Jenna Goldblatt '23

Major: International Studies and Environmental Studies
Bio: As a Fordham University student I am pursuing an International Studies and Environmental Studies Double Major on a Pre-Law track. Specifically, I am researching the effects of climate change on a global scale and how unethical decisions have heightened these effects for the world’s most disadvantaged groups.
Title of Research: Environmental Racism and Discriminatory Public Policy in the South and Northwest Bronx
Mentor: Ms. Vanessa Rotondo
Abstract: The Northwest and South Bronx have become increasingly gentrified, and public policy has undoubtedly contributed to the poor conditions that members of these communities must face. Specifically, systems of oppression have resulted in the increase in health risks for residents of these areas, especially due to the rise of powerful businesses pervading the Northwest and South Bronx. Considering the environmental injustices that compromise the living conditions of Bronx natives, the placement of institutions that contribute to pollution, such as waste management facilities, is a consequence of discriminatory public policy. Through our research we want to investigate the impacts on Bronx residents health as a result of environmental racism. Specifically, we hope to evaluate how Bronx residents are disproportionately affected by gentrification and have impacted the health and safety of Bronx residents. We aim to understand how government, both at the local and national levels, intervention, or lack thereof, has contributed to environmental racism throughout the Bronx. We will find this information by examining previously published data of health problems that Bronx residents face. Then we will work with Fordham professors and partner with local organizations to understand the history of this issue and understand current public policy. Finally, we will host interviews with local Bronx businesses to document the first hand accounts of Bronx natives affected by environmental racism.