2024 Participants

Racism: Psychological and Spiritual Impacts on Young Adults
and Their Sense of Belonging

The The Effects of Fetal Bovine Serum Concentration on Cell Senescence in WS1,
BJ, IMR-90 & CCD-1070SK Skin and Lung Fibroblasts

Exploring gene regions: ITS and Mat-k for identifying Brassica varieties
via DNA barcoding

Afrofuturism: The Black Body as an Immortal Canvas of Storytelling,
Resistance, and Mysticism

Does the Native Eastern Gray Squirrel Predate on the Invasive Spotted Lantern
on the Invasive Spotted Lanternfly?

Work to Live or Live to Work? How Work Culture Has Influenced Workers'
Rights in France and the United States

Exploring gene regions: ITS and Mat-k for identifying Brassica varieties via
DNA barcoding

The Persecution of Influential Albanians during the Communist Regime:
The Case of the Group of Deputies

Meeting People Where They Are: Tailoring Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises for a
Diverse World

The Formylation of Primary and Secondary Amine Hydrochloride Salts with
Triethyl Orthoformate

Balancing Act: Exploring the Link Between Role Demand and Mental Distress
Among Ethnic Minority Undergraduates

A Potential Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Route to Highly Functionalized
Aromatic Rings: An Approach toward the A-Ring of Pancratistatin.

The Effect of Marijuana Use on Appetite: A Literary Review of Cannabinoid
Hyperemesis Syndrome and the Endocannabinoid System

The Three2Six Program in Johannesburg: Teaching English to the Children of
Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Other Migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa

Crown and Tiara: An Instance of Papal-Royal Collusion in Combating Noble
Prerogatives in Thirteenth-Century Portugal

How Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, and Other Migrants Cope with Perceived Xenophobia
in Johannesburg Educational Environments.