University Withdrawal and Non-Medical Leave of Absence

Process and Important Information

FCRH students in good academic standing may, with the permission of his or her Class Dean, voluntarily withdraw from the University for non-medical or medical reasons, or take a leave of absence for non-medical reasons (i.e. employment, personal, family, and financial).

A separate process governs leaves of absence for physical or psychological health reasons.

  • Voluntary withdrawal from Fordham formally terminates your relationship as a student with the University. To return to FCRH, you would need to complete an abbreviated academic readmission process (assuming you withdrew in good academic standing). If you withdrew for a physical or psychological health reason, you would also need to complete the medical re-entry process through Student Affairs.

    You may voluntarily withdraw from the University during, prior to, or following a semester. Your Class Dean will evaluate what, if any, documentation (for example, a physician's letter) is required to process your withdrawal application.

    If you withdraw from the University during a semester, your Class Dean will determine, based on your individual circumstances, whether your course grades for the semester of withdrawal would be recorded as withdrawals with academic penalty (WF), or without academic penalty (W).

  • A Leave of Absence (non-medical) from Fordham temporarily pauses your enrollment as student for non-medical reasons. You remain a Fordham student who is simply not enrolled for the semesters of leave. For a non-medical leave of absence, returning to class often simply entails advance notification to your Class Dean of your intentions. You would then discuss your course registration plans with your Class Dean and/or academic advisor.

    You may only request that a non-medical leave of absence begin prior to, or following, an academic semester. A non-medical leave of absence may not begin during a semester.

  • If you are interested in pursuing one of these options, please contact your Class Dean to discuss your situation.

    The University Withdrawal and Leave of Absence (Non-Medical) Application is available for download. Read the form carefully, and consult the Fordham Undergraduate Bulletin for full details on College withdrawal and leave of absence policies.