Non-Allowable Expenses
- The Faculty Research Grant may not be used to pay your salary or the salary of other Fordham Faculty or Staff.
- The Faculty Research Grant does not normally cover the cost of journal subscriptions, book purchases, expendables, services, equipment, attending conferences (e.g., conference registration, travel, food, and lodging) and/or membership fees to professional organizations if those costs could be line items in school or department budgets.
- Computers and computer peripherals must be justified in the Funding Justification Narrative as directly necessary to this specific project and substantially different from what Fordham has already provided or would be expected to provide to faculty generally (if allowed, this will be a one-time purchase and will not be replaced by the University at any time in its life-cycle); this includes any manufactured "tool" the use of which does not make it unavailable for subsequent uses (i.e., it is not "used up" - items that are exhaustable are supplies and should be accounted for as such).
- Equipment purchases of any kind must go through Procurement. Computer acquisitions (including leased computers, printers and other computer related hardware/software*) must be approved by IT Acquisitions. IT Acquisitions will process requisitions if they are in compliance with the University's computer procurement and maintenance policies and transmit approved requisitions to the Office of Procurement for distribution to vendor. It is University policy that all goods purchased by the University, regardless of funding source, must be shipped to and received by the University. However, it is permissible to reship goods to the requestor after being recorded as a Fordham University asset.
*Please note that Fordham IT owns licensing for many of the most frequently requested software packages sought by researchers and makes their use available to Faculty and Staff upon request; please see the Fordham IT Supported Software for a list of supported and available software.