Literacy Education MSE

Grades 5-12
Please Note: Admission to the Literacy Education MSE program for the 2025 application cycle has been suspended.
Degree: Master of Science in Education (M.S.E.)
Credits: 30
Career Path: Literacy Specialist, Grades 5-12
Start Semester: Any
Campus: Lincoln Center
Full-time/Part-time: Both
Program activities emphasize clinically-rich experiences, evidence-based practices, and technology-infused learning activities. Literacy candidates’ growing understanding of theories of multiple literacies across the curriculum sponsor authentic learning and assessment experiences.
Recognizing that literacy is a multi-faceted tool which enriches learning in all subject areas, we draw on the new literacies lens to integrate technology into innovative and traditional traditional learning activities. The program enhances teachers’ understandings of reading-writing-listening-speaking visualizing performing connections.
Graduates are proficient in promoting the effective use of skills and strategies with students from diverse backgrounds who become confident, independent, successful lifelong learners.
Candidates are typically teachers, teacher assistants, or literacy specialists serving in local schools, attending the program on a part-time basis while some enrollees are full-time students.
Program Prerequisites
Candidates must provide evidence of initial/provisional or permanent/professional certification or the equivalent as a teacher of adolescent grades (e.g.: English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, TESOL, Special Education).
Candidates must also provide evidence of having completed 6 credits in language and/or literacy education and six credits in special/inclusive education. Those who have not fulfilled these prerequisites may complete them concurrently with enrollment in the program.
Admissions Information
Deadlines: Applications are reviewed throughout the year. Browse the Admissions section for more about the application and financial aid processes.
Fieldwork Requirements
Two field-based supervised practicum experiences are capstones to the program. Additional fieldwork is required as related to individual coursework.
Program Curriculum
Browse course schedules and descriptions and review a list of courses.
Certification Information
Our Master's degree program leads to University endorsement for NYS certification as Literacy Specialist, Grades 5-12.
The Advanced Literacy Program is nationally recognized, having met the professional standards established by the International Reading Association, and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Programs are open to all who qualify; however, only U.S. citizens or international students who possess a U.S. Green Card or H1-B visa may be recommended for New York State teacher certification.
GSE Admissions
[email protected]

Birth-Grade 6
Please Note: Admission to the Literacy Education MSE program for the 2025 application cycle has been suspended.
Degree: Master of Science in Education (M.S.E.)
Credits: 30
Career Path: Literacy Specialist, Birth-Grade 6
Start Semester: Any
Campus: Lincoln Center
Full-time/Part-time: Both
Recognizing that literacy is a multi-faceted tool which enriches learning in all subject areas, we draw on the new literacies lens to integrate technology into innovative and traditional learning activities. Program activities emphasize clinically-rich experiences, evidence based practices, and technology-infused learning activities.
The program enhances teachers' understandings of reading-writing-listening-speaking-visualizing-performing connections. Graduates are proficient in promoting the effective use of skills and strategies with students from diverse backgrounds who become confident, independent, successful lifelong learners. Candidates are typically teachers, teacher assistants, or literacy specialists serving in local schools.
Program Prerequisites
Candidates must provide evidence of initial/provisional or permanent/professional certification or the equivalent as an early childhood/childhood, TESOL, or special education teacher. Candidates must also provide evidence of having completed 9 credits in language and/or literacy education and six credits in specific/inclusive education.
Those who have not fulfilled these prerequisites may complete them concurrently with enrollment in the program.
Admissions Information
Deadlines: Applications are reviewed throughout the year. Browse the Admissions section for more about the application and financial aid processes.
Fieldwork Requirements
Two field-based supervised practicum experiences are capstones to the program. Additional fieldwork is required as related to individual coursework.
Program Curriculum
Browse course schedules and descriptions and review a list of courses.
Certification Information
Our master's degree program leads to University endorsement for NYS certification as Literacy Specialist, Birth to Grade 6.
The Childhood Language and Literacy Program is nationally recognized, having met the professional standards established by the International Reading Association, and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education.
GSE Admissions
[email protected]