Real Estate Summer Courses

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REAL-1008-V11- Principles of Real Estate Finance
Summer Session 1, May 27, 2025 - June 26, 2025
Online: MTWR, 06:00PM - 09:00PM

This course offers students a comprehensive orientation to how residential and commercial properties are financed and analyzed. It covers the investment property income statement, income and expense analysis, time value of money concepts, discounted cash flow analysis, capitalization theory, forms of debt and equity finance, mortgage concepts and terminology, mortgage instruments, equity concepts, and investment analysis. The course also introduces students to the broader real estate capital markets, securitization, the sources and uses of real estate funds, components of a capital structure, and the role of government in real estate finance.

CRN: 16012

Instructor: Gardella, Derek
3 credits

Fordham course attributes:

Classes listed as either Lincoln Center or Rose Hill will meet on-campus only.

Classes listed as "Online" during Session I or II will meet synchronously online during their scheduled meeting times. Students in different time zones should plan accordingly. Session III online courses are asynchronous (exceptions are noted in course descriptions).

Hybrid courses will meet in person on campus at the times indicated; additional online work will also be required.