Create New Pages

  • In the Site Structure, navigate to where you want to build out your new section/page, and click on the blue "Actions" button on the right-hand side
  • Select "Create Section"
  • Fill out the "Name" field to name the page
  • At the bottom of the page, click on "Save Changes"
  • In the Site Structure, navigate to where you built the new section/page and click on it
  • Click on the "Content" tab
  • Click on the green "Add Content" button in the upper right to begin customizing your page

Insert Meta Description and Keywords

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is your page’s ranking in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Metadata is the descriptive text that appears in search engines.

The metadata description should clearly identify what the page is about and should be about 140 characters.

How to Insert Metadata - For Moderators

  • When you create a new page, click the "More" tab
  • Click "Metadata"
  • Insert metadata in the "Description" field
    (This text appears in search engines)
  • Insert related keywords separated by commas
  • Click "Save Changes"

Contributors will not see the "More" tab. It is best practice for each area to create a Google spreadsheet on the Shared Drive and list the description for each newly created page. This document should be shared with Moderators in your areas so they can add the meta description to the new pages.

Metadata description and Keyword fields

Consider the keywords users might enter into a search engine to find the content and integrate them into the page copy.

Be sure to repeat descriptive keywords throughout the page and include descriptive keywords in the page title.