Psychology Research Lab Groups

Most students who pursue study in one of our Ph.D. graduate programs belong to one of the following lab groups under the direction of a full-time faculty member:

Dr. Elissa Aminoff
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental PsychologyVision and Memory Lab
Our research aims at understanding the psychological and neural mechanisms that underlie high level visual perception and how that interacts with memory, among other cognitions like mindsets, decision making, and learning. Using a combination of behavioral, computational, and neuroscience methods we explore how humans understand the visual world, especially scenes, and how that impacts our daily perception and cognition.

Dr. Peggy Andover
Program: Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Mood and Behavior Lab
We focus our research on developing a better understanding of self-injurious behaviors, including non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and attempted suicide, in adults and young adults.

Dr. Rachel Annunziato
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Pediatric Psychology and Health Behaviors
Our research program focuses on behavioral medicine among diverse patients across the lifespan. The overarching goal of this work is to improve health behaviors and quality of life by developing patient-friendly, culturally-sensitive interventions with strong translational capabilities.

Dr. Natasha L. Burke
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Burke Health & Wellness Lab
Our lab conducts research on eating and weight-related issues in typically underserved communities. Our work focuses on measurement, models, and interventions to reduce inequities and health disparities in marginalized populations.

Dr. Chris Conway
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Bronx Personality Lab
We study short- (hours, days) and long-term (months, years) change in personality, anxiety, depression, and borderline personality disorder. 

Dr. Celia B. Fisher
Program: Ethics
Human Development and Social Justice
Our research is at the intersection of developmental science and social justice. We apply developmental theory and research methods, as well as contemporary research ethics frameworks, to examine.

Dr. Selin Gülgöz
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
Social Thinkers Lab
In the Social Thinkers Lab, we study how children and adults reason about social categories, and how individuals’ own identities inform their social cognition.

Dr. Lindsay Till Hoyt
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
The Youth Development, Diversity, and Disparities (3D) Lab
In the 3D Lab, we apply theory and methods from multiple perspectives to study complex developmental processes, diverse social experiences, and health disparities across adolescence and young adulthood.

Dr. Dean Mckay
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Compulsive, Obsessive, and Anxiety Program (C.O.A.P.)
We examine factors related to the onset, maintenance, and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, and related conditions.

Dr. Haruka Minami
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Smoking Research and Intervention Lab
We focus our research on understanding health behaviors, particularly studying effective ways to promote smoking cessation and increase access to effective interventions in order to reduce health disparities in high-risk and marginalized/underserved populations.

Dr. Elizabeth Raposa
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Youth Stress & Mental Health Lab 
Our work involves several related lines of research designed to promote positive socio-emotional outcomes in stress-exposed youth, with the ultimate goal of reducing the disparities in risk for psychopathology that arise in traditionally underserved populations of youth. 

Dr. Andrew Rasmussen
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Culture, Migration, and Community
Culture, Migration, and Community (CMC) is a research group dedicated to understanding how migration experiences, cultural factors and communities impact immigrants’, refugees’, and other underrepresented groups' wellbeing.

Dr. Barry Rosenfeld
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Psychology-Law Research Lab
At the core of our research is the application of psychology to a range of legal issues, including violence risk assessment, cross-cultural forensic assessment, and the treatment of.

Dr. Amy Roy
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Pediatric Emotion Regulation Lab (P.E.R.L.)
We primarily focus on the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying children's heightened emotional responses and the difficulties regulating their negative emotions. We also study generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in children and adolescents, and, specifically, cognitive aspects such as intolerance of uncertainty and impairments in decision making.

Dr. Karen L. Siedlecki
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
The Fordham Memory and Aging Lab
The Fordham Memory and Aging Lab examines different aspects of cognition and health across the adult lifespan. Our research focuses on the structure of memory and differences between verbal and visual-spatial memory, individual differences in autobiographical memory, as well as age-related.

Dr. Jing Tian
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
Cognition, Development, and Education (CoDE) lab
We study the development of mathematical thinking and learning, focusing on the cognitive mechanisms underlying mathematical knowledge and the sociocultural factors shaping children's mathematical growth.

Dr. H. Shellae Versey
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
Critical Health + Social Ecology Lab
We’re psychologists, and we explore research through an interdisciplinary lens. Recently, our work has shifted to explore issues of space, place, aging and neighborhood change. In a broad sense, we care about social ecologies and the context of neighborhoods, work, health, and gender. We use surveys, epidemiological data, geospatial analytics, and community engagement to examine questions related to these themes.

Dr. Tiffany Yip
Program: Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
Youth Development in Diverse Contexts
We examine the influence of various daily life experiences on developmental outcomes for youth and adolescents. We aim to understand the role of identity development, stress, and diverse contextual factors in determining psycho-social and academic trajectories for minority youth.

Dr. Molly Zimmerman
Program: Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Zimmerman Clinical Neuropsychology Laboratory
We seek to understand brain-behavior relationships using clinical neuropsychological theory and methods. The application of these tools serves to enhance our knowledge of the cognitive contributors.