Our Retreat House

6 pane retreat houseFordham's Retreat House: The Rev. Philip H. McGrath, SJ, House of Prayer

Fordham is blessed to have The McGrath House of Prayer situated on a beautiful wooded property in Goshen, NY. Goshen is the home to our many campus ministry retreats, as well as retreats for other groups, clubs, and classes from Fordham.

If you are part of a Fordham group who would like to consider using the House of Prayer for your upcoming retreat, please contact Stephanie Roddy at [email protected]  or 718-817-4539. Unfortunately at this time we are unable to accommodate requests from groups unaffiliated with Fordham University.

We invite you to join us for a retreat. Take some time away from the hustle of "The City" and rest in the quiet presence of God amidst the beauty of nature.