Emily Krebs

Emily Krebs 240

Emily Krebs is an Assistant Professor of Health and Culture housed in Communication and Media Studies at Fordham. Their research addresses health communication topics from critical cultural perspectives. Specifically, Krebs focuses on the intersections of mad justice, critical suicidology, and psychiatric violence in the USA. 
Krebs, E. (2022). Queering the desire to die: Access intimacy as worldmaking for survival. Journal of Homosexuality. Special Issue on Queer Relationality. Advance online publication.
Krebs, E. (2022). A sour taste of crip chronicity: Pandemic time and the “return to normal.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 19(2), 119-126.
Krebs, E. (2020). Combatting the ills of involuntary intake: A critical rhetorical analysis of Colorado’s state psychiatric policies. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 48(3), 310-327.
Krebs, E. (2019). 13 Reasons Why as a vehicle for public understandings of suicide. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 37(2), 188-200.