Pre-Law Timeline for FCLC Students

Get involved with student organizations: Join pre-law clubs on campus; they include the Pre-Law Society, the Mock Trial Team, and the Fordham Undergraduate Law Journal.
Think About Different Possible Majors: Start to think about your major; all majors are acceptable for law school.
Start to think about Legal Careers: Sign up for Handshake through Career Services to start to view legally related job postings
Take the Spring Pre-Law Symposium: This is a one- credit, pass-fail course open to FCRH and FCLC students offered on the Rose Hill campus, which is a great overview of legal careers and law schools admissions.
Work on Your GPA: Your GPA helps determine which law schools will accept you.
Sophomore Year
Choose a Major: Some of the more popular majors for pre-law students include Communications, Economics, English, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, but any major is fine for law school, so choose what interests you most!
Create an account on the Law School Admissions Council Website at
Look at the requirements for the 3-3 program and work towards fulfilling the requirements if you are thinking of applying to the 3-3 program, which is a program that enables you to obtain your undergraduate degree and law degree in 6 years, in conjunction with Fordham Law School.
Junior Year
Decide when you will take the LSAT (and/or GRE) exam. Many juniors take it in the spring or summer of junior year; you can also take it in the early fall of senior year. We do not recommend taking it any later than that, because law schools have rolling admissions. Register early for the LSAT to assure you will get a seat in your preferred location, and leave yourself up to six months to prepare for the exam. If you are planning to study abroad, adjust your LSAT prep so you will have time to study and take the exam.
Meet with your Pre-Law Advisor if you are applying to the 3-3 program and meet all of the requirements; a recommendation from the Pre-Law Advisor to the program is required for 3-3 applicants in advance of applying to the 3-3 program.
Attend the Fall NYC Law Forum sponsored by LSAC-this is a law fair with representatives from admissions offices of the different law schools.
Senior Year
Take the LSAT in the early fall of your senior year if you have not already taken it.
Follow the instructions on LSAC ( to order your transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Complete your main essay and supplemental essays for law school.
Meet with career services if you are planning to work in between college and law school and sign up for Handshake to view the job postings.
Contact your recommenders very early in the fall to give them sufficient time to write letters of recommendation.
Attend the LSAC NY Law Forum to meet law school admissions representatives.
Submit applications in the fall of your senior year. Because law schools have rolling admissions, applying earlier is usually better. We strongly recommend that you do not wait until the law school’s final application deadlines to submit applications.
Visit schools and go to admissions open houses to help you make your final decisions!