Union Negotiations at Fordham


The intent of this website is to provide updates and transparent information about our ongoing conversations with our Union partners. Our goal is to ensure that we are sharing real-time, transparent information with the community.

Current Negotiations

Fordham University is in the midst of contract negotiations with the Fordham Graduate Student Workers Union and the Resident Assistant Union.

These negotiations are separate matters. You can find more information about each through the links below.

Graduate Student Worker Union Negotiations

Resident Assistant Union Negotiations

General Union FAQs

  • According to Merriam-Webster, a labor union is "an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions."

  • Unions at Fordham work to negotiate workplace terms and conditions and economic agreements.

  • Collective bargaining involves an exchange of proposals through written offers with the intention of reaching an agreement that is referred to as a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The CBA will govern the parties’ relationship during the term of the agreement.

  • Fordham has worked with unions for decades. Throughout the negotiation process, we appreciate the opportunity to learn from our community and to reach agreements on what we consider to be economically fair and equitable.

    Fordham respects and values our work with unions.

  • If you have a question that is not answered on this page or its subpages, please contact our team at [email protected].