Jenna San Diego

Jenna San Diego

Major: Social Work

Bio: Jenna San Diego is a senior graduating from FCLC with a degree in Social Work and is also an experienced beekeeper. In her longtime experience caring for honeybees, she found common ground between her undergraduate studies and the practice of beekeeping. Jenna's interest in trauma relief through beekeeping stems from witnessing the magic of honeybees, and the effect it had on her life. She finds the teachings of bees to be something that is worth lending an ear to, and hopes that you will agree.

Title of Research: Colony: How Honeybees Can Teach Us to be Gentle With Each Other and Ourselves

Mentor: Dr. Susan Grossman, Department of Social Work

Abstract: When trauma takes place there is an understanding that some form of relief should be offered to the person who has experienced harm. That definition of relief is subjective to the individual, and for some, relief can simply mean finding comfort among those who express empathy and attempt to understand. In other words, through finding community. In past research conducted with veterans and their experiences with post-traumatic stress disorder, it is suggested that community is integral in the healing of trauma. One of the ways in which this was understood, was through the practice of beekeeping and its ability to connect like-minded individuals. Funded through the FCLC's Dean's Office, this research explores relief from trauma for other demographics in a similar approach through the practice of beekeeping, finding community, and the philosophy of honeybees.