Sponsored Programs Guidance
Fordham University External Awards Manual

Grants Training
The Offices of Sponsored Programs and Institutional Giving provide ad hoc training workshops during the year -- please keep an eye out for emails.
For formalized training on grant proposal development, you may take the CITI Training program "Essentials of Grant Proposal Development" which is available to all members of the Fordham community. This program has a quiz, which is used for Continuing Education credits. You may elect not to take the quiz if you'd like. General information on registering for CITI Training and adding courses can be found here.
For Proposal Preparation
Boilerplates and Information about Fordham University
- Finance (courtesy of GSSS)
- IT
- Libraries (courtesy of GSSS)
- Instructional Technology Academic Computing (ITAC)
- Institutional Research's 'Fordham Fact Book': The Fordham Fact Book provides data about the university. The Fact Book contains information for all of Fordham University's campuses, and is updated throughout the year. It can be accessed by Fordham faculty and staff by using their Fordham University login information; the files are read-only.
- Office of Research (courtesy of Department of Psychology)
CV/Biosketch Preparation
The Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is a resource provided by the NIH which can help you create CVs/biosketches of different formats for various federal sponsors.
Institutional Base Salary Policy
The policy on the use of institutional base salary on sponsored award applications can be found here: IBS Policy.
FAQs on the policy can be found here: IBS Policy FAQs.
Proposal Peer Review
The Office of Sponsored Programs provides an incentive to Fordham faculty ($200) to provide timely, in depth review of colleagues' proposals. To take advantage of this program, please contact your OSP representative.
Related: Proposal Evaluation
(From various sources) -- Evaluating Proposals: key questions to ask yourself
Travel with Federal Funding
- U.S. General Services Administration domestic per diem rates
- U.S. Department of State foreign per diem rates
Grant Writing Tips
Fordham Office of Institutional Giving - Resources for Proposal Writing
A collection of helpful tips mainly geared towards foundation proposals and letters of inquiry.
Fordham Office of Research - Transforming a Descriptive Narrative of Research into an Effective Appeal for Research
NIH - All About Grants
NSF - 5 Tips on How to Work with a NSF Program Officer
Establishing and maintaining a relationship with your program officer could mean the difference between getting funded and getting a "we regret to inform you" letter.
For Award Management
Fordham - Handbook for Administrators Everyone who manages Fordham staff of any type must be familiar with these policies.
Fordham - Accounts Payable Department Procedures
Fordham - Office of Finance Purchasing Manual
NEH Grant Management Websites -
For Organizational Awards
For Individual Awards
NIH - Grants Policy Statement (December 2022)
NSF - Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (January 30, 2023)
Science: Careers - myIDP
As of October 1, 2014, the NIH encourages all graduate students and postdocs supported by NIH grants to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP). With this interactive website, students and postdocs can explore different science-related careers and discover the career path that will fit them best.