Semester Withdrawals

Need to withdraw from a semester study abroad program?

Complete the Study Abroad Withdrawal Form

All withdrawal requests must be made by the student through submission of the Study Abroad Withdrawal Form to [email protected] and are effective on the date they are received by the Office of International and Study Abroad Programs.

For those students participating in an undergraduate Fordham-run semester or an exchange program, the following withdrawal and refund policies apply:

Students who withdraw from study abroad prior to the following dates may do so without paying withdrawal fees:

June 1 for undergraduate fall semester programs

October 1 for undergraduate spring semester programs

The Application Fee is non-refundable except in circumstances when the University cancels your study abroad program.

$500 withdrawal fee will be charged to your student account.

Tuition is charged by and paid to the Office of Student Accounts. Tuition rates, payment options, and the University’s tuition refund policy are available online at the Student Accounts Website.

Program Fee and/or Housing Fee: Sixty (60) days prior to the published start of the study abroad program orientation, the Program Fee and/or Housing Fee may be fully refundable with the exception of any non-recoverable costs*. Thirty (30) to fifty-nine (59) days prior to the start of the orientation, 25 percent of the program and/or housing fee may be refunded with the exception of any non-recoverable costs*. Less than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the orientation, no refund will be issued.

For students participating in an exchange program, the tuition refund policy above will apply, but non-tuition expenses are subject to your host school's refund policy.

Students who leave at the start or during the study abroad program, or who are dismissed from the program by Fordham University will not receive a Program Fee and/or Housing Fee refund and are responsible for paying their own travel expenses.

*Non-recoverable costs - Please note that Fordham University makes a financial commitment to our partners abroad on behalf of students after signing the electronic commitment form in the Study Abroad Portal. If a student withdraws or is withdrawn from the program and/or from arranged housing, only a partial refund may be issued. In the event that a refund is not possible, you will be liable for full program costs and will be billed accordingly.

*For students participating in a Fordham Partner program not administered by Fordham University, the refund policy of the sponsoring organization for program fees and housing will apply and Fordham will bill you any non-refundable costs.  The application fee you pay to  Fordham University is non-refundable and you will be charged a $500 withdrawal fee in addition to any non-refundable costs charged by the sponsoring organization. Please complete the Study Abroad Withdrawal Form above to initiate the withdrawal process.