Cristina Finocchi Mahne

Cristina Finocchi Mahne has over 20 years of experience as a C-suite executive and board member of blue-chip financial firms and top consulting firms. She has been an independent board member of companies publicly listed in Italy/USA ( finance, consumer discretionary, green energy/infrastructure, telco towers).
She is adjunct professor of sustainability strategies at the Faculty of Banking, Financial and Insurance Sciences, and is a member of the scientific committee of CSEA (Center for Applied Economics) at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. Mahne also is a lecturer on international corporate governance at the Luiss Business School in Milan. She was adjunct professor of advanced business administration at the Department of Economics and Law at La Sapienza University in Rome.
As an economist, she is a member of the scientific committee of Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation—Vatican City. She also co-founded the Italian chapter of Women Corporate Directors Foundation (WCD)-USA in 2012, and she is now member of its Visionary Award global steering committee and co-chair Italy.
Mahne is an independent director and lead director/chair of board committees of publicly traded and private companies including Maire Tecnimont and Dexelance. In all her executive and non-executive roles, she has been dealing proactively with ESG sustainability matters since 1999.
Mahne is a speaker at national and international conferences/seminars, and is an author of books and articles on corporate governance and ESG sustainability at large.
She holds an MBA from the Luiss Business School, and in 2003 was awarded their Distinguished Executive Award. In 2007, she received the Best-in-Class award from La Sapienza University, where she holds a degree in economics and business.