FCLC First-Year Student Seminar

Eloquentia Perfecta 1

All first-year students take a seminar course Eloquentia Perfecta, a long-valued tradition of Jesuit education meaning “right reason expressed effectively, responsibly, and gracefully.” These seminars are offered in a variety of courses (such as history, philosophy, sociology, art, music, theology, anthropology, and theatre). Eloquentia Perfecta students develop skills in oral and written expression, which will serve them well in college and beyond.

Each Eloquentia Perfecta class is:

  • A small class of 20 students.

  • Taught by one of Fordham’s most accomplished faculty.

  • A mix of resident and commuter students working together in teams on in-class projects and larger assignments.

  • A great way to take advantage of all the NYC campus has to offer.

These seminars also serve as just one example of cura personaliscaring for the whole person—a Jesuit practice that assures each student is valued as a unique and multifaceted individual.