Army ROTC Information for Veterans

If you are a Veteran and are looking for information on applying to Fordham or using your educational benefits, please visit Fordham's Veteran/Military site for more information.
If you are a Veteran and a student in college or graduate school you may be able to enroll in Army ROTC and commission as an officer. 16% of our program includes Veterans, Reservists, National Guard, or Simultaneous Membership Program Cadets.
Senior non-commissioned officers, Navy Veterans, and Marine Corps Veterans have commissioned through our program.
If you have successfully completed basic training you may be able to bypass up to two years of Army ROTC training.
It is recommended that you attend a specialized information session designed for Veterans. Army ROTC information sessions for Veterans are held at Fordham Rose Hill on Thursday afternoons during the fall, spring, and summer semesters.
If you are a Veteran considering enrolling in Army ROTC, go to the category that you most closely identify with: