OSP External Grant Awards Report
Investigator(s) | Dept or School | Agency/Sponsor | Title | 6 month Total |
Avishai, |
Association for the Sociology of Religion | An Examination of Religious Liberty Exemption Claims by Religious Minorities | $ 5,000 |
Batisti, |
GED/CEP | New York City Department of Education | R1408 2022-2024 Community School Services (PS-IS 129M Campus / MS 371M) | $ 1,152,758 |
Batisti, |
GED/CEP | New York City Department of Education | Community Schools Services: CS Services for MS 331X (10X331) | $ 1,337,938 |
Bhowmick, Biswa | PROVOST/ HEOP-RH |
New York State Department of Education | Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program - Rose Hill | $ 129,486 |
Cahill, |
The Helen Hamlyn Trust | Helen Hamlyn Humanitarian Fellow | $ 186,864 |
Chen, |
GED | US Department of Education | Educate School-Based Mental Health Professionals for Justice: A Developmental-Contextual Approach | $ 806,549 |
Demacopoulos, George; Papanikolau, Aristotle | ARTS & SCI/ THEO |
The U.S. - RUSSIA Foundation | Russian Orthodoxy in Dialogue with Civil Society | $ 100,000 |
Finnemann, Silvia | ARTS & SCI/ BIOSCI |
National Institutes of Health through Yale University | Inflammation in MERTK-dependent Retinitis Pigmentosa (resubmission) | $ 228,141 |
Finnemann, Silvia | ARTS & SCI /BIOSCI |
National Institutes of Health through Yale University | Inflammation in MERTK-dependent Retinitis Pigmentosa (resubmission) | $ 229,082 |
Fountain, Christine | ARTS & SCI/SOC/ ANTHRO |
National Institutes of Health through University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School | ASHA Bangladesh--An Integrated Intervention to Address Depression in Low Income Rural Women | $ 29,244 |
Frank, |
Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station | Latitudinal Variations in dietary linoleic acid and the resistance to white-nose syndrome (WNS) in bats | $ 1,800 |
Frank, |
Black Rock Forest | The Relationship Between Pond Habitats, Foraging, and the Resistance to White-nose Syndrome (WNS) in Little Brown Bats | $ 5,722 |
Gafney, |
GENERAL | US Environmental Protection Agency | Flourishing in Community: Fordham in Community Environmental Justice Grantmaker Initiative | $ 8,000,000 |
Gallo, |
National Institutes of Health | Cholinergic Interneuron D2 Receptor Function in Impulsive Behavior: Implications for Addiction | $ 408,857 |
Goldkind, |
GSS | Council on Social Work Education | International Perspectives on Social Work Practice in Disaster Risk and Recovery | $ 9,962 |