Brenna Moore
Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Modern Catholic Thought, Gender and Religion, Theological Anthropology
Michael Peppard
Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Theology, New Testament, Early Christian Studies, Gospels, Parables, Christology, Religion and Politics, Papyrology, Coptic Stud
Kathryn Reklis
Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Theology, Protestant Christianity, Media and Religion, Religion and Pop Culture, Colonialism, Decolonialism
Magda Teter
Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Judaic Studies, Jewish History, Jewish-Christian Relations, Early Modern History
Christiana Zenner
Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Theology, Science and Ethics, Religion and Ecology, and Environmental Studies, Moral Theology, Laudato Si', Laudate Deum