Additional Search Engines and Websites for Career Development

Job Search Engines
"One search. All jobs." Indeed is the Google for the job-search. Indeed pulls job postings from all sorts of websites and job-boards.
LinkUp searches company websites and other job boards to pull together one list of results for your job search. General job-search engine.
"Helping you find, land, and love your social impact career." Look for jobs, internship and volunteer work with various non-profit organizations.
Job-board for media related industries. Sections include publishing, radio, television, advertising, social media and more.
New York Foundation of the Arts' job board posts full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities.
Use LinkedIn's Jobs feature to search for both jobs and internships within the world's largest professional network.

Internship-Specific Search Engines

Free Fashion Internships
Website where you can log in through social media usernames and then begin applying to internships within the fashion industry (couture, action sports, design, PR, etc.).
Lauren Berger’s website with internship opportunities, tips on how to prepare, and blog entries on the world of work.

Magazine/Publishing Search Engines

Finance Search Engines

Technology/Start-Up Search Engines

Education Job Search Resources

See our list of resources for students interested in education.

Athlete Network

An online community created specifically to help student-athletes in launching their careers.

Interview Prep

BigInterview helps you learn and practice your interview skills, whether you are interviewing for a job, internship, or graduate school.

GMAT/GRE Practice Tests
Whether you have 5 minutes for a pop quiz, 20 minutes for a quick workout, or a free afternoon for a full-length, proctored GRE or GMAT practice test, Kaplan has you covered.

Salary Negotiation Help
PayScale's team of career and compensation experts have put together a free, easy-to-follow Salary Negotiation Guide that's perfect for college students who are about to embark on their careers and want to start off earning the salary they deserve.

Cost of Living Calculator
This is a great tool for students who will soon enter the workforce and want to know what they can expect to earn in different cities. This calculator uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to show how income potential differs across geographic locations, by occupation choice, along with in-depth cost and demographic data.

Resume Screener
Have you ever heard that some companies scan applicant's resumes for percent of words matching those in their job description? lets you copy and paste your resume on one side of the screen, and a job description on the other. Then, it gives you the percent of keywords and skills that match in both documents, along with suggested improvements to increase the match percentage. This website is designed to give candidates an edge over applicant tracking systems, and gives users 5 free scans a month with the basic version.