Pre-Business Program for FCLC Students

Pre-Business Initiative
The pre-business program brings resources, faculty, employers, and alumni together to offer services to liberal arts students pursuing business careers. The Pre-Business Program is an initiative of Fordham College at Lincoln Center intended to inform students of the usefulness of a liberal arts degree in the job market. Over the past three years, the Pre-Business Program has introduced and connected students with alumni and potential employers who have recently experienced the employment search and interview process. The overall purpose is to support our students and add another resource that may complement their academic pursuits and career planning/placement within the business sector.
The pre-business program hosts two events each semester, bringing students together with community partners and recent Fordham alumni. It recently introduced a "speed networking" program that allows one-on-one interaction with our students and panelists. A bio is prepared and distributed allowing students to select a mentor that may complement their own professional interests.
Panelists include young professionals who have Fordham degrees in psychology, economics, English, theatre, communication and media studies, international studies, Spanish, and theology. The guests are employed at a range of organizations including Nickelodeon, The Deal, Morgan Stanley, Blackrock, Newsweek, and International Business Times.
Minor in Business Administration
Fordham College at Lincoln Center students who are planning to pursue a business career and/or a graduate business degree can pursue a business minor in conjunction with the Gabelli School of Business. The minor offers broad background preparation and some pre-requisites for admission to MBA programs. We offer accounting, finance, marketing, management, statistics and computer management courses. Credits for up to six business courses may be applied to graduation requirements.
To fulfill the requirements for the minor, students must take:
- Liberal Arts Courses: Fordham College at Lincoln Center
- ECON 1100 - Basic Macroeconomics
- ECON 1200 - Basic Microeconomics
- ECON 2140 - Statistics I or MATH 3007 Statistics or PSYC2000 Statistics or SOCI 2851 Methods in
Social Research I or SSCI 2606 Social Science Statistics
- Gabelli School of Business Courses
- ACBU 2222 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
- CBBU1001 -The Ground Floor
Choose two of the following courses:
- INSY 2300- Information Systems
- CMBU 2665- Business Communications
- BLBU 2234- Legal Framework of Business
- FNBU 3221 Financial Management (ACBU 2222 is a prerequisite)
- MGBU 3223- Principles of Management
- MKBU 3225 - Marketing Principles
Choose one additional course in accounting, or an advanced course in either of the two business areas in which you have previously taken a course listed above (e.g. If finance is one of the areas selected, the fourth business course could be FNBU 4200 Financial Management of Multinational Firms)
Total: eight courses