Urban Plunge

Urban Plunge 2024
Thursday, August 22 - Saturday, August 24 

Applications are closed.  We look forward to seeing our 231 Plungers next month!

Urban Plunge is a three-day pre-orientation program designed for incoming students who are critical thinkers and share a deep commitment to social justice advocacy.

During Urban Plunge, students are given an opportunity to explore New York City’s neighborhoods through a lens of community, diversity, and engagement. Students learn about unequal access to opportunities in the context of the city's history, and engage with local social justice advocates whose initiatives work to foster universal goodness in today’s world. We fearlessly address systemic injustices and highlight the beauty that coexists despite it, encouraging students to experience the vibrant culture within all of NYC’s boroughs.

Throughout the program, we emphasize a complete integration of reflection, expression, and action. All students are encouraged to cultivate what we call “bothered excellence,” diligently pursuing the truth and daring to have the necessary, difficult conversations wherever injustice resides.