergraduate involvement in its activities and aims to offer help to undergraduate students who have an interest in learning about and preparing for the process of applying and working through graduate school. Additionally, MAP hosts a reading group each semester aimed at sustaining the broader goals of the organization. Anyone interested in joining MAP can contact the current president August Yu ([email protected]) to be added to the email list.
Phi Sigma Tau
Phi Sigma Tau is the National Honor Society in Philosophy. Students are invited to join Fordham's New York Nu Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau when they have completed at least four courses in philosophy and have maintained a 3.6 GPA in those courses (and at least a 3.0 GPA overall). Invitations to the Fordham chapter are usually sent out in early April; inductions take place near the end of the spring semester. Students receive an official certificate from the national society and an honor cord to wear at graduation. Phi Sigma Tau membership implies an active interest in philosophy and commitment to furthering it, including participation in Phi Sigma Tau activities. Each year, officers are elected from the current membership, although all members are encouraged to join in organizing and participating in events. In the past, such events have included an alumni panel (for example, on "What to Do with a Philosophy Major or Minor"), opportunities to publish in the undergraduate philosophy journal, philosophy lunch discussions, and end-of-term "Study Halls."
Current and Past Officers:
Co-Presidents: Lily Poorman and Jonathan Fong
Vice President: Jake Gouveia
Social Chair: Nick Adubato
Treasurer: Ethan Saunders
Secretary: Alexa Davidson
Social Media Manager: Yves Andradas
Trustee: Jackson Saunders
2023 - 2024
Co-Presidents: Emma Foley and London Monzon
Vice-President: Elizabeth Lake
Secretary: Spencer Gialanella
Treasurer: Lina Giampa
2022 - 2023
President: Julia Mazurek
Vice-President: Ava Brimley
Secretary: Alexander Dickison
Students are encouraged to submit papers for publication in Dialogue, Phi Sigma Tau's official philosophy journal for undergraduates. Submission does not require membership in Phi Sigma Tau or being a philosophy major; any currently enrolled student may submit an article for consideration. Recent Fordham student publications include:
- Peter Wolff, "Authentic Recognition: The Importance of Others in Identity Creation," Dialogue 65.2-3 (2023): 103-107.
- Melani Shahin, "Playing into Time: Dasein as the Ecstatic Musician," Dialogue 60.2-3 (2018): 183-190.
Fordham Philosophers' Society, known on campus as PhilSoc, is the undergraduate philosophy club at Fordham University, founded in 2014. Weekly meetings are held on Fridays at 5 PM in Freeman Hall, Room 103. All undergraduates interested in philosophy are invited to attend!
This club is a safe space, meaning that all are welcome, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, religious/political identity, and more.
Check out this article from the American Philosophical Association's blog that gives further information on the club's weekly activities, Ontophage, the student-run publication of the club, and planned retreats.
Email [email protected] for further inquiries.