CWA Bargaining Session Summaries

Summary Archive

April 18, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 4/18/24 beginning at 9 a.m. The union shared its economic counterproposal. After some discussion, the two parties went into a lengthy caucus. The two parties continued to exchange counterproposals on a variety of issues, and, at the end of the day the session concluded with a comprehensive tentative agreement on the total package.

April 4, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 4/4/24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The session began with tentative agreements on discipline and discharge and no strikes or lockouts.  The union presented a counter on health and safety and the university presented a counter on workload. After some discussion, the two parties went into a caucus. Upon returning, the university countered on health and safety and workload. The union presented counters on summer employment, union access, and workload. After another caucus, the union presented another counter on workload. The two parties reached tentative agreements on health and safety and bargaining unit information. After a final caucus, a tentative agreement was reached on workload.

March 22, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 3/22/24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The union began by presenting a counter on bargaining unit information. The university then presented counters on equal opportunity, academic matters, and appointment letters. After some discussion, the two parties went into caucus. Upon returning, the union countered on appointment letters. After another caucus, the university presented counters on appointment letters, compensation, and childcare. discussion ensued, and then the parties went into caucus again. Upon returning, the parties reached a tentative agreement on appointment letters. The university also presented counters on discipline and discharge and no strikes or lockouts. The next session is scheduled for 4/4/24.

March 15, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 3/15/24 from 1-6 p.m.  The union presented counters on Non-Discrimination, Discipline and Discharge, and No Strikes or Lockouts. The university presented counters on Work Assignments, Health and Safety, and Parking. Discussion ensued about these topics, as well as around previous proposals about Access to Teaching Resources. After a caucus, the university presented a new counter for Non-Discrimination, Discipline and Discharge, and No Strikes or Lockouts. The union presented counters on Work Assignments, Health and Safety, Workload, and Compensation. After another caucus, the union presented counters on Discipline and Discharge, No Strikes or Lockouts, Parking, and Non-Discrimination. The university presented a counter on Health and Safety. After some discussion about these and other topics, the parties agreed on a number of dates for nearly weekly bargaining sessions through the rest of the spring semester.

March 7, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 3/7/24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. At the outset, the university provided a counter on health care. After discussing this proposal, the university presented counters on health & safety and workload responsibilities. The union presented a counter on parking. The two sides caucused, and when the session started again, the union presented counters on health and safety, tuition waivers, timely work assignments, appointment letters, and waiver of rights. After another caucus, the university countered the waiver of rights as part of a package offer that would include an agreement on management rights. The university then presented a counter on compensation. After some vigorous discussion, the university suggested that the parties seek the assistance of a federal mediator. The union rejected that suggestion. The next session is scheduled for 3/15/24 from 1-6 p.m.

February 23, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 2/23/24 from 1-6 p.m. At the start of the session, the university provided counter proposals on Equal Opportunity, International Students, Emergency Relief Fund, Parking, Assignment Letters, Access to Break Rooms, Access to Records, Summer Employment, Compensation, and Tuition Waivers. The union presented counters on Extra Contract Agreements and Intellectual Property. After a caucus, the two parties returned to bargaining. 

The university and the union reached Tentative Agreements on Intellectual Property, Access to Records, and Access to Breakrooms. The university provided a counter to Extra Contract Agreements. Discussion followed on several issues, including Health and Safety, Tuition Waivers, Compensation, and International Students. After another caucus, the union provided counters on Health and Safety and Workload. The parties reached a Tentative Agreement on Emergency Relief Fund. After a short caucus, the university provided a counter on International Students, prompting a Tentative Agreement on that issue. The two parties agreed that the long session had been productive and agreed to extend the next two sessions (on 3/7 and 3/15) to five hours, contingent on the union attorney’s availability. 

February 9, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 2/9/24. Shortly after the session began, the union asked for a caucus. After a lengthy caucus, the two parties rejoined the session. The university provided counters on health and safety, intellectual property, individual agreements, and workload and responsibilities. The union then provided its counters on several items: non-discrimination, retirement, parking, summer employment, leaves of absence, emergency relief fund, break room access, international employee rights and protections, fee and tuition waivers, adequate teaching resources, and appointment letters. After a brief discussion, the union ended the session an hour early. 

February 2, 2024: CWA Union Update

A negotiation session was held on 2/2/24 at 3 p.m.  At the beginning of the session, the university presented counter proposals on equal opportunity, international students, and intellectual property. The two parties then discussed compensation and how other institutions compare to Fordham.  After a caucus, the university provided additional information the union requested regarding the comparative analysis. The union then presented counters on bargaining unit information, intellectual property, health and safety, and a new proposal for extra contract agreement. There was a brief discussion about each side’s counters before adjourning. The next session is scheduled for 2/9/24. 

January 31, 2024: RA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 1/31/24 at 10 a.m. The session began with the university explaining its modifications to the union security, terms of agreement, discipline and discharge, management rights, and placement articles in their latest counters. A tentative agreement was reached on orientation. Following the discussion, both negotiation teams caucused. After returning from the caucus, tentative agreements were reached on union security, discipline and discharge, no strikes or lockouts, and emergencies and natural disasters. The university offered possible dates for the next session, and the union indicated that they would reply with their availability for those dates as soon as possible.

January 11, 2024: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 1/11/24. The session began with the university presenting counters on international employee rights and protections, grievance and arbitration, work and break room access, job opportunities, and expense reimbursement. Discussion ensued about these topics and, more generally, on compensation and the data underlying the university’s most recent economic proposal.

The two sides went into caucus, and when they returned, tentative agreements were reached on grievance and arbitration, job opportunities, and expense reimbursement. The union then presented counters on bargaining unit information, transportation, and health care. After discussion on these matters, the union asked for a short caucus. Upon returning, the two sides agreed on another bargaining date, 2/2/24, in addition to the 1/22/24 date that had already been scheduled.

December 19, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 12/19/23 at 11 a.m. The session began with the union asking questions about the university's work and breakroom practices in order to gather information for their counter-proposal on the subject. The union then shared a counter-proposal on International Employee Rights and Protections. The parties took a caucus.

After the caucus, the university asked follow-up questions regarding the International Employee Rights and Protections counter, which would allow time off for international travel to address visa issues, and a summer research award for international students only. The union then shared proposals on Adequate Teaching Resources, Timely Reimbursements, Union Hall, and Work and Break Room Access. The union then asked questions regarding the university's previous counter-proposal on Intellectual Property.

December 8, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session with the CWA was held at 10 a.m. on 12/8/23. The union began by asking several questions about the University's previous counters on health care and other benefits. After a short caucus, the two parties continued the conversation and then broke for another caucus. Subsequently, the union presented its counter on compensation and the university presented its counter on a package that combined “No Strikes or Lockouts” and “Discipline and Discharge.” After some discussion about these proposals and a more general conversation about completing other outstanding sections, the union asked for additional time to caucus. Upon return, the union asked several questions to clarify the University's proposals. The union agreed to meet on one of the two dates offered by the University; that session will be on 12/19/23.

November 28, 2023: CWA Union Update

A three-hour negotiation session took place on 11/28/23. The session started at 10:30 a.m. with a discussion of the university and union's perspectives on compensation. The parties were in caucus from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. When negotiations resumed, the University answered questions about previous proposals, and the union offered a new package that included No Strike and Discipline and Discharge proposals.  The union did not commit to additional negotiation sessions beyond the next session scheduled for 12/8/23.

November 21, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 11/21/23 from 9 a.m. until noon. The University responded to the union's economic proposals, including compensation and benefits. The union then asked for a caucus. When the negotiations resumed, the union asked many clarifying questions, which the University responded to. The union agreed to the University's offer to meet on 11/28/23 and 12/8/23 and said it would confirm scheduling other previously proposed dates later.

November 17, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 11/17/23. The session was scheduled from 3 to 6 p.m., but the union needed additional time to finalize its proposals. The session started at 3:45 p.m. and the union presented a package of proposals, including Management Rights, Economic Work Stoppage (in response to Fordham's No Strike Clause), Discipline and Discharge and Union Security and Dues Checkoff. The parties went into caucus for another hour following the union's presentation. When the session resumed, the University presented a counter proposal on Access to Resources. Fordham offered several additional bargaining dates at the last session, and the union agreed to provide its availability at the next session scheduled for 11/21/23.

November 9, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 11/9/23. The session began at 9:20 a.m. with the university presenting counter-proposals on Access to Resources, Job Opportunities and Break Rooms. The union asked several questions and then asked for a caucus that lasted over an hour.  Bargaining resumed at 11:15 a.m. The union offered counter-proposals on Grievance and Arbitration and Work and Break Rooms. The union asked additional questions about the university's counter-proposal on Access to Resources, focusing primarily on computers and office space. The session ended after the parties confirmed two additional sessions before Thanksgiving and the university offered additional dates through 1/4/2024.

October 31, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session with the CWA was held on 10/31/2023.  The session began at 3:20 p.m. with a tentative agreement on “Orientation for new Graduate Student Workers.” The union then asked questions about various topics, including previous university proposals. After a lengthy caucus, both sides returned to the session to continue discussions. The university presented counter proposals on “Grievance and Arbitration” and “Intellectual Property.” The union presented its own counter proposals on “Job Opportunities,” “Work and Break Room Access,” and “Access to Teaching Resources.” Discussion ensued, with each side offering clarification of the proposals that had been presented. Finally, there was a general discussion about the timetable for addressing open topics. Both sides agreed on the importance of building on recent progress and that the shared goal was to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

October 19, 2023: CWA Union Update

Another negotiation session was held on 10/19/2023 from 1-4 p.m. The session began with approximately 10 graduate student workers in attendance, and an additional 20 members joined after a union rally at the Lincoln Center campus.

The first hour of the session was spent responding to questions about the distinction between graduate student workers' dual role as both students and employees in the context of discipline and discharge.

The university then offered counter proposals on adequate teaching resources, orientation and international student workers. The union went into caucus for a little over an hour after asking several clarifying questions and expressing appreciation for these counters. 

Following the caucus, during the remaining thirty minutes, the union offered a counter-proposal on grievance and arbitration after asking some clarifying questions about the university's counter-proposals.

The next session is scheduled for 10/31/2023 from 3-6 p.m.

October 3, 2023: CWA Union Update

The Union began by presenting one new proposal (on academic freedom) and two counters (one on publicizing job opportunities for graduate student workers, and one on establishing an ongoing Labor-Management Committee). Discussion followed on a range of subjects. The Union asked questions about the University’s latest counter proposals on international student workers, while the University asked questions about previous proposals on orientation and tuition/fee waivers. After caucusing for about an hour, the negotiations resumed with each side providing additional information in response to some earlier questions. The Union offered new counters on international student workers and teaching resources. The University offered counters on the labor-management committee, job opportunities, orientation, academic freedom, and offered a new proposal on bargaining unit information. After another 30-minute caucus, the Union put forth a counter on orientation. They accepted the University’s counters on academic freedom and labor-management committee. On these two issues, therefore,  the parties had reached their first tentative agreements.

September 22, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 9/22/2023 at 3:00 p.m. Fordham and the Union reached a tentative agreement to increase pay this year for Teaching Associates (a category of graduate student workers) to match the raises that other categories of graduate student workers received.

Fordham presented counterproposals related to international students, grievance and arbitration, access to records, and job opportunities. There was a discussion in which the union asked Fordham to clarify its positions on discipline and discharge, management rights, and no strike/lockout. The union then presented a detailed proposal on health care. They also presented proposals on leaves of absence, retirement and transportation. The group went into caucus around 4:00 p.m. and resumed at 5:15 p.m. At that time, the union presented a new proposal on Fees and Tuition Waivers. After some discussions on the status of various requests for information, we concluded around 5:30 p.m.

September 7, 2023: CWA Union Update

A bargaining session was held on 9/7/23 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The University began by presenting a “package proposal” which made the acceptance of one proposal dependent on accepting all three proposals. The bundle included Management Rights, No Strike/No Lockout as well as Discipline and Discharge in which the University agreed to accept the union’s proposal to apply a "just cause" standard before a graduate student worker could be disciplined or discharged.

The Union then presented two new proposals concerning Orientation and establishing a “Union Hall” which would be a repository of information concerning available job opportunities at the University. The Union also offered a counter-proposal on Grievance and Arbitration. 

The parties then agreed to caucus. Approximately one hour and forty-five minutes later, the Union notified the University negotiation team that they were ready to resume bargaining. With the time remaining, the University responded to questions regarding its Discipline and Discharge counter-proposal and the University’s COVID-19 testing and masking protocols.