Rename Pages

Terminalfour custom title and heading fieldsWe ask that you do not rename pages without informing the web team. Renaming pages will cause an issue with the mapping document and will lead to broken pages.

Please make a list of pages that need to be renamed and share it with the web team so redirects can be put in place.

By default, the Page Title and the Heading on the page will be the Name of the page. Do not edit this section.

**The page URL is dependent upon the Name field. Changing the name will change the page URL and may cause a broken link.


Custom Fields

Under "Advanced settings", there are also two additional fields: Custom Page Title and Custom Heading.

Custom Page Title will text will display as the title of the tab when you hover over it in the browser. This text assists with search engine optimization.

Custom Heading will display as the Heading 1 tag/Title of the page.

Navigation and Page Title sample