Residential Life Handbook: Rose Hill
About This Handbook
This publication is the official Handbook of the Office of Residential Life, Fordham University, Rose Hill campus, Bronx, New York, 10458.
The Office of Residential Life is located in the basement of Loschert Hall.
All calendar information printed in the publication should be confirmed with appropriate faculty, administrators, and sponsors. Check your course syllabus and postings at the Registrar's office for scheduling and final examination information. The Office of Residential Life is not responsible for any errors found in this handbook.
The policies and procedures found in the handbook are subject to change.
Create the Community: Rights, Respect, and Responsibility
Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New York, is committed to the discovery of Wisdom and the transmission of Learning through research and through undergraduate, graduate, and professional education of the highest quality. Guided by its Catholic and Jesuit traditions, Fordham fosters the intellectual, moral, and religious development of its students and prepares them for leadership in a global society. View more information about Fordham University's Mission Statement.
The Office of Residential Life at Fordham University’s Rose Hill campus is a part of Rose Hill Student Life, a unit of the Division of Student Affairs, and as such strives to foster an inclusive living-learning community that supports the institution’s educational mission and Jesuit, Catholic heritage. Committed to the Jesuit ideal of educating the whole person, staff members empower residents to respect each other as individuals, seek new experiences, and take an active and creative role in shaping their living environments.
Residents are encouraged to develop their fullest potential, as well as hold one another accountable, creating a sense of community, mutual respect, and personal responsibility to themselves and others. In partnership with the greater University community, staff members professionally provide safe and well-maintained halls, University resources in times of need, and responsible policies and procedures that reflect Fordham’s Jesuit, Catholic values.
Residence Halls provide leadership opportunities that serve as personal journeys, through which residents develop into people of character, conscience, and integrity through a commitment to service and learning. The office is comprised of educators who model caring for and serving others, respect for the rights of all community members, and living Fordham’s mission and values.
Learn about our Mission here:
- The Office of Residential Life Mission
- The Division of Student Affairs Mission and Vision
- The University Mission
Students are expected to:
- Obey state and federal laws as well as University policies and regulations as published here, in the Student Handbook, and in other relevant publications such as the Housing Agreement/Application.
- Respect the rights, privileges, and dignity of all other community members.
- Be forthright and honest in their social and academic conduct.
Students, therefore, have both the right and the responsibility to constructively confront one another directly. All residence hall staff will support and work with students in an effort to maintain high community living standards. It is the student's responsibility to be informed of these expectations. The University, however, does not attempt to formally define every unacceptable form of behavior. In situations not covered by specific regulations, students are expected to apply common sense and conduct themselves as mature, responsible persons.
Programming and activities hold a crucial place in the community-building efforts of each residence hall staff. The programming efforts of the residence hall staff and the Residence Halls Association (RHA) contribute to the stock of shared group experiences and are a main tool in the education of students outside the formal classroom. Social, educational, cultural, community service, physical, and spiritual events are designed to address a wide scope of a student's social and educational needs. Students are encouraged and sometimes required to attend community programs and participate in the planning of these events. Consult your Resident Assistants or RHA representatives for details and suggestions.
The following is a brief overview of the staff you may turn to during the year. They are all dedicated to a vision of creating community in the residence halls and strive for a living environment conducive to learning. Feel free to let the staff know how to assist you further.
The Office of Residential Life is led by the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life, the Assistant Director of Residential Life for Mental Health and Prevention, the Assistant Director of Residential Life for Student Conduct, the Assistant Director for Housing Operations, and the Assistant Director for Leadership Development and Training. The leadership team found here is charged with executing the Mission of the Office of Residential Life, regularly evaluating and developing programs and policies, and addressing the concerns of the resident students of Fordham University. The Office of Residential Life seeks to maintain and improve the quality of Fordham's residential environment.
The office is located on the garden level of Loschert Hall (entrance located between Loschert Hall and Alumni Court South, facing the roadway). Please feel free to visit with suggestions, questions, and concerns or to find further Residential Life information.
The Resident Directors (RDs) live in the halls and lead the Resident Assistant staff and the hall as a whole. Resident Directors are responsible for the supervision of staff and creation of community in each of the residence halls. Resident Directors are knowledgeable in campus resources and work with campus partners to support students.
An RD is on call each night for emergency purposes (and can be reached via the Resident Assistant on duty or the Department of Public Safety (718.817.2222)). The RD directly supervises their hall Resident Assistants, works with them in creating a living-learning community that supports and enhances academic achievement, and leads the RA staff in their overall programming efforts, in maintaining community standards, in advising the residence hall's contingent of RHA representatives; and in helping resident students with personal, emotional, and academic concerns.
During the first days of the academic year/semester, you will meet the Resident Assistant (RA) of your hall, wing, or community. All RAs are highly qualified undergraduate or graduate students who are charged with helping their fellow students by working to create a community in their residence halls. They are chosen for their leadership skills from a highly competitive pool of candidates after a lengthy interview process. You will find your RA to be a concerned, friendly, and knowledgeable resource. They have been hired to assist you and you are invited to call on them for any advice or help you may need and referral to others at the University who can assist.
The RAs have three main responsibilities: to help resident students with personal, emotional, and academic issues, to work with the students to create and maintain a living-learning community that supports and enhances academic achievement, and to ensure that University and Residential Life policies and procedures are understood and upheld.
Each night throughout the year, except during periods when the University is closed, an on-duty RA is responsible for each building. The RA is on duty from 6 pm through 9 am the following morning. Between the hours of 7 pm and 11 pm on the weekdays and 7 pm to 12 am on the weekends, the on-duty RA will be available in the building's Residence Hall Office (RHO). During these hours, you may visit the RHO to request guest passes, report concerns, or just visit with the staff.
The most effective security measures are those each individual student takes. Students are not permitted to prop open residence hall doors, hold open the entrance door for a stranger, or sign in someone they do not know, as these actions place the rights and safety of others in the community at risk. While Watchman Guards supervised by the Department of Public Safety oversee the entrances of residence halls from 10 pm until 6 am the next morning, Desk Assistant (DA) staff members are assigned to the entrances of each on-campus residence hall from 5 pm until 10 pm. These undergraduate students employed by the Office of Residential Life enhance the safety and security of the residence halls by managing sign-in/out and provide a resource presence for students and guests in cooperation with Public Safety and the residence hall staff. Public Safety manages sign-in/out after 10 pm until 6 am the following morning. Students who wish to enter their own residence hall are allowed to do so by simply tapping their Fordham University identification card against a receiving terminal at the entrance and at the front desk. All students, even those who are confident the DA or Watchman Guard knows them, must present their ID card and tap the card reader. Students who wish to visit a student who lives in another residence hall should have their host meet them at the desk. The host student signs his or her guest into the building and assumes responsibility for his or her guest’s behavior during the visit. Guests from outside the University who wish to visit students must have proper identification hosts meet them at the desk to sign them in.
Science Integrated Learning Community (SILC) tutors are undergraduate students living in Martyrs’ Court Jogues Residential College and assisting the first-year students of this hall in their academic studies. Tutors have scheduled hours in the building for science students to ask for assistance and hold study sessions throughout the year.
Members of Fordham University’s Jesuit community, faculty, or administrators may live in residence halls. Through their presence, participation in hall events, and academic, spiritual, or personal counseling and advising efforts, these members of the Fordham community are valuable assets to all resident students and bring the experience of the positions on campus in a wide variety of areas to the community. Feel free to ask the resident staff for advice, assistance, and friendship.
Masters, Assistant Masters, and/or Tutor-Chaplains are posted to some of the residential colleges such as Loyola Hall and Queen’s Court. The Masters and Assistant Masters work with the Resident Director of the hall and the RA staff that the RD supervises and the Office of Residential Life staff to oversee the residential college, most directly in the areas of programming, academic support, and counseling. This cooperative relationship serves to strengthen involvement in the community and to assure that each residential college’s traditions are passed to each generation of residents.
Every residence hall is represented by a board of the Residence Halls Association (RHA), one of the three student governments at Fordham University. RHA is dedicated to improving the quality of residence hall living at Fordham University. Through its services, social events, interaction with the community, and communication with administrators, RHA allows students of diverse interests and backgrounds to develop personally and to participate in the Fordham community.
RHA plans campus-wide social events, some of which include the very popular Under-the-Tent Spring Semi-formal. The Executive Board, composed of seven members, is elected each spring and includes the Executive President, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff, Publicity Director, Executive Programmer, and Communications Director. The General Board consists of representatives from each residence hall and is elected by the students living in the respective halls during the fall semester. The general board attends weekly meetings led by the executive board to plan upcoming events, allocate RHA funds, discuss topics vital to resident students, and prepare for regional and national conferences. RHA general and executive board members must be in Good Standing, as defined by the Student/Residential Life Handbook. Look for advertisements in each residence hall for election dates and procedures in early September. Elections for the General Board take place in mid-September. Further information can be obtained in the RHA office, McShane 201, 718-817-4359, or by emailing at [email protected].
The Mission of the Office of Residential calls for the University to create a community of rights, respect, and responsibility. This requires close cooperation among the community’s members and a high level of respect for self, others, and property. The policies and procedures described below have been designed to ensure a positive experience for students residing at Fordham University. While every residence hall staff accepts part of the task of educating residents and enforcing these policies, ultimate responsibility for compliance rests with every resident student. The privilege of living in a residence hall is founded upon the expectation that resident students will exercise good judgment and self-discipline by taking responsibility for their decisions and conduct. When resident students approach these policies in a spirit of good faith, they are creating and supporting a positive community atmosphere in the residence hall.
All resident students and visitors to the residential community are bound to observe the policies and procedures of the Office of Residential Life, including those policies and procedures found in the Residential Life Handbook as well as:
Students who choose not to respect the established guidelines will be subject to the Student Conduct process. All policies regarding behavior apply to commuters and or guests visiting our campus and residence halls. Anyone incurring repeated violations may be subject to serious disciplinary action. Any violation of the regulations found below is also a violation of the University Code of Conduct, as stated below and in the Student Handbook.
Please be aware that although most policies are consistent on all three campuses, slight variations do exist. It is the student’s responsibility to learn and abide by policies at each individual campus.
Fordham University’s Code of Conduct may be found online in the Student Handbook’s University Regulations section here.
The following actions are considered violations of the University Code of Conduct and are punishable by outcomes imposed in accordance with the published Student Conduct of the University.
- All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, supplying false information to any University official, as well as forgery or use of University documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
- Theft from or damage to University property and/or theft of or damage to the property of another while located on the property of the University. Knowingly receiving, retaining, or disposing of the lost or mislaid property of a member of the University community or of the University itself.
- Unauthorized entry, use, or occupation of University facilities, as well as the unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys to University facilities.
- Tampering with or misusing fire alarms, fire-fighting equipment, or safety equipment.
- Harassment of another person, whether physical, sexual, or verbal, either oral or written.
- Physical abuse, sexual abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
- The unauthorized selling, purchasing, producing, or possession of any lethal weapons, explosives, fireworks, or incendiary devices.
- The unauthorized selling, purchasing, producing, possession, or use of barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, hallucinogens, opiates, or other addictive and illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.
- Engaging in or inciting others to engage in conduct which interferes with or disrupts any University function, or which prevents or limits the free expression of the ideas of others, or which physically obstructs or threatens to obstruct or restrain other members of the University community or visitors.
- Failing to surrender the University Identification Card upon request of clearly identified University personnel (this includes campus security personnel) in the performance of their assigned duties. All members of the University community are required to have the University Identification Card in their possession while on campus.
- Engaging in lewd, licentious, or disorderly conduct.
- Failing to comply with the direction of clearly identified University personnel (this includes campus security guards) in the performance of their assigned duties.
- Violation of the published University regulations including but not limited to those regarding Motor Vehicles, Residence Halls, and the McShane Student Center.
One of the primary goals of the residential community at Fordham University is to support and aid the personal development of all students. Toward this end, the Residential Life staff assists students in learning to accept responsibility for their actions. Taking on certain responsibilities within the community should be viewed as a positive, educational process through which residents become mature, self-controlled citizens — citizens whose actions are based upon enlightened understandings of how their actions influence the well-being of each individual within the community.
As such, a positive community atmosphere develops when students assume responsibility for their actions. Students are, therefore, more likely to accept this responsibility when they clearly know what is expected and the reasons why certain policies exist. Through the cooperative efforts of students, their respective governing bodies, and the Office of Residential Life, a set of expectations and standards for student behavior has been established. In choosing to live in the residence halls at Fordham University, students agree to abide by these expectations and standards of acceptable behavior. In turn, the Residential Life staff continuously works to provide the necessary rationale for these community expectations.
Each resident is, therefore, responsible for knowing and abiding by the expectations and policies established by the Office of Residential Life (covered in this Handbook), as well as the University Code of Conduct (covered in the Student Handbook), city ordinance and state law. The Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life and the Assistant Director for Student Conduct work with the Resident Directors assigned to each residence hall and other staff to manage the Office of Residential Life Student Conduct System. This system, based on the Student Conduct System described in the Student Handbook and managed by the Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, is an educational system that fosters behavioral change by reviewing alleged violations and holding students accountable for actions violating the Code of Conduct, University Regulations, and/or the policies in this handbook. All policies and procedures included here stem from the University Code of Conduct published via the Student Handbook.
Behavioral concerns are communicated to the Office of Residential Life through the completion of an Incident Report. As it is essentially a factual report of an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct, any member of the Residential Life staff or campus community may submit an Incident Report. An Incident Report does not indicate a student's responsibility for violation as this is determined by the Student Conduct process. A report is simply a factual statement of the circumstances surrounding an incident.
The Incident Report is forwarded to the appropriate Residential Life staff members (Resident Directors, Assistant Directors of Residential Life, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life and/or Dean of Students) for investigation unless it is of a nature that requires referral to the Department of Public Safety (as in sexual misconduct cases) or other areas. In the great majority of cases, the Incident Report is handled and investigated by the Resident Director of the hall in which the incident occurred. As such, the Resident Director of each residence hall serves as the primary Hearing Officer for incidents that occur in each residence hall. The Resident Director will, however, consult with fellow Residential Life Staff when incidents involve students from multiple buildings.
If a violation of policy is suspected, the Resident Director, the Assistant Director of Residential Life for Student Conduct, the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life, or a designated staff member will notify the student of the potential violation(s)-- typically in writing-- and will schedule a hearing to further investigate, offer the opportunity to the student to present their version of events, learn more about the Student Conduct Process, clarify the Code of Conduct and/or policies, and to learn from their decisions in a particular incident. If a student fails to appear for a scheduled hearing or waives their right to present their account of events related in the Incident Report, a decision may be made in their absence and the student may be charged in violation of the Code of Conduct article relating to the failure to comply.
After the investigation and conduct process has occurred, and if a student is found responsible, an outcome or combination of outcomes referred to as sanctions may be assigned to the student. In order to further the educational process and foster a positive community, all Hearing Officers are encouraged to use their judgment and discretion when issuing outcomes to properly relate the outcomes(s) to the alleged violation(s). Resident Directors may assign sanctions including but not limited to Student Life Probation, Residential Life Probation, Disciplinary Reprimands, Research/Reflective Papers, Work Hours, Community Service Projects, Educational Projects, Alcohol and Other Drugs Class, Restitution, and Monetary Fines. In addition to the range of sanctions listed above, the Assistant Directors of Residential Life or the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life may impose more serious sanctions, including but not limited to University Disciplinary Probation or Dismissal from Housing. If a student is not found not to be responsible, the potential violations listed in the hearing letter will be dropped.
Resident and commuter students are responsible for the behavior of their guests at all times. Students are expected to be honest and forthcoming during all student conduct inquiries and proceedings and the University Code of Conduct makes clear that honesty is a requirement of all members of the community. The honesty of a student participating in the conduct process will be taken into consideration at the time of sanctioning. Students with pending potential violations of the Code of Conduct who leave the campus temporarily (e.g., study abroad, medical withdrawal, leave of absence) may be required to participate in the student conduct process prior to leaving or upon their return to the campus. The Code of Conduct is in effect for students by virtue of the fact that they are Fordham University students; therefore it applies throughout the calendar year even when classes are not in session due to break periods or summer sessions, when students are on a leave of absence, when students are participating in a study abroad program or University sponsored trip/event, on- as well as off-campus, or when the University is closed.
Failure to meet deadlines or to comply with the requirements of sanctions from prior incidents of policy violation may result in the student being placed on a probationary status or receiving a more serious outcome. Students who fail to comply with conduct officer requests to attend meetings or who fail to comply with student conduct sanctions may receive additional fines. Graduating seniors who do not complete sanctions may have sanctions converted into fines due to framework/time of the year.
Below are descriptions of some of the sanctions available to the Hearing Officers within the Office of Residential Life based on the Student Conduct Sanctions in the University Regulations section of the Student Handbook.
Prevention and Support Screening and Brief Intervention
Students who are found in violation of Residential Life and/or University policy pertaining to alcohol and illegal drug use may be required to participate in a multi-session educational intervention facilitated by the Prevention and Support office. Interventions provided by Prevention and Support include educational groups, reflective exercises, assessments and personalized feedback sessions, which promote healthy behavior and provide information on the social and personal impact of alcohol and other drug abuse.
Disciplinary Reprimand and Warning
The student is advised (in writing) that future violations will result in more severe disciplinary action.
Educational Projects/Papers
Student Conduct Hearing Officers may request that a student complete an educational project or paper in order to provide a learning opportunity regarding a specific policy and/or violation. These projects include, but are not limited to: reflective paper, research paper, attendance at a University or Residential Life program, poster/media campaign, program presentation, critique of magazine or newspaper articles, letter of apology, hall improvement project, view and critique a film, follow-up meeting with an administrator, etc. All projects must be completed by the appropriate deadline to avoid additional sanctions and/or removal from the Room Selection Process.
Removal of Items
Any item(s) that are not allowed in the residence halls, or on University grounds, will be removed and potentially discarded. Discussion of returning of confiscated item(s) or returning of item(s) will occur during the student conduct process.
Appropriate fines may be assessed for various policy violations and will appear on the student's Bursar Bill. The student is required to make payment to the University or to the other persons, groups or organizations for damages incurred as a result of policy violations
Notification to Parents or Guardians
If the student involved in a Residential Life or University Code of Conduct student conduct violation is claimed as a dependent, the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to inform his/her parents/guardians of the pending disciplinary sanctions, as well as subsequent disciplinary decisions concerning the student. A student is considered a dependent unless he or she establishes proof to the contrary to the Assistant Director of Residential Life for Student Conduct, the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life or Dean of Students. It is suggested that students inform their parents whenever they are involved in an incident.
Students are encouraged to seek out a staff member (RA or RD) to clarify Residential Life policies and/or student conduct procedures. The Assistant Director of Residential Life for Student Conduct and the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life welcomes questions, concerns and/or input regarding Residential Life policies and student conduct procedures.
Student Life Probation
The commuting student is warned that future violations of the University Code of Conduct or residence hall regulations on- or off-campus may result in further and more serious outcomes, including University Disciplinary Probation (see below).
Residential Life Probation
The resident student is warned that future violations of the residence hall regulations may result in dismissal from the residence halls. Residents on probation at the time of the room selection process may automatically be placed in overflow housing.
Suspension, Dismissal, or Ban from the Residence Halls
The student shall not reside in or visit any of the University residence halls (both on and off campus) on either a temporary or permanent basis. Additionally, the student may not attend Residential Life social functions in or around any of the University residence halls. The student is required to leave the residence halls with his/her belongings within 24 hours unless otherwise specified. In certain circumstances there will be suspension of privileges, specifically, but not limited to: weekend suspension, restriction of contact, ban from other halls, banned guest(s), study hall, and reassignment of residence hall.
University Disciplinary Probation
This sanction dictates that the student may participate in – but shall not represent the University in – any extracurricular activity, run for or hold office in any student group or organization, and/or represent the University in any varsity or club sports. Additional restrictions or conditions may also be imposed. Further, modifications to the standard restrictions of disciplinary probation may be made on a case-by-case basis and only for extenuating circumstances. University Probation is also described in the Student Handbook’s University Regulations section.
Work Hours/Community Service Projects
Certain violations of Residential Life policy directly affect and detract from the residence hall community. As such, work hours and in-hall community service projects are utilized as a means of asking students to give back to the community in which they live. These projects include, but are not limited to: working with Campus Operations and/or Building Operations to clean and/or improve the condition of the residence hall, working with Dining Services or another office on campus, etc. Work sanctions and community service projects are usually related to the actual violation. These hours and/or projects must be completed by the specified date in order to avoid additional sanctions and/or removal from the Room Selection Process.
The following policies describe types of conduct for which students (resident or commuter) may be held accountable. The University may hold students accountable through the University Student Conduct System for any actions listed or for comparable actions not specifically listed. The influence of drugs or alcohol will not in any way mitigate the consequences of inappropriate behavior or limit the responsibility of individuals involved. A student attending a university function or living or visiting in the area surrounding the University is subject to the same standards of conduct expected on campus.
Since it is a Jesuit and Catholic university, Fordham seeks to educate the whole person. Therefore, it provides its students with a value-laden curriculum that challenges them both to stretch themselves intellectually and to develop the capacity for mature moral judgment. We are not content, however, merely to challenge our students in the classroom. Far from it. Realizing that much of their education (perhaps even the majority of it) takes place outside of the classroom, we seek to provide them with a supportive campus environment that will enable them to grow into the full possession of the many talents that they have been given.
Since we understand the role that out-of-class activities play in the spiritual, intellectual, moral and social development of our students, the Fordham community has for years been concerned with the adverse effects that alcohol has on the lives--and on the academic performance--of our students. In order to confront the challenges that substance abuse poses to the University's educational mission, Fordham will continue to offer counseling services and medical referrals to students who present themselves for help. At the same time, the University will continue to challenge its students to lead healthy lives and to develop those mature patterns of behavior that will enable them to become men and women of conscience, competence, compassion and commitment to the cause of the human family.
Joseph M. McShane, SJ, Former President of Fordham University
A Fordham University residential experience includes due respect for the laws of the State of New York. The University cannot condone or remain neutral to the breach of such laws. Further, all resident students must recognize that the campus and the residence halls are not sanctuaries from the laws of the State of New York.
Effective December 1, 1985, New York State amended its statutes and limited the sale and legal consumption of alcoholic beverages to persons 21 years of age or older. Since the University is chartered by New York State, it is the University's obligation to make every reasonable effort to ensure that state law is observed on University property and at University-sponsored events. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on University property except as specified by policy. Please examine the Student Handbook’s University Regulations section to review the implications of the Alcohol Beverage Control Act, the New York General Obligations Law, and other pertinent information.
NOTE: this policy is specific to resident students and guests in Fordham University residence halls and housing areas and is based on the University Alcohol Policy.
Violations of the alcohol policy, whether they occur on or off campus, include, but are not limited to, the following:
- No person under the age of 21 may possess, consume, purchase, or be in the presence of alcohol (except in officially designated spaces). “Possession” means having an alcoholic beverage under one’s charge or control. University staff possess the authority to require any person to show legal proof of age.
- Students aged 21 or older living in first-year residence halls may not possess or consume alcohol in the building (Loschert Hall, Loyola Hall Residential College, Alumni Court South, Queen’s Court Residential College, Martyrs Court LaLande and Goupil, and Martyrs Court Jogues Residential College).
- In rooms/apartments where all residents are over 21, individuals of legal drinking age may possess and/or consume alcohol in their rooms, provided all roommates and suitemates, present or absent, are of legal drinking age. All guests and students under the legal drinking age may not be in the presence of alcohol in the residence hall. The purchase, sale, distribution, consumption, association with, being in presence of, or possession of alcoholic beverages by any residents or guests, regardless of age, is prohibited in apartments where any resident is under 21.
- Fordham University prohibits inappropriate behavior that is a direct result of alcohol consumption. Any student who is observed to be intoxicated may be documented and met with through the Student Conduct process. Upon the outcome of that meeting, the student may be found in violation of the alcohol policy and sanctioned accordingly.
- Violation of the alcohol policy includes games involving drinking and rapid consumption techniques. It also includes unauthorized games and techniques not involving alcohol, and the use of devices (e.g. funnels, shot glasses, beer pong tables, etc.) which, by their very nature, promote abusive alcohol consumption. The University prohibits organizing and/or participating in activities that encourage excessive drinking (e.g. beer pong, drinking games, or contests, etc.). It is strictly prohibited for students to charge a fee when hosting a party. Possession of bars, shot glasses and/or empty alcohol containers, even for decorative purposes, is also prohibited.
- Drinking games, even when played without alcohol (except at an approved university program), and rapid consumption techniques and devices (e.g. funnels, beer bongs, shot glasses, beer pong tables, etc.) by their nature promote abusive consumption of alcohol and thus violate the alcohol policy. The University prohibits organizing or participating in activities that encourage excessive drinking (e.g., beer pong, drinking games or contests).
- The University prohibits the possession and consumption of alcohol within public areas and administrative and academic buildings without permission from the authorized University official, which for students and student groups is the Dean of Students or his designated representative. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the lounges, hallways, or any other public areas of the Residence Halls.
- It is prohibited for an underage student to be in the presence of any other person legally or illegally possessing, consuming or selling alcoholic beverages, except when authorized at a registered event.
- It is prohibited for anyone over the age of 21 to consume/possess alcoholic beverages in the presence of individuals under the age of 21, except when authorized at a registered event.
- Students are not permitted to provide alcohol to any person who is underage. For purposes of this regulation, “provide” means to sell, lend, give, make available, exchange, barter, or furnish in any way. The student social host policy will apply if alcohol is available in the room. Thus, the host is also responsible for misconduct if he/she passively allows prohibited alcohol use to occur within his/her room.
- Individuals who are 21 years of age or older may possess and consume beverages containing alcohol in their rooms in University residential units (refer for specific policies to the Office of Residential Life handbook) or at officially sponsored events. However, conduct resulting from the consumption of alcohol that is in any way illegal or in violation of any other policy is prohibited.
- Students are not permitted to possess, conspire to obtain, use, produce, sell or distribute false identification or identification that alters one’s age.
- Students are not permitted to host an unregistered party as determined by residence hall staff and evidenced by such factors as the presence of alcohol, excessive noise, or the number of persons present. In the interests of health and safety, parties that have not been duly organized according to the policies outlined in the Private Party Registration policy are prohibited and any alcohol found in the room or suite will be confiscated and/or disposed of by the host student.
- Large amounts of alcohol are not allowed in private rooms and excessive amounts of alcohol may be confiscated at the discretion of the Residence Hall staff. Each resident assigned to the room or apartment may not possess more than one of the following:
- Twelve (12) Cans/Bottles of beer, pre-mixed, or malt beverages (including wine coolers, hard seltzers, hard lemonade, frozen pouches, pre-mixed drinks, etc.); OR
- Two (2) 750ml Bottles of Wine; OR
- One (1) 750ml Bottle of Spirits
If Residential Life or Public Safety staff suspect that there is alcohol in a student’s bag or room, the bag or room of the student can be thoroughly searched (including a search of the refrigerator).
Failure to Comply: Failure to abide by Residential Life policies regarding the consumption, possession, association with, and distribution of alcoholic beverages is considered a violation of the University Code of Conduct. If other Residential Life and/or University regulations are violated while a student is under the influence of alcohol, compound potential violations will cover the intoxication itself and any other offenses that may have occurred.
As a Catholic and Jesuit institution, Fordham University considers the safety and personal well-being of the student body a priority. The University recognizes that there may be alcohol or other drug-related medical or safety emergencies in which the potential for disciplinary action could act as a deterrent to students who want to seek assistance for themselves or others. The Medical Amnesty Policy is designed to enable dangerously intoxicated or impaired students, or their guests, to receive the professional medical treatment they need.
When a student aids an intoxicated or impaired individual by contacting Public Safety or Residential Life staff for assistance, neither the intoxicated individual nor the individual or student reporting the emergency will be subject to formal disciplinary action for the consumption or possession of alcohol or other drugs as a first offense. In rare circumstances such as cases where other violations occur, students may be adjudicated. Examples include, but are not limited to, physical abuse, conduct which threatens safety, verbal or physical harassment, disorderly conduct or property damage. The Medical Amnesty Policy does not apply for subsequent alcohol or other drug intoxications or impairments.
Intoxicated or impaired students who are medically evaluated or hospitalized for alcohol or other drug use:
- will be required to have a follow-up meeting with their Resident Director or a member of the Student Life staff. Following this meeting, the student will receive a letter that will describe the guidelines of this policy in more detail.
- will be required to meet with a staff member from the Prevention and Support Program.
- will have their parents contacted by the University. In these cases, parental notification is not taken as a disciplinary action but as a precautionary measure.
- may also be referred to Counseling and Psychological Services, University Health Services, or an outside program for substance abuse evaluation and appropriate treatment.
The student(s) aiding an intoxicated or impaired individual by contacting Security or Residential Life staff:
- in circumstances described above will not be subject to formal disciplinary action for the consumption or possession of alcohol or other drugs as a first offense, but may be required to have a follow-up meeting with the Assistant Director of Residential Life for Student Conduct and/or the Assistant Director for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevention or their designees.
The University Code of Conduct and the policies that spring from it are sets of rules to which all Fordham University students, staff, and faculty agree for the benefit of each person and the community and in order that they may enjoy access to campus, residence, employment, and academic opportunities. As the University and its Residential Life program are meant to be environments for the preparation of men and women for others, each member of the community has a responsibility to uphold these common standards themselves and to expect that they be followed by others. With this mission in mind, condoning, supporting, encouraging, and/or choosing to remain in the presence of a violation of the University policy may constitute a violation of Residential Life policies. Students who anticipate or observe a violation of University policy are expected to remove themselves from the situation. Students are encouraged to contact University officials should they find themselves in such a situation, especially if harm to others or the community could result from inaction or indifference.
Fordham University strictly prohibits the unauthorized possession, use, distribution, sale, facilitation in the sale, purchase, or production of barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana (including medical marijuana and cannabis oils), opiates, hallucinogens, or any other addictive or illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia. Such conduct violates the University Code of Conduct, as well as state and federal laws.
For the purposes of this policy, “drug” includes, but is not limited to, marijuana (including medical marijuana and cannabis oils), heroin, LSD, cocaine, mushrooms, ecstasy, ketamine, and illegally acquired or misused prescription drugs. Drug also includes any substance that is used to change mood or alter reality and is not used in accordance with a medical prescription (e.g., household chemicals/agents, steroids, naturally derived substances). “Drug paraphernalia” includes, but is not limited to, hookahs, pipes, bongs, hollowed-out cigars, grinders, scales, and vaporizers.
All illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia are subject to confiscation and the University reserves the right to refer potential criminal violations to local law enforcement authorities. Students who have used or are using drugs may wish to seek counseling and are reminded that physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, substance abuse counselors, and pastoral counselors are available for such help.
Failure to Comply: The University will typically apply appropriate internal Student Conduct processes should a student violate criminal statutes with regard to illegal drugs. The University will apply the proper procedural safeguards and will determine those disciplinary sanctions that may be relevant to one's status as a student of Fordham University. Students are subject to severe disciplinary action by Residential Life and by the University ranging from Residence Hall probation to dismissal from the residence halls and expulsion from the university, especially in those cases in which sale or distribution of illegal or prohibited drugs occurs. The University also reserves the right to notify parents of students of pending violations or subsequent conduct decisions.
Due to the risk of fire and the New York City Fire Department’s (FDNY) safety recommendations regarding lithium-ion batteries used in these devices, Fordham University strictly prohibits all electric/battery-powered-scooters, bikes, and e-skate/hoverboards and other personal electric/battery-powered transportation devices from use or storage/charging on all University property, including all buildings on and off campus and walkways and sidewalks within the campus.
Failure to Comply: Violation of the policy will lead to educational sanctions, fines, or other student conduct sanctions. -
Fordham University strictly prohibits the improper use of fire alarm systems or fire safety equipment, whether intentional or reckless. Prohibited actions include tampering with, removal of, setting off alarms, reckless use of fire extinguishers, or damaging of fire safety equipment or alarm systems in any university building where no fire or immediate danger of fire exists. Fire drills are conducted at various times during the year to ensure that all residents are familiar with evacuation procedures and to ensure that all safety equipment is functional.
- Fire Safety Equipment: Fire equipment is placed in the residence halls for students’ protection and the protection of property in the event of a fire or emergency. Anyone who causes damage to this equipment or renders it unusable or ineffective is endangering the safety of all residents. This includes tampering or misuse of any fire safety equipment, including setting off false fire alarms, unauthorized use of air horns, or the unintentional causing of an alarm, sprinkler, or fire extinguisher discharge due to careless or reckless behavior, the student will be subject to student conduct action up to and including dismissal from housing or more severe sanctions.
- Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire is a serious violation subject to disciplinary sanctions including suspension or expulsion from Fordham University as well as penalties described by law.
- Fire Evacuation: During a fire drill or alarm, every student is expected to evacuate the building and follow emergency procedures as well as comply with instructions and/or directives from University Security and Residential Life staff. Students cannot return to a building until an “all clear” signal is given by an appropriate University official.
- Unintentional False Alarms: causing a false alarm due to inappropriate, careless, and or reckless use of cooking equipment.
Burning or possession of candles or incense, lit or unlit, is not allowed in the residence halls for any purpose.
The University fountain located adjacent to Dealy Hall has been installed to resemble the historic space once enjoyed by students, staff and faculty, and visitors. Stepping into, wading, or swimming in the fountain, or placing objects, substances, or chemicals into the water is strictly prohibited as such actions can easily damage the fountain’s pump system and surrounding site, resulting in costly repairs and cleanup. Any student who engages in such prohibited conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, and sanctions will include, but not be limited to, a $250 fine and the cost of any repairs and cleanup.
All students and University employees are to be treated with respect. As stated in the University Code of Conduct, harassment of another person, whether physical, sexual, or verbal, either orally, written, or online, is not permitted. Use of abusive language, including, but not limited to, profanity and threats or physical contact are considered harassment and will be dealt with severely as violations of both Residential Life and University policies. Harassment of University staff in the conduct of their duties on behalf of the residential community and campus is treated as a particularly serious violation under this policy. In light of the seriousness with which staff harassment is taken, the Assistant Director for Leadership Development and Training, the Assistant Director for Student Conduct, or other more senior staff may handle conduct cases in which harassment of University staff is alleged. This includes Resident Assistants, Resident Directors, Desk Assistants, or Watchman Guards. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further information regarding Information Technology usage and harassment via electronic means.
Failure to Comply: Students who harass University staff members may face Student Life or Residential Life Probation for two semesters, University probation, dismissal from housing, expulsion from school, contact restriction, and/or other student conduct sanctions.
For safety and security purposes, students are required to have their University Identification Cards with them at all times and are required to present or surrender ID cards to any University official upon request (including Resident Assistants and Desk Assistants when carrying out their assigned duties). Guests of Fordham students are also responsible for presenting identification when requested and are subject to removal in cases of refusal.
Identification cards are permanent and are issued during the fall and spring opening and move-in periods to new students. In the event a card is lost or a student withdraws from the University, he/she must report the loss, theft, or withdrawal immediately via the Fordham Student portal on the Fordham website. To request a replacement during business hours, please go to one of these offices:
- Rose Hill: ID Services Office, Faculty Memorial Hall, 1st floor
- Lincoln Center: ID Services Office, Lowenstein Center, 128-A
- Westchester: Room G13
After hours, students must contact the Department of Public Safety at his or her campus to obtain a replacement ID Card. The University will immediately deactivate any ID reported lost or stolen. Students must have a Fordham ID Number (FIDN) to obtain a new card.
Failure to Comply: Failure to cooperate with a University official by refusing to present Fordham identification constitutes a violation of Residential Life policy and the University Code of Conduct and warrants University and Residential Life outcomes including, but not limited to, educational sanctions, residence halls probation, and possible dismissal. Misuse, improper use of an ID card, or the alteration of an ID card may lead to educational sanctions, fines, or Residence Halls Probation. Students found with duplicate ID cards may also be subject to disciplinary action.
Fordham's mission as an institution of higher learning is informed by the Jesuit Catholic tradition of responsible moral living. Residence hall life, of course, is an integral part of the Fordham student's education, and community life in the residence halls is necessarily based upon the University's founding principles.
One such principle holds that sexual intercourse is to be reserved for marriage. Cohabitation is therefore prohibited in the residence halls. Furthermore, a student is not permitted to request or cajole a roommate to leave his or her room, suite or apartment in order to facilitate sexual activities.
Failure to Comply: Cohabitation may lead to sanctions ranging from the loss of visitation privileges to residence halls probation or dismissal from the residence halls.
A student’s right to privacy is important in a community setting. In an effort to uphold this right, videotaping is prohibited in every part of the residence halls according to University Regulations. You may request permission in writing in advance from your Resident Director for special circumstances.
Students are also prohibited from any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person without his/her prior knowledge, or without his/her effective consent. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a gym, locker room, or bathroom.
Failure to Comply: Violation of the policy will lead to educational sanctions, fines or other student conduct sanctions; repeated violations can result in dismissal from the residence halls.
Fordham University admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Fordham University is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Violence Against Women Act, and other federal, state, and local laws.
For information related to the policies and processes used to handle any complaint against a student related to sexual misconduct, please visit Please also see the policies and processes used to handle Bias Incidents and Hate Crime incidents.
The Title IX Coordinator oversees the University’s Title IX compliance efforts and is responsible for coordinating the University’s response to all reports on sexual and related misconduct, including sex- or gender-based discrimination involving educational programs, gender equity in athletic programs, employment, and admission. The Title IX Coordinator also collects data from all of the University's Title IX reports to monitor the process, including outcomes, to identify and address any patterns or systemic issues that may arise.
Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulation may be referred to the University’s designated Title IX Coordinator listed below or to the Assistant Secretary of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100. Call the OCR main numbers toll-free at 800-421-3481 or 800-877-8339 (TDD). Or contact the OCR’s New York office at [email protected] or 646-428-3800.
Please find the complete policy at
The University encourages and supports the academic and professional success of pregnant and parenting students and employees. Fordham's non-discrimination policy specifically prohibits discrimination against those of marital or parental status, which includes on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.
Please contact residence hall staff, University Health Services, or the Dean of Students if you need assistance. We are here to help.
Complaints of Discrimination based upon Pregnancy or Parenting status: Students should first address concerns with their individual professors. If unsatisfied with the faculty member’s response, then please contact the dean of your school with your concern. Employees should contact the Department of Human Resources with any pregnancy or parenting-related concerns.
Once you have attempted to resolve your concern with your dean’s office or Human Resources, you may also file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator for the University:
Kay Turner, Esq.
Vice President for Human Resources and Interim Title IX Coordinator
Faculty Memorial Hall, Room 212
718-817-0181 | [email protected]A discrimination complaint may also be filed with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights.
Student Handbook Links related to Pregnancy and Parenting Resources
Resident students of Walsh Hall, Belmont Community Housing (BCH), Campbell Hall, and Salice-Conley Hall may exercise the privilege of registering private parties scheduled for weekend evenings at which alcohol will be present. Registration is limited and conducted at the discretion of the Resident Director. To register a party, the prospective host(s) must follow these procedures:
- Retrieve from the RHO, complete and sign the following forms:
- Registered Party Regulations and Registration
- Registered Party Absence Agreement (if any suitemates are under 21)
- Registered Party Guest List and Limited Visitation Policy Waiver
- Residents must meet with the Resident Director. The registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and is generally limited to two (2) parties per weekend evening, for a total of no more than four (4) parties per week(end).
- At this meeting, the Resident Director reviews New York State Law, the University Code of Conduct and Residential Life Policy relating to Alcohol and Private Party Registration.
- Prospective hosts with suitemates who are underage may still apply, but must first complete a Registered Party Absence Agreement. This form is a guarantee to the RD that the underage suitemate(s) will not be present on campus at the time of the registered party.
- The prospective hosts present a completed and signed Registered Party Guest List.
The Resident Assistant staff on Duty and/or the Resident Director will visit the registered party at the start of duty (between 6:15 and 6:30) on the night it is scheduled to place a copy of the Registered Party Regulations on the door of the suite. This sign also identifies the party as having been registered. The Resident Assistant staff on duty and/or the Resident Director will also visit the suite fifteen minutes in advance of the 1:00 am end-time to remind hosts that the party must end by that hour.
Disciplinary action will be taken should drinking in private rooms become an illegal, non-registered party or public event, as determined by your residence hall staff and evidenced by such factors as the presence of alcohol, excessive noise or the number of persons present. In the interests of health and safety, parties that have not been duly organized according to the policies outlined above are prohibited and any alcohol found in the room or suite will be confiscated and/or disposed of by the host student(s).
Party Registration is meant to strike a healthy balance between the rights and responsibilities of the host students. Respect for the community and for the Office of Residential Life staff must be maintained in order to enjoy this privilege. Hosts must be observant of Registered Party Regulations, all Residential Life policies, as well as the University Code of Conduct. Failure to do so subjects the party to immediate shutdown, possible confiscation of alcohol and the hosts and their guests to documentation by the Office of Residential Life staff.
As a community, it is important to maintain the safety and security of our residence halls by keeping these doors locked. Propping open or intentionally jamming or tampering with the locking mechanisms of a residence hall entrance, residence hall room door and/or fire door is considered a serious breach of safety and security. This includes tampering with the locking mechanism of residence hall room doors.
Failure to Comply: Verbal or written warnings, educational sanctions, or fines may be assigned to students in violation of this policy. Repeated violations could lead to probation or removal from housing due to continuous breach in security for our community.
Since the University expects the residences to be conducive to academic pursuits, noise must always be kept at a reasonable, courteous level so as not to disturb neighbors or roommates (Courtesy Hours 24 hours a day). Residents are not permitted to play their stereos at loud volume or play musical instruments within the buildings unless specified by a Residential Life staff member. Stereo speakers and audio equipment are not to be aimed toward or placed near open windows; such behavior would disturb a large number of people. Any noise clearly heard beyond the confines of a student’s room represents a breach of the consideration policy. One’s choice of entertainment or relaxation should not negatively impact or disturb people in other buildings, corridors, lounges, and nearby rooms.
In addition to normal courtesy hours, quiet hours have been established to ensure that students are able to sleep and study according to their own needs and preferences. During quiet hours, each student is responsible for making sure that his or her noise is not at a level that disturbs anyone else who may be studying or sleeping. The minimum campus-wide quiet hours for all residences are as follows: Sunday through Thursday 11 pm to 9 am Friday and Saturday 1 am to 9 am Quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day during the final exam period. In order to meet the needs of each residence hall, quiet hours may be expanded upon at the discretion of the Resident Director.
Failure to Comply: Verbal or written warnings, educational sanctions, or fines may be assigned to students in violation of the Noise Consideration Policy. Repeated violations could lead to removal from housing due to continuous disruptive behavior.
The University is very concerned that neither students nor any of their guests attempt to cross the Metro North railroad tracks adjacent to the Martyrs' Court/Alumni Court South/Loschert Hall/Campbell and Salice-Conley Halls area of campus. Trespassing on railroad property is not only illegal but, more importantly, also extremely dangerous to the life of the trespasser. Commuter trains travel at very high rates of speed at that point and round a bend before they can be seen or heard. Any Fordham University student who fails to abide by the law and this University policy shall be subject to the student conduct process.
Failure to Comply: any Fordham student who fails to abide by the law and this University policy shall be subject to a $250 fine and University student conduct action.
It shall be the policy of Fordham University to regulate the smoking of tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes. In accordance with New York State law, smoking is prohibited inside all buildings. By definition, this prohibition includes classrooms, residence halls, auditoriums, hallways, stairwells, elevators, lobbies, building entryways, terraces, churches, gymnasiums, and health care facilities, as well as public and private areas. Additionally, smoking is not permitted within fifty feet of the entrances or exits of any university-owned or leased on-campus and off-campus buildings and facilities. Violation of this policy may subject students to University sanctions and other fines.
Failure to Comply: Violation of the smoking policy may lead to educational sanctions, fines or other student conduct sanctions; repeated violations could result in dismissal from the residence halls.
It is the responsibility of any student who hosts a visitor or guest on campus to ensure that the person knows and adheres to the Residential Life and Student Handbook. In instances where guests violate rules or codes, the student host will be held responsible. Residents of a room, apartment or suite, on or off campus, are responsible for all that occurs within that dwelling including any guest misconduct. Whether a visitor is a student or non-student, the student host will be held responsible for violations of the Residential Life and Student Handbook. Responsibility under these rules may occur even if the host is not a participant in the activity or has left the visitor(s) alone.
No solicitors, salespersons or agents, student or otherwise, are permitted to contact students in Fordham University residence halls for commercial purposes except when contracted by the University. In such cases, permission must be obtained from the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life. Students may not use their room for commercial purposes.
Signs that protect and/or inform the public may not be tampered with or relocated to resident rooms, suites, or apartments. Educational sanctions, significant fines and/or other student conduct sanctions will be assessed in such cases and the signs will be confiscated.
Throughout the year, notices containing information pertinent to resident students are posted in high-traffic areas. Please read and be aware of the content of these notices. These notices should never be tampered with or altered in any way. Students who post notices in the residence halls must follow the University standards for postings, as required by the United Student Government and the Office of Student Leadership & Community Development. A complete listing of the policies is stated in the Student Handbook. Posters that are not approved by the Office of Student Leadership & Community Development or that are placed in inappropriate locations will be removed, and fines may be levied against the responsible organization. Please refer to University-wide provisions stated in the Student Handbook.
Theft from or damage to University property and/or theft of or damage to the property of another while located on the property of the University is a violation of the Code of Conduct. This includes knowingly receiving, retaining, or disposing of the lost or mislaid property of a member of the University community or of the University itself. The University is not responsible for any loss due to theft, fire, vandalism, accident, or student negligence and does not provide insurance for your personal property. Students are strongly encouraged to inventory all personal belongings and to record serial numbers where possible.
Intentionally or recklessly damaging or destroying exit signs, graffiti writing, defacing or tampering with University or public property or the property of another. Standard sanction: Suspension from the residence halls. This includes the tampering with or destruction of security equipment maintained by the University.
Students are advised to: (1) arrange for their family’s Homeowners insurance to cover personal property or (2) obtain renter’s insurance. In the event of theft, immediately report the incident to Security and your residence hall staff. Students will be subject to disciplinary action if they are involved with any theft and/or damage to the property of another person or the University. Students subject themselves to both criminal action and University disciplinary action if they commit theft, injure anyone, or damage property.
In the interests of safety, it is unacceptable to throw, drop or pass anything in or out of a window of a University building. Such conduct severely jeopardizes the health and well-being of other members of the University community. Students may not hang out of windows and/or pass things into or out of residence hall windows. In the same way, students may not hang items out of room and/or suite windows. Window screens should not be removed from windows.
Failure to Comply: Sanctions range from, but are not limited to, a $100 fine and Residential Life Probation to a $200 fine and residence hall dismissal.
Unauthorized entry, using keys to enter a room or facility without proper authority and forcible entry or trespass into any building structure, facility, student room, roof, balcony, or other areas are prohibited. Trespassing within the private room of another or use of keys without the proper authority will be considered serious violations. Students are not allowed access to the roofs of buildings at any time. Students are not permitted to use exit doors marked “emergency” for any use other than in an emergency evacuation or allow others to use these doors for entry/exit. Resident students and their guests may only enter and exit a building through designated entrance doors; windows may not be used as a means of entering or exiting a University building or residence hall. Residence hall computer labs and laundry facilities, where available, are funded by the residents of the building in which they are located. Access to these facilities is limited to resident students living in the appropriate building.
Failure to Comply: Violation of this regulation may lead to serious student conduct action, educational sanctions and/or a possible fine. Students found on the fire escape or roof of any building will face Residence Halls Probation and a possible $200 fine.
Standard Policy:
The visitation policy in the residence halls provides resident students the opportunity to permit guests in their rooms. While providing for this interaction, the policy is also sensitive to every resident's need for a level of privacy in a community environment, the balancing of rights among resident students, and the need for safety and security. Visitation will begin for the Fall semester on the first night of Resident Assistant Duty, August 14, 2024. The overnight guest pass policy will go into effect the first weekend after classes begin, August 30, 2024. You will be able to obtain a guest pass as early as move-in weekend, but cannot host the overnight guest until September 1st. Please watch for communication via the Office of Residential Life on important dates throughout the semester relating to visitation and guests (holiday breaks, break stay, etc.).
Roommates should always confer about all visitors and guests (especially overnight guests) in advance of a visit and agree that a visitor or guest is not an imposition. Guests over the age of 16 can obtain a guest pass and are required to observe Residential Life and University policies and regulations. The resident student, as a host, is responsible for the guest's behavior and assumes this responsibility by informing the guest of Residential Life and University policies. If guests violate Residential Life or University policies or regulations, the guest’s home institution and/or parents will be notified. Guests must show a valid picture ID card and guest pass upon entrance to the residence hall and when requested by the residence hall staff, Public Safety, the Desk Assistant, or the Watchman Guard.
Residents may host no more than two overnight guests at a time for not more than two nights within a seven-day period, provided an official overnight guest pass is obtained from the residence hall staff. A guest may not stay overnight in the residence halls for more than two nights within a seven-day period. Guest passes must be requested at the Residence Hall Office (RHO) between the hours of 7 pm - 11 pm Sunday through Thursday or through or between the hours of 7 pm - 12 am Friday and Saturday. Students must request guest passes at least 48 hours before the guest arrives. The student(s) with whom the requester shares a room must approve the guest pass via email no less than 12 hours prior to the arrival of the guest for their stay (the roommate should email approval to their home Res Hall Office email account). Fordham resident students can obtain the guest pass from an RA and will have the pass verified by the duty RA, the Watchman Guard, or Desk Assistant when the guest arrives. In order to have a guest pass verified, the Fordham student must accompany the guest and show the guest's ID to the duty RA the Watchman Guard.
A Watchman Guard and Desk Assistant provide security coverage for each residence hall. The Desk Assistants are on duty seven days a week from 5 pm - 10 pm and the Watchman Guards are on duty seven days a week from 10 pm - 6 am in order to greet students and visitors and check their identification as they enter the building. The Watchman Guards are supervised by the Office of Public Safety and work in conjunction with your residence hall staff. The Office of Residential Life supervises the Desk Assistants.
All Fordham University students, including the residents of a given building, must present their ID as they enter a residence hall. Matriculated students are allowed to visit residence halls and will need to follow the instructions of the Desk Assistant or Watchman Guard regarding sign-in procedures and must be accompanied by the host at all times. Residence halls may only be entered or exited through designated entrance doors; windows and fire escapes are not to be used for this purpose.
Students who wish to enter their own residence hall are allowed to do so by simply showing the Watchman Guard or Desk Assistant their Fordham University identification card. During the hours the Desk Assistant is working, students who wish to visit a student who lives in another residence hall must sign the applicable portion of the Sign-In/Sign-Out registry. The host student must come to the desk and also sign the applicable portion of the Sign-In/Sign-Out registry. In doing so, the host assumes responsibility for the conduct of the guest and commits him or herself to explain Residential Life and University policies to the guest.
During the hours the Watchman Guard is working, the host must meet the visitor at the front desk. The host student and visitor must both sign applicable portions of the Sign-In/Sign-Out registry. In doing so, the host assumes responsibility for the conduct of the guest and commits him or herself to explain Residential Life and University policies to the guest. Resident students must escort their visitors in and out of the residence hall and remain with visitors and/or guests(s) at all times.
As a guideline, the number of visitors who may enter a given living unit is limited to three per resident (freshmen living in converted triples are allowed two visitors per resident), excluding the occupants of the unit. The residence hall staff reserves the right to exercise discretion in applying this guideline. Refer to this table:
Maximum Visitors
Total Persons
2-Person Room
6 guests
8 persons
3-Person Room
9 guests
12 persons
4-Person Room
12 guests
16 persons
4-Person Suite
12 guests
16 persons
6-Person Suite
18 guests
24 persons
7-Person Suite
21 guests
28 persons
Failure to Comply: Guests found in violation of University or Residential Life policies may be asked to leave immediately and/or may be banned from campus. Hosts will be held accountable for their guest's behavior and, in the event of a policy violation by a guest, may be subject to loss of guest privileges, educational sanctions, probation, or other student conduct sanctions. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to limit or restrict guest visitation privileges during high activity periods and during break/close-down periods (i.e. Homecoming, Spring Weekend, Special Events, Mid-term and Final Exams).
Residents who fail to properly sign their visitors out before 3:30 am or fail to follow the visitation procedures listed above will receive a $15, $30, or $45 incremental fine (not to exceed $50) and may then be subject to serious disciplinary action. The appropriate Resident Director will meet with a resident who has failed to follow the visitation policy four or more times for a conduct hearing. Possible outcomes of this violation range from a written warning to a permanent suspension of guest privileges. Further violation of the guest policy could lead to severe outcomes such as removal from the residence hall.
All weapons, knives, pellets, BB guns, firearms, ammunition, hunting arrows, potentially injurious war souvenirs, explosives, fireworks, firecrackers, highly flammable materials, dangerous chemicals and the like are prohibited.
Failure to Comply: Possession or use of such explosives or weapons will lead to confiscation and sanctions ranging from a disciplinary warning, work hours, residence halls probation, or dismissal from housing or more serious sanctions.
Fordham University’s Residential Life program sets forth a community of rights, respect, and responsibility as its vision. The privilege of membership in this community requires consideration for others and responsibility for one’s actions, including toward the built environments of residence halls, the properties that residents and staff together make into a home. A residence hall experience will further one’s education and personal development and will offer challenges and support. Living in a university residence is a privilege offered to students, and carries with it the responsibility for fulfilling the terms of the Housing Agreement to which residents agree to abide when the housing application is submitted. Fordham University expects students to become familiar with the policies in that agreement, in this handbook, and in the Student Handbook, to take responsibility for their actions, and to respect the community in which they live and each of its members.
These policies are set forth in writing in order to give students a general notice of expectations and prohibited conduct. The policies should be read broadly and are not intended to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. Violations of these policies also constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may be referred to the student conduct process in more serious instances
The following guidelines have also been established to reduce unnecessary and costly repairs – costs that increase the burden on students and families and decrease access. With your help and cooperation, the physical quality of the residence halls can be sustained and even more capital improvements within the residence halls will be possible.
Each student is responsible for the care and cleaning of his or her room, suite, or apartment. The room and its furnishings must be kept in presentable condition at all times. It is expected that students will be considerate of University property and will afford it the same care and treatment as their own personal or family property.
Because of the safety hazards entailed, barbecues are only permitted when approved by a Resident Director and supervised by a Residential Life staff member. Food must be prepared by Fordham Dining Services staff. Private barbecues are not permitted. Residents are not allowed to keep grills of any kind in the residence halls.
Failure to Comply: Work hours, educational sanctions, or fines will be assigned to those who violate this policy.
Bed rails for lofted beds are available from Campus Operations upon request. Students may place a work order for a bed rail or contact residence hall staff with questions. See the Campus Operations/Repair Services section below for more information.
Students living in University housing must abide by the Winter and Spring break closing policy and are expected to plan travel accordingly. Students checking out late may be charged $25 per hour as delays require staff supervision and delay preparations for breaks that depend on departure, among other inconveniences.
The residence halls are closed according to the following schedule:
Winter Break
- Belmont Community Housing and Campbell and Salice-Conley Halls remain open.
- Walsh Hall closes during the period between Christmas and New Year's Day, opening shortly thereafter. Postings in Walsh Hall will outline these dates and times.
- All other residence halls close for the entire duration of the break and emails and postings will remind students of the schedule
Spring Break
- Belmont Community Housing, Walsh Hall, Campbell and Salice-Conley Halls remain open.
- All other residence halls close.
Students who need to reside on-campus during a designated break period must follow instructions sent prior to breaks via email and complete a sign-up form in advance. Walsh Hall, Campbell Hall, Salice-Conley Hall, and BCH residents intending to remain in their units must sign up with their residence hall staff at least two weeks before the break begins. Students from other residence halls must find a willing host from the previously mentioned buildings at least one week prior to the vacation and submit this information to the Office of Residential Life.
It is the responsibility of students to arrange their housing during break periods, but the office will do its best to seek out viable solutions. It is suggested that students prepare for their accommodations well in advance.
Students remaining in a residence hall during a recess period and/or those students who ignore posted times by which they must vacate the hall may be charged a weekly fee to help cover staffing and other costs. It is suggested that students take all valuables home during the recess periods. Resident students should also be aware that visitation and overnight guest privileges are suspended during break periods.
Cable television outlets are installed in the living rooms of suites and in other campus living units and are priced on a one- television-per-outlet basis included in room charges for all on-campus residents. In accordance with the University’s cable television contract, the connection of more than one television unit to a single cable outlet by any means is strictly prohibited. Students are asked to be careful with cable service jacks, outlets, molding, and other items. Students will be assessed charges by the Office of Residential Life and may be subject to student conduct action if cable television hardware in a given suite or bedroom is damaged or modified to split cable service for additional televisions.
Check-In: A student moving into the residence hall is responsible for completing their emergency notification via, a key card, and a Room Condition Report (RCR) in cooperation with the Resident Assistant (RA). This report is kept on file in order to track possible damage during the year.
Check-Out: A student, with approval, who changes rooms or leaves the residence hall, is responsible for notifying the RA and the Housing Operations Specialist at the Office of Residential Life of the departure date. The student must then arrange to check out of his or her assignment with the RA and return his or her keys. Students must remove all personal belongings at the time of check-out; leaving personal belongings in the care of another student is not permitted.
Failure to Comply: Failure to leave the room as it was found will result in a damage assessment and possible disciplinary action. A charge of $15 will be assessed for each unreturned key, and a $35 charge for lock core changes will be assessed if a bedroom or suite door key is not returned. (See KEYS). Students checking out late may be charged $25 per hour.
Campus Operations provides cleaning and maintenance for the common areas of each residence hall, including lounges, corridors, stairways, and community bathrooms. This cleaning is conducted at scheduled times between the hours of 6 am - 2:30 pm. Students are expected to clean their own rooms and suites, including bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms in Finlay Hall, Walsh Hall, O’Hare Hall, Campbell Hall, Salice-Conley Hall and Belmont Community Housing.
Residential Life may assign cleaning charges for public areas that unnecessarily, excessively, or repeatedly require cleaning (See also: RECYCLING). Both the Offices of Residential Life and Campus Operations conduct room inspections at the scheduled holiday and Winter/Spring breaks to ensure community cleanliness and safety. Students may be fined for the neglect or damage to a room or University property. Hall staff will schedule mandatory hall/wing/house meetings to discuss any severe or large-scale damage or soiling of community areas like bathrooms, lounges, and halls to review expectations and community standards. Students may be required to clean soiled areas to remedy a condition immediately.
In addition to building wi-fi, the University installed data outlets in each bedroom to provide individual access to the Internet through a cable modem. The cost for this service is assessed through the Technology Fee. Students are asked to be careful with the jacks, outlets, molding, and other items. Students will be assessed charges by the Office of Residential Life and may be subject to student conduct action if data jack hardware is damaged. Students may not have their own wireless access points including routers, which are subject to confiscation.
Room or suite decorations are certainly encouraged as a means of personalizing a living space. However, safety concerns necessarily limit the variety of acceptable decorations. Because of the fire hazard, tapestries and other hangings from ceilings, in doorways, over lights, from sprinkler heads, or from fire safety equipment are prohibited. Students should use discretion when considering the size of decorative items.
Students should attach memo boards, posters, and similar items to walls or doors using “fun tack” or similar adhesives designed to leave painted surfaces undamaged. All "fun tack" installed in living units must be removed from walls upon check-out.
Please keep in mind that students will be billed for any chipping, peeling, or pockmarks that may be sustained to room or suite walls and other surfaces. If a portion of a wall is damaged, the student(s) responsible will be billed for the painting of the entire wall. Nails, thumbtacks, and tape are common causes of these problems. In fact, the use of double-sided tape is not permitted in the residence halls. Nails are never to be used.
At the closing of the residence halls, all residents must clean their rooms and turn in their room keys. Failure to complete these steps will result in the assignment of a closing fine, which will be placed on the student’s bursar account. Residents should not leave trash or extra furniture in their rooms, or non-University property in their room or suite, and they should return all furniture to its original location and position (i.e. lower flipped beds) Failure to do so will result in a closing fine. Failure to turn in all keys at check-out will result in a $15 charge per key and a charge of $35 to cover the cost of a lock core change. Late key returns will be accepted until June 1. All residents returning keys after this date will not be credited. Soon after a room is vacated, Building Operations and Residential Life will conduct an inspection of all rooms or suites. Residents will be held responsible for any damages found during that inspection that were not included on the RCR filed at opening.
Pest control should be everyone’s concern and the cleanliness required of all residents prevents infestation problems. All campus residence halls receive extermination services on a weekly basis for public areas and multiple times a year for student rooms. Off-campus units receive these services only as needed. If you have a problem with pests, call the Office of Campus Operations at 718-817-3975 to place a work order.
Resident students must limit their choice of electrical appliances to those that are safest and are not likely to overload the electrical system in their residence hall or cause risk of fire. Acceptable appliances include steam irons, radios, stereos, televisions, desk/study lamps, electric razors, hair dryers, personal computers, coffee pots and hot pots with automatic cutoff elements and enclosed heating units.
Hot plates and other open heating element electrical appliances are not permitted in the residence halls due to the risk that they present for accidents and fires. Microwaves, halogen lamps, toasters, toaster ovens, indoor grills, space heaters and air conditioners are not permitted. “George Foreman”-type grills, toaster ovens, and microwaves are prohibited except in Walsh Hall, Belmont Community (off-campus leased) Housing, and Campbell and Salice-Conley Halls in which kitchens are provided. Refrigerators larger than 4.0 cubic feet are only allowed in the kitchens of Walsh Hall, Campbell Hall, Salice-Conley Hall and Belmont Community Housing units, which are standard with kitchens. No other refrigerators are allowed in Walsh, Off-Campus Housing, or Campbell and Salice-Conley Hall.
The use of many electrical appliances at the same time can cause electrical fires and students must take care to avoid plugging many items into any outlets through extension cords or power strips and surge protector strips as this can overload electrical systems or overheat cords and adapters. Adapters that allow many items to be plugged into an outlet at the same time are prohibited, except Underwriter Laboratories (UL)-approved surge protector power strips for light electronics like computers and stereos. Extension cords should also be Underwriter Laboratories (UL)-approved and designated "heavy duty." The Office of Residential Life advises the use of surge protectors for electronics. The Office of Residential Life cannot assume liability for damage caused by electrical surges.
Failure to Comply: Prohibited electrical equipment will be confiscated and a warning, educational sanction, fine, or other student conduct action may be taken.
Elevators are a convenience for all residents in newer residence halls. These elevators deserve the best of care, given the fact that large numbers of people depend upon them and use them every day, especially members of the community with mobility limitations. Overloading or holding doors open can cause the elevators to malfunction or shut down, requiring costly service and repair that may be passed along to residents. Please observe capacity regulations posted in the elevators and use the "open door" button in order to hold the door. Elevator repairs are expensive and will be assumed by the residents of the building in question in cases of vandalism. Elevators subject to vandalism or misuse may be placed out of operation if necessary.
The Offices of Facilities Management is administered separately from the Office of Residential Life, but this staff is responsible for many of the services you will receive as a resident student this year. The Office of Facilities Management is located in Room 106 of Faculty Memorial Hall and is open 8 am - 4:30 pm on weekdays. You should call Facilities Management at 718-817-4830 to complete a work request for the repair of University property or fixtures within your room. Such requests are honored in order of urgency.
Your cooperation with the Facilities Management staff is important; such efforts make it easier for these personnel to promptly attend to problems and efficiently maintain your building. From time to time, Facilities Management staff members require access to student rooms and suites for repair and maintenance purposes. It will not always be possible to notify students in advance of such visits, but staff members will always identify themselves and knock before entering a room.
Students should not move or appropriate University furniture and other property for private use in rooms, apartments, or suites in which they were not originally placed by staff. Lounge furniture and other University property have been purchased for community use and must remain inside the lounges at all times. Students may not place unwanted furniture outside their rooms, as these items block hallways that must remain clear for emergency evacuation. In addition, students should not tamper with or remove any air conditioning units as this can create a hazard for those outside the building. If students need assistance in this area, they should contact Campus Operations (718-817-3975).
Failure to Comply: Violators will be given an educational sanction or a $25 fine for the first offense and will be subject to further fines or student conduct sanctions if University property remains in their possession or reappears in personal rooms, suites, or apartments.
Sports and other active physical activities are not permitted in hallways as they are dangerous to participants and bystanders and can cause damage to hallways, sprinkler systems, alarm boxes, wiring, and other delicate infrastructure. Such activities can often result in damage to the residence hall that, depending on severity, can be charged to the community or entail referral to the student conduct process. Noise and obstructions negatively impact the community atmosphere of the residence hall. Sports activities in community areas, bedrooms, suites, and apartments are therefore prohibited.
Failure to Comply: Violators will be subject to work hours, educational sanctions, fines, or other student conduct sanctions.
The Housing Agreement/Application is binding according to the dates specified in the language of the form. However, circumstances may sometimes necessitate the cancellation of the agreement for the spring semester after the fall semester has begun. When this is the case, the Intent to Vacate process must be followed. In November, the Office of Residential Life will distribute instructions on how to terminate the housing agreement prior to January. It is the responsibility of the resident student to complete all the necessary paperwork, meet all deadlines, and complete proper checkout procedures to avoid regularly scheduled charges.
Students who terminate their Agreements at this time are also responsible for informing their suitemates or roommates of their intentions to vacate. The Office of Residential Life may not be able to contact roommates during periods of high activity. We encourage continuous communication among roommates and suitemates to avoid misunderstandings.
Each student will be issued a room key and suite key (when applicable), and a front door key (when applicable) upon arrival to the residence hall. Students must return keys to their residence hall staff when they move out of their assignment. A fine of $15 per key will be assigned if a student fails to return room, suite or entrance keys. Students who lose a room or suite key must also pay an additional $35 to cover the cost of replacement for the lock core.
At checkout, credit will not be given for: (1) keys returned after June 1 or (2) keys returned improperly (i.e. mailed to Residential Life or slid under a Resident Assistant's door).
Requests for the replacement of lost keys must be made in person at the Office of Residential Life between the hours of 9 am and 4:30 pm. Students need to show proper identification and will be charged $15 per new key and $35 for a lock core change. Students found with duplicate keys or keys other than their own may be subject to fines or student conduct action.
Residence hall laundry facilities, where available, are funded by the residents of the building in which they are located. Access to these facilities is limited to resident students living in their respective buildings.
As in life outside the University, students are responsible for carrying their keys at all times. Resident students who are locked out of their rooms on a weekday may sign out a key at the Office of Residential Life (Loschert Hall Basement) from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This key must be promptly returned.
Between the hours of 6 pm and 9 am (Sunday evening through Friday morning), the Resident Assistant on duty will honor your lockout request in the Residence Hall Office (RHO). The Resident Assistant on duty will also be available in his or her room on weekends for lockout services. Lockout policies and procedures for late hours vary by residence hall; you may wish to contact a residence hall staff member about your building's late-hours lockout policy.
Students who are repeatedly locked out of their rooms may be subject to fines or other action through the student conduct process. After the first three lockouts, a student will be given an educational sanction or charged a fine not to exceed $25, which will be placed on the student's bursar account.
Individually constructed lofts, unlike the existing ones in Finlay Hall or in design/converted triple rooms erected by Campus Operations staff, may be prohibited by law, may violate fire codes, and are often unsafe. In light of these factors, such structures are prohibited in the residence halls. This prohibition includes the creation of lofts through the arrangement of stacked desks, dressers, or other furniture. Any construction that is not University-approved will be dismantled and repaired at the cost of the student. No cinder blocks or bed risers are allowed in the residence halls.
Lounges and community spaces in the residence halls exist for the benefit of the building's resident students and their residence hall staff. The Office of Residential Life has established guidelines for their use. Registration requests for the use of a lounge must be made in writing to the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life. Clubs and organizations are not permitted to use residence hall lounges and may not conduct meetings or other events in the residence halls without permission from the community’s Resident Director.
A small number of moving carts are owned by the University to assist students moving in and out of the halls at certain times of the year. These carts are provided as a matter of convenience at the beginning and end of each semester when the Resident Assistant is on duty. Please be considerate of other students and return the carts as soon as possible. All carts must be signed out and a form of ID left with the Resident Assistant. Loss of the cart will result in the student having to pay the cost of the cart. Carts should not be given from student to student, but should be returned to a staff member. Once given a cart, it is your responsibility until it is returned. A fine may be assessed for any unreturned, lost, or damaged carts.
Residential Life relies on the ability to openly communicate and efficiently deliver important information to all residents. Your residence hall staff will, from time to time, announce mandatory floor or house meetings and programs. Students are required to attend such events. Advance notice for such meetings will be given. If you cannot attend the floor meeting or program, arrangements must be made in advance with your Resident Assistant.
Your residence hall staff tracks vacancies in your building. This information would be needed in the event of fire and other emergencies and helps the Office of Residential Life maintain accurate lists and records. Students are therefore required to cooperate with Resident Assistants in accurately completing Occupancy Reports at any time during the semester. Failure to attend mandatory first floor meetings (at which Occupancy Reports are signed) obligate students to seek out their Resident Assistant or the Resident Assistant on Duty.
Failure to Comply: Forging a signature or providing inaccurate information will lead to disciplinary action or dismissal from the residence halls.
While originality is an important value to the residence hall community, it must be limited to spheres of activity that do not include the painting of any University property or facility. This policy includes, but is not limited to, the painting of murals and the hanging of wallpaper or borders in assigned rooms.
For the sake of cleanliness and safety in the rooms and hallways, students are not permitted to own, possess, or care for pets or other animals of any kind in the residence halls.
Failure to Comply: Residents found with animals in their custody will be subject to disciplinary action and will be required to immediately remove the pets.
Fordham University has committed itself to New York City's recycling efforts and guidelines. Resident students are in a position to assure or deny University compliance with recycling laws and will, therefore, be held accountable for their actions. The Office of Residential Life hopes you view the recycling policies as ecologically necessary measures.
Each building is equipped with three kinds of refuse receptacles, in garbage rooms as well as some lounges in our residence halls.
The scheme for garbage separation is as follows:
Recyclables (must be washed)
- Plastic bottles or jugs (detergent, juice, milk, water, etc.)
- Glass bottles (juice, wine, etc.)
- Metal cans (tuna, soup, etc.)
- Aluminum foil trays (pie pans, take-out trays)
- 5-cent deposit cans and bottles
- Newspaper, magazines, catalogs
- Corrugated cardboard, flattened boxes
Trash (all other items)
- Styrofoam, plastic-coated paper
- Plastic bags, wrap or film
- Plastic utensils, trays
- Cups, bowls, lids, plates
- Aerosol cans, pump sprays
- Light bulbs, mirrors, books
- Smooth gray cardboard, white paper
- Envelopes and shopping bags
It is the resident student's responsibility (1) to remove trash from his or her room, apartment or suite, (2) to separate the material into the above categories, and (3) to properly dispose of the material in the designated areas. Trash deposited in hallways, bathrooms, or other inappropriate locations will be removed at the cost of the resident(s).
Failure to Comply: Educational sanctions, fines or student conduct measures may be assigned to those who fail to cooperate with the community's recycling efforts. For community billing provisions, see Damage Billing. If a floor, wing, building or area fails to collectively abide with the recycling policy at any given time, a "per person" fine of no less than $5.00 and no more than $50.00 may be assigned.
Fordham University’s community is one that protects an individual’s rights and ensures that he or she is afforded respect. It is also a community that expects a high level of responsibility from its members as a crucial part of the educational process and the training of women and men for others — this includes learning to live with others in the community. In times when disagreements and conflicts arise inside rooms or apartments, students are expected to make a good-faith effort to work these issues out. Members of the Residence Hall staff are prepared and trained to assist.
In general, when a conflict arises in the room/suite, students should:
- Make an effort to resolve the conflict yourself. Take the time to share the problem with your roommate(s). If this is an uncomfortable situation or if you run into problems, seek out your Resident Assistant (RA) for advice. The RAs are trained to help with these situations. Residents are required to fill out a Roommate Agreement upon arrival. You should always refer to this first during any type of conflict or disagreement.
- If your efforts are still unsuccessful, approach your RA about mediating the conflict. RAs are trained to help mediate and can set up a meeting with you and your roommate(s) to help get a dialogue started about the problem. RAs will consult with your Resident Director (RD) about the mediation. RDs may also conduct more serious mediation themselves.
- If the above steps are unsuccessful, ask your RD about securing a Room Change. It is the Resident Director, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Housing Operations and the Assistant Director for Student Conduct, who must authorize any room change, and he or she will consult with your RA and with you about your request only after the above-described steps have been taken. Please note that room changes are based on availability and are not guaranteed.
- Once the RD has come to a decision about whether your request for a room change is warranted, the RD helps you begin the administrative process through the Office of Residential Life. Your RD will do her or his best to come up with an agreeable new living situation for all parties concerned. Please keep in mind that the RD can only entertain requests from students who are themselves interested in moving, not in having others move on their behalf. Exceptions to this policy are made in situations that Office of Residential Life staff members determine as threatening. In addition, room change requests made for reasons of race, creed, color, religion, age, parental status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, or nationality will not be examined.
- Parents and others concerned with specific roommate conflicts should contact the Office of Residential Life’s Assistant Director for Student Conduct. Hall Staff (Resident Assistants and Resident Directors) will refer all queries to the Assistant Director. Requests for assistance with roommate conflicts made by parents or others on behalf of students will elicit an approach to the student by hall staff. The Assistant Director will also answer questions and explain the roommate conflict mediation process. Students should bring the signed document to the Office of Residential Life in order to explore available room options with the Housing Operations Specialist. When a new room is selected, you must arrange with your new Resident Assistant to complete a check-in RCR and with your former Resident Assistant to complete a checkout RCR. The Housing Operations Specialist will assign a date for picking up keys to the new assignment. Old keys must be returned promptly. Students may not change bedrooms within a given suite or residence hall without properly applying for and receiving a room change via the Office of Residential Life.
Failure to Comply: Student Conduct sanctions will be allocated against those who have changed their housing units without proper permission from the Resident Director and the Office of Residential Life.
No Room Change requests can be examined between opening day and October 1. This “room freeze” period is set aside so that residents take the time to thoroughly appraise their residence hall environment before making a change. Experience has shown that taking the time to think about a change, to get used to a living situation, and to work on any early disagreements that may arise with roommates is of greater benefit than a quick decision to change housing.
Learning to live in new surroundings and with new people is part of the education Fordham affords. RAs and RDs are trained to help with this educational process. Later, in the weeks before and during Room Selection, room change requests will again be deferred to facilitate the orderly allocation of new housing assignments for the upcoming academic year.
In order to ensure a safe and secure living environment for all students, the University (Residential Life staff, Department of Public Safety, Campus Operations, etc.) reserves the right to make entry to a student’s residence unit without consent with reasonable notice for the purposes including but not limited to:
- safety inspections, facility repairs, general housekeeping, occupancy/room checks and other similar administrative or operational purposes;
- evidence of emergency situations such as screams for help or present danger, smoke, fire, flooding, unusual odors;
- reasonable suspicion of medical emergencies;
- replacement or movement of University property, including that which has been misappropriated or relocated without authorization;
- disorderly conduct, unreasonable noise levels, and activities/conduct that are prohibited by the Residential Life Handbook, Student Handbook, and Residence Hall Agreement.
Any authorized University official or agent can make entry after knocking and after no response for a reasonable lapse of time. The University will make every reasonable effort to provide notice when room entry is required for maintenance purposes.
Residential Life and Building Operations staff members must inspect each residence hall room several times a year. Staff will do their best to notify students when they will be inspecting rooms, however, there may be a need to enter a room when students are not present. In addition to the Room Condition Report (RCR: this establishes in writing the physical state of a room or suite at check-in), three mid-year room inspections are conducted by your residence hall staff. Among the policy violations that may result in fines assessed:
- presence of unauthorized university property,
- candles/incense,
- cable splitting/splicing,
- smoking,
- halogen lamps, dartboards, tapestries, and illegal appliances.
The unauthorized appropriation of community property, such as lounge furniture, for personal use in a private room or suite would also constitute grounds for a fine or other student conduct sanction. All such fines and charges will be placed on the student's bursar account and students will receive a letter detailing the charges. Fines from violations found in the common areas within the suite will be split among all suite residents; fines from violations found in bedrooms will be split among all bedroom residents.
During the Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks, Resident Assistants (RAs) will perform an inspection of every room and suite. Students will be held responsible for any policy violations, uncleanliness and/or damages to University property that might be identified during these inspections. Should any of these be identified, a follow-up inspection will occur.
Room Selection occurs each spring to determine the allocation of space for the following year. The established guidelines for obtaining housing are published by the Office of Residential Life early in the spring semester. Watch carefully for notices distributed and posted in the residence halls. To complete your application and enter the room selection process, you must submit the deposit and complete the online housing application by the deadlines published. The housing guarantee contained in your acceptance to the University with housing may be dependent on your adherence to these deadlines.
Those students who were not permitted to participate in the Room Selection because of ineligibility, disciplinary reasons, or a late filing of application materials will be assigned a room through the Post-Room Selection process.
The Central Office staff arranges changes in housing assignments, including the allocation of empty beds. The Housing Operations Specialist on an ongoing basis will assign any openings in rooms, suites, or apartments to new students. Students living in a unit with an opening may request roommate(s) to assume the empty place(s). When such requests are not submitted to the Housing Coordinator, a new student(s) will be assigned to move in with resident(s) already living in the unit.
In keeping with the principles of fairness and social concern that guide community living in the residence halls, resident students should welcome new roommates or suitemates. In fact, if a student is found to be difficult with a new roommate or suitemate or actively seeks to create a hostile environment for a new roommate or suitemate, the resident may be subject to disciplinary action, including possible relocation or dismissal. In the event of vacancies in a multi-person occupied room, the remaining students may be required to vacate the current room/suite and be assigned to another room/suite. In such an event, charges and fees may be adjusted accordingly.
A community of rights, respect, and responsibility includes respect for and responsibility for University property and respect for the rights of others to enjoy a well-maintained and clean residence hall environment. The maintenance of a vandalism-free environment is, in the final analysis, the task of individuals living in each building, not a far-off external authority. Resident Assistants (RAs), Desk Assistants (DAs) and Watchman Guards are dedicated to facilitating safety and security within the residence hall, but residents must do their parts by confronting or reporting situations such as the following: strangers in the building, students or others damaging the building, and/or University policy violations as outlined in this publication or the Student Handbook.
Each resident student is responsible for examining and signing a Room Condition Report (RCR) upon arrival to the residence halls. The RCR is a record of the conditions of a student’s room or suite at move-in. The form is initially filled out by a Resident Assistant prior to the resident's arrival. At check-in, the student will receive a copy of the RCR. At this time, the student is to examine his or her room, suite, or apartment and compare its conditions with the comments found on the RCR form. If the student feels anything on the form is incorrect or any information about the room's condition is missing, this data should be added to the form. In the event that new data is added to the form, the Resident Assistant must initial next to the new entry to confirm that the damage is present. Within the first 48 hours of arrival, a resident must sign his/her RCR form.
The RCR document protects the student from charges for damages that precede the student’s arrival and ensures that the student can be held responsible for any damages incurred during occupancy. The Office of Residential Life posts a list of approximate costs for the replacement or repair of University fixtures, furniture, and other items on its website. This list of charges is also available at the Office of Residential Life. The charges outlined in this document are subject to change as repair and replacement charges change. These charges may also vary by residence hall, as repair and replacement cost factors vary in each building. General charges are listed at the end of the “Damage Assessment” section of this publication. Copies of contractors’ bills will be made available to students with any questions about the billing process. Fines, in addition to damage charges, may be levied in damage cases that adversely affect the safety of a building. Fire and security equipment is an example of University property that would fall under this mode of protection. Over the course of the academic year, the residence hall staff conducts several inspections of student rooms and suites. These inspections will usually be announced a few days in advance. Residents need not be present at the time of inspection. Staff members will note any damage as well as illegal appliances (as defined in this publication), pets, excessive uncleanliness, etc. Damage charges and/or student conduct fines will be placed on the student’s bursar account.
Following these inspections, Campus Operations may employ contractors to correct or repair any damages. If damage occurs in a room or suite during the semester, it must be reported to a Resident Assistant immediately. He or she will work with all of the residents in the room or suite to identify the individual(s) responsible for the damage.
Immediately following the closing of the residence hall in the Spring, Building Operations, Campus Operations, and Residential Life personnel will conduct a round of closing inspections. Students will be held responsible for damages found in this round of inspections that are not cited on the opening RCR. All residents assigned to the room or suite area are responsible for any damage found. If specific individuals are responsible, they must submit a letter to the Administrative Manager claiming complete responsibility, otherwise every resident will be billed an equal amount. Residents will be billed for damages found in the room to which they have been officially assigned. Any room changes must be reported to and approved by the Office of Residential Life.
Residents are not given the option of executing their own repairs to University rooms or suites. Spackling, painting, re-carpeting, carpentry, and other repairs are to be conducted by University contractors or staff only. Anyone attempting unauthorized repairs in a suite or room will be charged the full cost of replacement or repair of the item(s) in question, regardless of the progress of the undertaking.
If a student or group of students can be identified as responsible, in whole or in part, for any act of vandalism against community or University property, they will be held accountable for damage charges. Stairwells, lobbies, entrance doors, lounges, laundry rooms, offices, basements, and elevators are examples of community areas. If a specific individual or group cannot be identified as the cause of physical damage to a residence hall, the assessments must be made against all individuals living in or near the area in question. For purposes of community billing, “area” is defined as building, house, wing, floor, suite, or room, depending on the circumstances and the residence hall. For example, if there is anonymous damage to a bathroom in a clearly defined wing, all individuals living on that wing will be charged standard or actual repair costs and a punitive fine. In cases of floors with no clearly defined wings, the entire floor will be billed.
Residents who damage community areas of a residence hall are strongly encouraged to present themselves to the residence hall staff and accept responsibility for their actions, thereby sparing their peers of unfair and unnecessary costs. Any resident who does come forward in such a manner may be billed solely for the cost of replacement or repair of the property in question.
Upon discovery of community damage or vandalism, the residents of the area in question will be informed of the activation of the community billing process through fliers posted throughout the area. The fliers will cite a deadline for the presentation of any evidence to the residence hall staff. If no individual(s) accepts responsibility by the date posted on these fliers, applicable fines and/or charges, as outlined in fliers, will be distributed among all the residents of the area.
Resident students may be required to attend a mandatory wing, floor, or building meeting called by a Resident Assistant (RA) or Resident Director (RD) for purposes of addressing ongoing vandalism or damage patterns or incidents and to review community standards. Repeated acts of vandalism by unidentified parties may result in the allocation of work hours or other student conduct sanctions against every resident of an area. Non-cooperation or obstruction of an investigation of an incident of vandalism may result in student conduct sanctions ranging from residence halls probation to dismissal from the residence halls.
The Assistant Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations welcomes your ideas on facilitating a damage-free living environment.
Billing for damage assessments will take place after inspections, after the closing of the residence halls in the Spring, or on an as-needed basis. If a student leaves mid-semester the billing will occur at the end of that Fall semester. All charges will be placed directly on the student’s bursar account; bills will be sent to the student’s permanent address. Appeals for damage charges should be forwarded to the Administrative Manager for Damage Billing at [email protected].
Prevention and Support
Alumni Court South Garden Level
The Prevention and Support Program serves as a leader in the prevention and reduction of alcohol and other drug abuse and cultivates an environment of positive intellectual, moral, and religious development of Fordham students. Guided by Fordham’s rich Jesuit tradition and utilizing the latest research and best practices in the field, Prevention and Support employs a comprehensive multi-tiered approach to substance abuse prevention that integrates education, environmental management, early intervention and assessment strategies.
Individual targeted interventions include strategies to identify students who are at risk of developing an alcohol or substance abuse disorder. Efforts to identify and provide services to these students include:
- Facilitating Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) for students mandated through the conduct process;
- Offering psycho-educational group sessions;
- Coordinating alcohol screening day campus events;
- Providing referral information regarding off-campus substance abuse treatment and detoxification facilities as well as local Twelve Step groups
Educational and Referral Services
Educational initiatives implemented by Prevention and Support intend to change student knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions related to alcohol and other drug use. These initiatives include:
- Offering substance abuse prevention training to students, staff, administrators and faculty;
- Training and advising the alcohol and other drug peer education student organizations;
- Implementing population-targeted awareness and norms clarification awareness campaigns;
- Facilitating AlcoholEdu to incoming students, educating them to make well-informed decisions regarding alcohol;
- Serving as a resource to the university on various substance abuse and addiction-related issues.
In addition, Prevention and Support offers referral information regarding off-campus substance abuse treatment facilities and local Twelve Step (AA, NA, Al-Anon, etc.) support groups.
Substance Abuse Fordham Educators (SAFE)
SAFE is an official student-led organization that plans events and develops campaigns to increase positive behaviors on and off campus and decrease the harmful effects associated with the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The students in this organization are trained and advised by Prevention and Support staff. SAFE members provide accurate information and opportunities for the exploration of personal goals and values that challenge and empower students to make safe and informed choices. By taking this proactive approach, SAFE members increase awareness and challenge all students to play a role in transforming the culture of alcohol and other drug use on campus.
University Resources
The Office of Residential Life works closely with multiple offices across the University and includes links here to our partners in service to students, inside and outside of the Division of Student Affairs and its student life and student services offices and programs.
Division of Student Affairs
Office of the Dean of Students at Rose Hill
Campus Ministry
Spiritual direction:
Career Resources
Center for Community Engaged Learning
Counseling and Psychological Services
Dining Services
Office of Disability Services
Fordham Emergency Medical Service (FUEMS)
Fordham College at Rose Hill
With Gabelli School of Business. One of the two colleges in which most residents are enrolled.
Gabelli School of Business
With Fordham College at Rose Hill, one of the two colleges in which most residents are enrolled.
University Health Services
Information Technology Services
Intercampus Transportation
IT Support Services
Mail Service
Office of Multicultural Affairs
Department of Public Safety
Office for Student Involvement
Security Shuttle
Fitness and Recreation:
Vincent T. Lombardi Memorial Center
Walsh Family Library