Katheryn Roberson-Miranda

Assistant Professor
Division of Psychological and Educational Services
113 West 60th Street
[email protected]
Katheryn Roberson-Miranda completed her Ed.M. and M.A. in Psychological Counseling at Teacher’s College, Columbia University. She worked as a licensed mental health counselor in an outpatient clinic in New York City prior to returning to graduate school to complete her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University at Albany, SUNY. She has provided mental health treatment to children and adults across a variety of settings including, jails, outpatient clinics, and hospitals. Roberson-Miranda began engaging in research focused on racism and mental health disparities during her master’s program and continued this work through her post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute for Health Equity Research at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Roberson-Miranda’s current research program focuses on (1) stress reactions stemming from racial discrimination, (2) resilience and protective factors within communities of Color, and (3) factors which promote anti-racist activism. She is also interested in supervision research and is currently exploring the how perceptions of supervisor multicultural competency influence supervisee non-disclosure.
Roberson-Miranda is on the editorial boards for Psychiatric Quarterly and The Counseling Psychologist.
University at Albany/SUNY, Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology
University at Albany/SUNY, Certificate of Graduate Study in Health Disparities
Teachers College, Columbia University, Master of Education in Psychological Counseling
Teachers College, Columbia University, Master of Arts in Psychological Counseling
Marist College, Bachelor of Arts
Costello, Z., Roberson-Miranda, K., Ho, S., DePierro, J., Starkweather, S., Katz, C., Sharma, V., &
Marin, D. (2023) A resilience program for hospital security officers during the covid-19
pandemic using a community engagement model. Journal of Community Health.Hutman, H., Ellis, M., Moore, J., Roberson, K., McNamara, M., Peterson, L., Taylor, E., &
Zhou, S. (2023). Supervisees’ perspectives of inadequate, harmful, and
exceptional clinical supervision are we listening? The Counseling Psychologist,
0(0), 1-37.Moore, J., Roberson, K., Sewell, K. M., & Deimling Johns, L. (2023). Knowledge mobilization in clinical supervision – An autoethnographic analysis of creating the clinical supervision connection podcast. The Clinical Supervisor, 42(1), 69-95.
Gourley, M., Starkweather, S., Roberson, K., Katz, C. L., Marin, D., Costello, Z., & DePierro, J. (2023). Supporting faith-based communities through and beyond the pandemic: The building community resilience project. Journal of Community Health.
Pieterse, A. L., Roberson, K., Garcia, R., & Carter, R. (2022). Racial discrimination and trauma symptoms: Further support for the race-based traumatic stress symptom scale. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Roberson, K. & Carter, R. T. (2022). The relationship between race-based traumatic stress and the trauma symptom checklist: Does racial trauma differ in symptom presentation? Traumatology, 28(1), 120–128.
Roberson, K. & Pieterse, A. (2021). Internalized racism and self-esteem: Do depressive symptoms matter? Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(3), 531–536.
Scharff, A., Roberson, K., Sutherland, M. E., & Boswell, J. F. (2021). Black therapists working with Black clients: Intervention use and caseload preferences. Practice Innovations, 6(2), 77-88.
Carter, R. T., Roberson, K., & Johnson, V. (2020). Race-based stress in White adults: Exploring the role of White racial identity status attitudes and type of racial events. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 48(2), 95-107.
Carter, R. T., Johnson, V. E., Kirkinis, K., Roberson, K., Muchow, C., & Galgay, C. (2018). A meta-analytic review of racial discrimination: Relationships to health and culture. Race and Social Problems, 11(1), 15-32.
Carter, R. T., Johnson, V., Roberson, K., Mazzula, S., Sant-Barket, S., & Kirkinis, K. (2017). Race-based traumatic stress symptoms, racial identity statuses, and psychological functioning: An exploratory investigation. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48(1), 30-37.
(PSGE 5625) Theories Family Counseling: Assessment & Intervention
(PSGE 6650) Ethics and Professional Issues in Counseling
(PSGE 7640) Psychology of Career Development
(PSGE 8672) Social & Ethical Responsibility in Counseling Psychology