Ying Hong

Associate Professor
Patricia Ramsey Distinguished Research Scholar in Business
Leading People and Organizations
Joined Fordham: 2014
General Information:
140 W. 62nd Street, Room 301,
New York, NY 10023
Email: [email protected]
Ying Hong is an associate professor in the leading people and organizations area at the Gabelli School of Business. Before this appointment, she was an assistant professor in the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. Professor Hong received her Ph.D. in industrial relations/human resources from Rutgers University. She specializes in research on the strategic role of human-resource management and its linkage with service excellence. Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of Applied Psychology. She received the Scholarly Achievement Award from the human resources division of the Academy of Management and the 2016 Dean's Award for Excellence in Research from the Gabelli School of Business.
- Ph.D., Industrial Relations/Human Resources, Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations, 2009
- M.S., Industrial Relations/Human Resources, Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations, 2009
- M.S., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Saint Mary's University, 2005
- B.A., English Language/Literature, and BBA, Zhejiang University (China), 2003
- Strategic human resources management
- Service linkage research
- Leadership
- Hong, Y.*, & Honig, B.* (Accepted). Publish and politics? An examination of business school faculty salaries in Ontario. Academy of Management Learning and Education.
- Hong, Y.*, Liao, H.*, Raub, S.*, & Han, J. (2016). What it takes to get proactive: An integrative multi-level model of antecedents of personal initiative. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (5), 687-701.
- Jiang, K., Hu, J., Hong, Y., Liao, H., & Liu, S. (Accepted). Do It Well and Do It Right: The Impact of Service Climate and Ethical Climate on Business Performance Outcomes and the Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Hong, Y., Jiang, Y., Liao, H., & Sturman, M. C. (Accepted). High performance work systems for service quality: Boundary conditions and influence processes. Human Resource Management.
- Hong, Y.*, Liao, H.*, Raub, S.*, & Han, J. (2015). What it takes to get proactive: An integrative multi-level model of antecedents of personal initiative. Journal of Applied Psychology. (http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/2015-56317-001/)
- Jiang, K., Hong, Y., McKay, P. F., Avery, D. R., & Volpone-Kouns, S. D. (2015).Retaining employees through anti-sexual harassment practices: Exploring the mediating role of psychological distress and employee engagement. Human Resource Management, 54(1), 1-21.
- Hong, Y., Liao, H., Sturman, M.C., and Zhou, Y. (2014). Competing through Customization: Using Human Resource Management to Create Strategic capabilities. Organizational Psychology Review, 4(2), 124-147.
- Chen, Y., Ferris, D.L., Kwan, H., Yan, M., Zhou, M., and Hong. Y. (2013). Self-love's lost labor: A self-enhancement model of workplace incivility. Academy of Management Journal, 56 (4), 1199-1219.
- Hong, Y.*, Liao, H.*, Hu, J.*, and Jiang, K.* (2013). Missing link in the service profit chain: A meta-analytic review of the antecedents, consequences, and moderators of service climate.Journal of Applied Psychology, 98 (2), 237-367.
- Zhou, Y.*, Hong, Y.*, and Liu, J. (2013). Internal commitment or external collaboration? The Impact of human resource management systems on firm innovation and performance.Human Resource Management, 52 (2), 263-288.
- Zhou, Y., Liu, X., and Hong, Y. (2012). When Western HRM constructs meet Chinese contexts: Validating the pluralistic structures of human resource management systems in China.International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(19), 3983-4008.
- Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Han, K., Hong, Y., Kim, A., and Winkler, A. (2012). Clarifying the construct of human resource systems: Relating human resource management to employee performance. Human Resource Management Review, 22(2), 73-85.
- Hong, Y., Catano, V.M., and Liao, H. (2011). Leader emergence: The role of emotional intelligence and motivation to lead. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(4), 320-343.
- Liao, H., Toya, K., Lepak, D.P., and Hong, Y. (2009). Do they see eye to eye? Management and employee perspectives of High Performance Work Systems and influence processes on service quality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(2), 371-391.**
- Colakoglu, S., Lepak, D.P., and Hong, Y. (2006). Measuring HRM effectiveness: Considering multiple stakeholders in a global context. Human Resource Management Review, 16, 209-218.
* Equal contribution
** Received the HR Division Scholarly Achievement Award in 2010, Academy of Management