Elissa Aminoff
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Biopsychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroimaging Techniques, Psychophysics
Rachel Annunziato
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Psychology, Bullying, Overprotective Parents, Pediatric Healthcare Management, Medication Adherence in Pediatric Patients
Lisa Cataldo
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Psychoanalysis, Trauma, PTSD, Psychology and Religion, Theology
Dean McKay
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: OCD, Psychology, Anxiety, Misophonia, Pandemic-realated Stress, COVID-19 Stress
Barry Rosenfeld
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Pschology, Stalkers, Mass Shootings, Risk Triage, Forensic Assessment, Suicide Risk in Terminally Ill Patients, Trauma in Immigr
Harold Takooshian
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Psychology, Urban Studies, Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Psychometrics, Social psychology
Tiffany Yip
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Ethnic Identity Development, Ethnic-Specific Stressors, Social Development