Marilyn Bisberg

Marilyn Bisberg, M.S. Early Childhood Special Education, is a clinical faculty in the Graduate School of Education. As an advisor and professor, she has focused her attention on teacher preparation, both pedagogically and practically. She integrates contemporary ideas such as a focus on infants/toddlers, adult capacities, social and emotional learning, executive function and emotional intelligence into coursework for preservice teachers. Marilyn Bisberg has worked as a special educator with children, birth to 4.9 years, and their families for over more than two decades. She brings accumulated knowledge across ages, socio-economics, various disabilities, methodology, funding sources and delays to education theory and students practical understanding of teaching all children.
In Fordham News:
School Shootings Spur Need for Social and Emotional Education for Teachers
Staff Collaboration in Schools Benefits Social-Emotional Health of Students